Introducing Mailbird 3.0

Introducing Mailbird 3.0


8 месяцев назад

10,298 Просмотров

Our most substantial upgrade in more than eight years, Mailbird 3.0 is a culmination of your dedication to email, collaboration, and productivity.

Mailbird 3.0 comes with an exciting redesign and is packed with new robust features, giving you the power to customize Mailbird to seamlessly match your unique work style.

You now have even more control over your email experience.

Embrace the future of email. Get Mailbird 3.0 today!


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Mailbird is an award-winning, reliable, and quick email management software that allows you to save time managing your emails all in one space with the best email client for Windows & Mac.

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Really Stupid
Really Stupid - 11.11.2023 14:42

I cannot believe the arrogant audacity with which they are attempting to pull this off!!!

A Pro/Business license, originally a $499 value, which was supposed to be "Valid Forever", will now be defunct by the end of 2024!
Version 2 will no longer receive updates, security, maintenance or otherwise, after 2024, and is not even guaranteed to function properly after that time!
You can no longer download a version 2 installer, offline or otherwise, so, if you had to perform a clean install of your OS, you're screwed!

Then..., they want me to pay $42.99CAD for a version 3 upgrade, plus $25.99CAD EVERY YEAR for Lifetime Updates!

Version 3 doesn't even have any significant improvements as far as features and functionality are concerned!

To top it all off, they attempt no concessions whatsoever for loyal Pro users, just lame apology after lame apology!
This is so wrong on so many levels!!!

RedrOrdeR - 10.11.2023 18:51

And they ban people on their facebook. Also remove and hide comments there too. Its shame to those guys who need to take part in crime when they bosses say. They cant write here what they really want. Sorry to you support guys. Hope your salary is so big enough this is worth it.

Grzegorz - 09.11.2023 17:54

They delete/hidden negative comments. Sad.

AiCaNode - 09.11.2023 10:35

Now they are deleting comments about screwing over the lifetime customers, really classy company this. STAY AWAY.

Steven - 08.11.2023 20:45

When I purchase a lifetime license, I expected it to be exactly that.

Why would I purchase a "lifetime" license for "Mailbird 3.0", when your company can just release 4.0 and pull the same stunt? This is no different than companies who sell products with "lifetime warranties", and then choose not to honor the warranty after a few years. It's deceptive, unethical, and in my honest opinion, a scam.

I first purchased a Mailbird license back in 2013 when this company first started. I took a chance on the company because they were new and seemed like they had promise.
I never had to upgrade for "Mailbird 2.0", and my early adoption was rewarded as eventually the product went from being an unusable, memory-eating piece of trash, to something that was usable and beautiful.

That being said, Mailbird offers nothing that is truly unique when compared to other alternatives in this day and age, and due to this, I will be moving to an open-source alternative.

- The Em client offers nearly everything Mailbird does but for free.
- Outlook has come a long ways, and already has planned GPT integration.
- Thunderbird no longer looks like the hideous tool it used to be, and is now quite beautiful and customizable.

I encourage others to look into alternatives. It's time for this bird to fly elsewhere.

alexrinse - 07.11.2023 21:59

Hi, please could you tell me how long the lifetime licences last for?

Lycomedes - 07.11.2023 21:02

I discovered Mailbird today, and I find it far superior to Thunderbird (buggy, bad UI) and Outlook (no unified inbox or even a compact list of accounts where you can see which ones have new mail, and in dark mode the loading screen is still jarringly bright).

According to the comments here, your "lifetime" license is not really a lifetime license. It only lasts until your next release, at which point I'll have to pay for the upgrade. This has made me think twice about making the purchase.

(Finally, the music track in this video is really loud and obnoxious. Wasn't expecting that.)

J. T.
J. T. - 07.11.2023 13:21

Grenzt schon an "verarsche"

Bryan Siverly
Bryan Siverly - 06.11.2023 18:10

Add me to the growing chorus of "lifetime" users who are ticked off. Never really in love with your product, but I paid for it and stuck with it. Now off to something else after being nagged in the client for 3 straight days to pay again for this lackluster upgrade. Best of luck to you. I'm out.

