The Explosion 50 Times the Combined Power of Every Star in the Observable Universe

The Explosion 50 Times the Combined Power of Every Star in the Observable Universe


11 месяцев назад

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@k7y - 06.02.2024 08:48

I've attended lectures on gravitational waves and similar subjects from top professors in the country and I understood nothing at all. This video made this subject so simple a child could understand it.

@shirleymental4189 - 06.02.2024 01:16

Grav waves suck!

@alexknight264 - 05.02.2024 17:56

any chances to get the link to the thumbnail picture? ;)

@ThomasJeffersonEdwardsIV - 04.02.2024 13:24

I remember when this happened.
I was a work and it felt like a earthquake in reality, like my soul was stretched and pushed.
Definitely some spider sense bells ringing.
Heard about it on the news later and was like “oh that’s what that was.”.

@faster6329 - 04.02.2024 08:49

Yet, NASA shows us a dirty snow ball as their model of comets, our nearest objects. And that despite ALL of the photos and satellites sent to comets and gather samples, info, pictures, and even land on them, shows us they are 100% rocky bodies and NOT ice balls.

If we get our nearest objects so fundamentally wrong, how much belief can you have in these theoretical studies? Specially if you listen to scientists outside of the mainstream whom are not dependent of the funds from major institutions. Take these fantasyfull climes with a lot of salt.

@hanfivearts3428 - 02.02.2024 07:35

Every times ! ! The first 3 minutes and I already sleepy.. hearing the boring narrative.. Give us a little big bang Collin ! !

@Malbeefance - 01.02.2024 04:34

Well, they ain't gonna be able to blame that on cow farts or Trump.

@psychiatry-is-eugenics - 30.01.2024 14:41

All this intelligence , but evil people keep getting elected

@themr_wilson - 30.01.2024 09:56

Pond analogy with ripples, I use that for Mercury retrograde: Mercury is line dropping a grain of sand next to the sun's mountain; Mercury isn't affecting you

@user-nk9df7vx6n - 29.01.2024 16:24

Let's be honest, we're talking about a colossal fart.

@antijordan - 27.01.2024 14:24

What if a black hole is an inside out wormhole?

@jclaer - 26.01.2024 11:30

I’d like to hear some chirps and see the graphs of them.

@johnbinstead8544 - 25.01.2024 09:49

If the Blackhole merger released that much light power and Gravitational waves travel at the speed of light, wouldn't we be able to see the light from this merger?

@robert-zj7ef - 24.01.2024 23:31

When I was born, there were telephones with a rotary dial, very few homes had air conditioning and wringer washing machines were a womans dream. Computers were an electro-mechanical miracle which took up the size of an entire floor in a commercial building. Then some guy at the top of the political heap said we are going to the moon. Thousands of engineers pulled out their slide rulers and pencils and made a taxi so 7 special guys could see earth from space. Today, what we have due to innovation and freedom is something my grandchildren cannot comprehend. YOU MEAN YOU COULDNT WATCH A MOVIE ON YOUR CELL PHONE WHEN YOU GREW UP,? A QUESTION FROM MY GRANDDAUGHTER. NO, we didnt have 5hose in 1957. Amazing and incredible is what we have today! I 3njoy3d your presentation on gravity BTW!

@three_seashells - 24.01.2024 18:40

Thank you for explaining this in a way I could understand. You are doing wonderful work

@CommackMark - 23.01.2024 17:37

Not mentioned but presumed the more such machines the more reliable the signal detection becomes as being real and not noise for my thinking is noise must be everywhere.... even the slightest tremors in the earth would shake the apparatus and mechanically distort the precision ... the distance between the reflector mirrors. Our Richter machines.... which are not nearly as precise as these machines ....detect the slightest seismic rumbles that happen everyday all around the earth and propagate across the surface and through the crust. Such noise must be common.... not just actual seismic vibration but large trucks... trains. .construction.... all cause mechanical vibrations on the surface that at these sensities might very well be detected. Having multiple machines I assume enables better distinction between noise and an actual signal of a gravity ripple. What other sources of noise must there be? Slight temperature variation.... imperfections in manufacturing .... and as the video explains even random quantum hiccups. I was busy writing this post before the video ended so did I miss the stated plans to build such a machine in space? That would eliminate seismic vibrations.... improve the measurements.... but to what end? Wonder what the wave lengths of gravity waves are? They travel at light speed so are they truly part of the electromagnetic spectrum with frequency and wave length? What advantages are there in learning about the universe by focusing in at this wave length which i assume is very long as opposed to visible light as per Hubble or microwave light as per the Janes Web telescope? What information is embedded in these waves that offers additional insight into the wonders of the universe? Are gravitational waves subject to distortion or interference like light waves? What additional information are we able to collect at gravitational wave frequency that we cannot get from Hubble or Web.... or is this more just confirmation of theory but without practical application to advance our understanding through observation?

@TheGoonsies - 23.01.2024 09:08

I'm a dumb dumb and need help conceptualizing lol. So I understand if you have a telescope, you point it somewhere, you see a thing. How do they discern what is what with this? There's events happening all the time everywhere at every moment

@enstamud - 23.01.2024 02:51

What a foookin waste of money 🧐

@williampollock1274 - 22.01.2024 09:47

With all the wars and other nonsense popping up under the current Administration I'm scarred that Humanity is going to lose all it's progress!😬☹

@UktUrMum - 22.01.2024 08:57

If light can’t escape a black hole
And if gravity moves at the speed of light
How did the gravity waves escape the collision if the collision is the combination of the singularities which is behind the event horizon

@GeorgeTopicana - 18.01.2024 21:49

Clickbait trash

@Daniel_P116 - 18.01.2024 17:00

So they got LIGO built just in the nick of time. To think out of the billions of years of the universe's life, we come along and build this at exactly the right time.