Sola Scriptura
Sola Scriptura - 05.11.2023 18:56

Irrespective of all innovations and so-called improvements, it must be clear: A one-sided redefinition of the term 'lifetime', which occurs post-sale, is under no circumstances legitimate and constitutes a clear breach of trust that cannot be accepted.

A version change in software—from 2.0 to 3.0—is not a trivial step. It implies drastic changes: revolutionary features, significant performance enhancements, perhaps even a completely new user experience. But what exactly justifies this radical cut in Mailbird? What has been fundamentally improved to not only deserve a new version number but also forces reinvestment?

Best practices demand clear answers here, not marketing phrases. When a company suddenly redefines the term 'Lifetime', it's not just a matter of product development, but one of ethical business practice. It's about trust, reliability, and respect for contractual agreements. An upgrade to a new version should not become a backdoor for contract breaches.

Customers have invested in Mailbird under the premise of a 'Lifetime License'. No fine print, no backdoors—that was the deal. Should Mailbird now decide to change the rules retrospectively, it's not innovation, but a clear disregard for customer interests and rights. It's time for Mailbird to come clean: Do they stand by their promises or was 'Lifetime' just an empty word?

The announced 'innovations' of Mailbird 3.0 appear as a mixture of cosmetic adjustments and functional additions that could represent welcome improvements, yet still raise the question of whether they actually justify a complete version leap. A 'fresh and modern redesign' of the user interface and 'beautiful new backgrounds' are aesthetic changes that can enhance user experience, but hardly affect the fundamental functionality of the program.

The integration of AI-generated email templates and responses is a step towards modern email management, but is this a feature that exceeds the definition of a 'Lifetime License' and its expectation? 'Block Sender' and 'Inbox Categories' are useful, but not groundbreaking tools that have been standard in many other email clients for a long time.

In terms of adhering to business promises, these features are not sufficient to regain the trust of customers who have invested in a 'Lifetime License'. The expectation was that Mailbird would be continuously improved without additional costs for already promised services.

The fundamental question remains as to how these features justify a version change from 2.0 to 3.0, and why existing 'Lifetime' customers are being overcharged for an update that in substance does not even represent radical improvement, but rather a natural evolution of the product—something one would normally have expected from a 'Lifetime License'.

Mailbird must face the fact that such an approach not only angers customers but also damages its own business model and credibility in the long run. Customers are demanding not just clarity, but also adherence to contracts. Mailbird is not only obliged to explain here but above all to act.

Mayer - 04.11.2023 15:22

Mailbird: Beautiful Emails, Ugly Business Practices: Despite any improvements or so-called enhancements, it must be clear: a unilateral redefinition of 'lifetime' after the sale is under no circumstances legitimate and represents a clear breach of trust that cannot be tolerated.

A version change in software – from 2.0 to 3.0 – is not a trivial step. It implies significant changes: revolutionary features, substantial performance improvements, perhaps even a completely new user experience. But what exactly justifies this radical cut at Mailbird? What has been so fundamentally improved that it not only deserves a new version number but also forces reinvestment?

Best practices demand clear answers here, not marketing phrases. When a company suddenly redefines 'lifetime', it is not just a matter of product development, but one of ethical business practice. It's about trust, reliability, and respect for contractual agreements. Upgrading to a new version should not become a backdoor to contract breaches.

Customers have invested in Mailbird under the premise of a 'Lifetime License'. No fine print, no backdoors – that was the deal. If Mailbird now decides to change the rules of the game retroactively, this is not innovation, but a clear disregard for customer interests and rights. It's time for Mailbird to show its true colors: does it stand by its promises, or was 'Lifetime' just an empty word?

The announced 'new features' of Mailbird 3.0 appear as a mix of cosmetic adjustments and functional additions that could represent welcome improvements but nevertheless raise the question of whether these actually justify a full version jump. A 'fresh and modern redesign' of the user interface and 'beautiful new backgrounds' are aesthetic changes that can improve the user experience but hardly affect the fundamental functionality of the program.