@gioerybirb - 18.01.2024 08:35

My bad, it was just my fart, I had Taco Bell.

@lirmchip - 18.01.2024 05:21

why does mass curve space?

@gbear1005 - 16.01.2024 12:58

Funny that no one understands gravity is also particles

@davidpfost7497 - 16.01.2024 05:53

barry barish's parents knew what they were doing

@junebegorra - 15.01.2024 19:28

The 2D sheet and balls analogy always threw me off because no one conveyed that this happens in 3 dimensions, not 2. This video does great at conveying that.

@shahzadaslam384 - 15.01.2024 12:50

can we detect signals beyond observable universe

@moiraatkinson - 15.01.2024 05:34

I’m finding your videos so interesting - this one was just wild! It made me try to contemplate the vast size of the universe and the minute size of 10000th of a proton at the same time.

@DigSamurai - 15.01.2024 02:32

Your analogy of the distance to proxima Centauri and the difference of a human hair was masterful. It is right at the edge of my ability to comprehend it which makes it all the more profound. 😎Prodigious

@creekninja - 13.01.2024 18:37

I have a guess at what gravity is.

It’s the dance of push and pull between all charged atoms, electric fields being sent out, vibrations, and most of all… the movement of gravity is between the positive and negative. Without 1, the other will not exist.

@bandini22221 - 13.01.2024 16:40

I'll never live to see any of this so don't really care

@moistmike4150 - 12.01.2024 07:39

We can build a machine that measures down to 100,000th of a proton's width, yet it takes us a week to count the votes in the 2020 election. Nah, that election was totally legit.

@JimmyDoresHairDye - 10.01.2024 02:33

How does LIGO account for any and all earth-generated vibrations?

@TheDaggwood - 09.01.2024 09:15

My mind doesn't even know how to categorize such powerful events. So much energy in such a small space, it's incomprehensible.

@cpufreak101 - 06.01.2024 16:07

LIGO is one of those technologies where if we ever found Aliens and they didnt have this tech, I genuinely wouldnt be surprised.

@NorCalMtnBiker86 - 06.01.2024 01:49

Wow what the actual fuck! I'm so mind blown over this!!

@mikereid1195 - 06.01.2024 01:23

I remember reading some of Dr Robert Forward's work, and wondering if his ideas would ever get to the experimental phase...great to see it.

@davidgriffiths7696 - 06.01.2024 00:48

Excellent content. Presumably peak gravitational potential energy released = 50 x the visible light energy of all stars. Eg Fs/t. As these falling objects are essentially mountain sized atomic nuclei, the density, gravitational decay and frequency of rotation are hardly relatable.

@user-md5cn7bh6e - 05.01.2024 09:05

Вселенная, чёрные дыры, гравитационные волны .., измеряются через опыт Майкельсона Морли 1881 - 2024 г завершенный на 50%… + 50% НОВЫЕ опыты возможно выполнить, с помощью некруглых катушек с оптическим волокном в 9000 м., в каждом плече. При габаритах 25 см, ГИБРИД гироскоп возможно применить в автотранспорте, при движении прямолинейно измерять скорость 20, 25, 30 м/сек.
Исходя из прямого 💯% опыта Майкельсона Морли возможно доказать постулаты:
Свет — это упорядоченная вибрация гравитационных квантов. Постулат 2. Гравитационные поля регулируют частоту и скоростью света в вакууме.

Мне нужна помощь в совместном реализации изобретения. Вы ведите переговоры с специалистами по производству оптоволоконных гироскопов. Техническая консультация по ГИБРИД - гироскопу и оплата стоимости тестового устройства с меня.
Изобретатель из Казахстана
Жавлан. О.

@mikecr4916 - 04.01.2024 23:07

Someday, when science gets back to actual science, someone will consider the possibility that 'space curvature' is nonsense. That none of this is actually 'waves', or any other shape.

@Mamby9Pamby - 04.01.2024 21:22

How does ligo eliminate earth noise? Earthquakes? Tides? Etc...?

@bunnykuhi - 04.01.2024 20:24

LIGO got a signal from that explosion, yet humans think they can destroy Earth with nukes LMAO

@assininecomment1630 - 04.01.2024 19:43

Speaking about vision, Icm watching this video through sleepy eyes and grimy glasses... Couldn't believe that the LIGO facility name was an acronym which started with 'Loser'. 😮😅🥱😴

@callmeshaggy5166 - 04.01.2024 10:08

Without some sort of realignment throughout, the long arms of the future won't work due to the curvature of the earth, unless the ends of the arms are hundreds of feet high.

@PashaSiraja - 03.01.2024 10:39


Arab? XD

It's interferometer!

@user-th8vi4mo8j - 03.01.2024 04:48

So we detected a gravitational wave and seen the explosion that caused that wave simultaneously? Fascinating.

@harryjones5260 - 03.01.2024 01:44

think its excellent work but the narrator needs to take the actual narration a bit more seriously and avoid that patronising sing song casual tone, which doesnt live up to the visuals

@satanofficial3902 - 02.01.2024 18:15

"It is my scientific conjecture that those who are related to you are your relatives. And this is my theory of relativity."
---Albert Einstein