The integration of AI-generated email templates and replies is a step towards modern email management, but is this a function that exceeds the definition of a 'Lifetime License' and its expected scope? 'Block Sender' and 'Inbox Categories' are useful but not groundbreaking tools that have long been standard in many other email clients.

In terms of keeping business promises, these features are not sufficient to regain the trust of customers who have invested in a 'Lifetime License'. The expectation was that Mailbird would be continuously improved without additional costs for services already promised.

The fundamental question remains as to how these features justify a version change from 2.0 to 3.0 and why existing 'Lifetime' customers should be overcharged for an update that doesn't even represent a radical improvement, but rather a natural evolution of the product – something that would normally have been expected from a 'Lifetime License'.

Mailbird must face the fact that such an approach not only angers customers but also damages its own business model and credibility in the long term. Customers demand not only clarity but also compliance with contracts. Mailbird is not only obliged to explain but above all to act.

Sola Scriptura
Sola Scriptura - 04.11.2023 15:18

Ungeachtet aller Neuerungen und sogenannten Verbesserungen muss klar sein: Eine einseitige Umdefinition des Begriffs 'lebenslang', die nach dem Verkauf stattfindet, ist unter keinen Umständen legitim und stellt einen klaren Vertrauensbruch dar, der nicht hingenommen werden kann.

Ein Versionswechsel bei Software – von 2.0 auf 3.0 – ist kein trivialer Schritt. Er impliziert gravierende Änderungen: revolutionäre Funktionen, signifikante Leistungssteigerungen, vielleicht sogar ein völlig neues Nutzererlebnis. Aber was genau rechtfertigt bei Mailbird diesen radikalen Schnitt? Was wurde so grundlegend verbessert, dass es nicht nur eine neue Versionsnummer verdient, sondern auch eine Neuinvestition erzwingt?

Die Best Practices verlangen hier klare Antworten, keine Marketingphrasen. Wenn ein Unternehmen den Begriff 'Lebenslang' plötzlich umdefiniert, ist das nicht nur eine Frage der Produktentwicklung, sondern eine der ethischen Geschäftspraxis. Es geht um Vertrauen, Verlässlichkeit und den Respekt vor vertraglichen Vereinbarungen. Ein Upgrade auf eine neue Version darf nicht zur Hintertür für Vertragsbrüche werden.

Kunden haben in Mailbird investiert, unter der Prämisse einer 'Lifetime License'. Kein Kleingedrucktes, keine Hintertüren – das war der Deal. Sollte Mailbird sich nun entscheiden, die Spielregeln nachträglich zu ändern, ist das keine Innovation, sondern eine klare Missachtung der Kundeninteressen und -rechte. Es ist an der Zeit, dass Mailbird Farbe bekennt: Steht man zu seinen Versprechen oder ist 'Lifetime' nur ein leeres Wort gewesen?

Die angekündigten 'Neuerungen' von Mailbird 3.0 erscheinen als eine Mischung aus kosmetischen Anpassungen und funktionalen Ergänzungen, die zwar willkommene Verbesserungen darstellen könnten, aber dennoch die Frage aufwerfen, ob diese tatsächlich einen vollständigen Versionssprung rechtfertigen. Eine 'frische und moderne Neugestaltung' der Benutzeroberfläche und 'schöne neue Hintergründe' sind ästhetische Änderungen, die zwar die Benutzererfahrung verbessern können, aber kaum die grundlegende Funktionsweise des Programms beeinflussen.

Die Integration von KI-generierten E-Mail-Vorlagen und Antworten ist ein Schritt in Richtung moderner E-Mail-Verwaltung, doch ist dies eine Funktion, die die Definition einer 'Lifetime License' und deren Erwartungshaltung übersteigt? 'Block Sender' und 'Inbox Categories' sind nützliche, aber keine bahnbrechenden Tools, die in vielen anderen E-Mail-Clients seit Langem Standard sind.

In Bezug auf die Einhaltung von Geschäftsversprechen sind diese Features nicht ausreichend, um das Vertrauen der Kunden zurückzugewinnen, die in eine 'Lifetime License' investiert haben. Die Erwartung war, dass Mailbird kontinuierlich verbessert wird, ohne zusätzliche Kosten für bereits versprochene Leistungen.

Es bleibt die fundamentale Frage, wie diese Features einen Versionswechsel von 2.0 auf 3.0 rechtfertigen und warum bestehende 'Lifetime'-Kunden für ein Update übervorteilt werden, das in seiner Substanz nicht einmal radikale Verbesserung darstellt, sondern eher eine natürliche Evolution des Produkts ist – etwas, das man normalerweise von einer 'Lifetime License' erwartet hätte.

Mailbird muss sich der Tatsache stellen, dass solch ein Vorgehen nicht nur Kunden verärgert, sondern auch das eigene Geschäftsmodell und die Glaubwürdigkeit auf lange Sicht beschädigt. Die Kunden fordern nicht nur Klarheit, sondern auch die Einhaltung von Verträgen. Mailbird steht hier nicht nur in der Pflicht, zu erklären, sondern vor allem auch zu handeln.

Alba Faireness
Alba Faireness - 04.11.2023 15:01

I've been a loyal Mailbird Pro/Business user since it's inception.
I have a screen clipping of 'About Mailbird' that reads:
'Your license is valid forever'

I hold you, (Mailbird), accountable for that!

BearBull - 03.11.2023 17:04

Anygood alternatives for windows in 2023? I have 4 mailboxes at different vendors.

Saad Asif
Saad Asif - 03.11.2023 16:29

Avoid like the plague. Corrupt business practice
I have been using mail bird for a while and I was happy with the email client. I therefore paid for a life time pro license. However now they have released mail bird 3.0 and want me to pay more for it, even though I have a life time license. When I reached out to mail bird support, they back peddled to explain why I had to pay more for mail bird 3.0. The shocking thing is that they also advised that I can keep using mail bird 2.0 however they can not guarantee whether it will continue to work in the future. Therefore my life time license isn't worth anything. Avoid this company like the plague. They extort you for money and don't care about their loyal customers. Congratulations mail bird, you have alienated your loyal customers that paid for the development of mail bird 3.0 only to be further extorted later on. Absolutely pathetic.

Jose Ángel Adames Adames
Jose Ángel Adames Adames - 03.11.2023 02:53

Es una verguenza esto que han hecho, ofrecer licencias con actualizaciones de por vida para luego cobrar por la 3. Lo peor es que solo daran actualizaciones de la version 2, hasta finales del 2024. Estan haciendo lo mismo que filmora, por mi parte regreso a Thunderbird, han perdido muchos clientes de años por hacer esta estafa, lo pueden ver en los comentarios de facebook, reddit, X. Se viene una demanda colectiva.

Uber Pwnager
Uber Pwnager - 03.11.2023 00:02

Well this is awful, honestly doesn't surprise me noways how many scummy business practices there are. I also bought a lifetime license and, I've read in comments feel personalty attacked. Guess I'm heading back to Thunderbird in the new year when they cancel support for 2.x, You lost yourself a customer and recommendation, I'm sick and tired of subscription services.

III - 02.11.2023 21:30

Outlook for windows is great these days. Just switched, because I won't pay "lifetime" again. It was a pleaure to use Mailbird. But lying to clients is a no-go for me.

Benny - 02.11.2023 08:22

Calling a yearly subscription to updates "lifetime updates" makes absolutely no sense. You literally don't get them anymore, if you don't pay them for the next year. A product offer cannot be lifetime and a subscription at the same time. You better fix this, it's very confusing.

Corbs Corbs
Corbs Corbs - 02.11.2023 02:26

I can't wait for Mailbird 4.0 where they will charge u again even with Lifetime upgrades :)....They will say 4.o is more advanced and will have the typical current hype gimmicks
