Bannerlord Mods Installation Guide

Bannerlord Mods Installation Guide

Strat Gaming Guides

1 год назад

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Strat Gaming Guides
Strat Gaming Guides - 11.07.2022 10:53

I really wanted to get the companion guide done today, but I messed up and forgot to collect data for attribute points for companions and spouses. So I spent 10 hours collecting that data today lol I figured I could at least get this mod install guide out since it doesn't take nearly as long as a regular guide :)

Mark Yousuck
Mark Yousuck - 08.09.2023 16:47

Can I use the Vortex app for this Thanks in advance!

Yeetie - 31.08.2023 10:32

Can't find the unlock dll

Narmer - 26.08.2023 20:38

My mods aren't showing up in the launcher and i don't know why, I extracted the files and put them in the modules tab and theyre just not there.

Herminator H
Herminator H - 04.05.2023 17:54

NGL i feel uneasy downloading files like this. is it safe? might be a dumb question but i just got a PC and i dont wanna ruin it.

Sven Stefansson
Sven Stefansson - 04.05.2023 16:56

You could have at least give a link to the DLL stuff, but no. :D I have typed in for Nexusmods for this but this one is not up there thats is in your video.

Deus Vult
Deus Vult - 24.04.2023 07:29

When I click the unblock dll it keeps asking me to extract all or run

mintz97 - 09.04.2023 09:34

honestly bethesda games and the earlier mount and blade games are easier in comparison. like a lot of this i feel could be compressed.

Juggalo fLip
Juggalo fLip - 24.03.2023 04:22

Ffter downoading harmony and one other the file is a sheet of paper and when opening i am promopet ot open in word or other types of programs. did i miss a step?

Joshua Coleman
Joshua Coleman - 19.03.2023 21:28


Jurek - 12.03.2023 10:05

When i select the directory of the game it keep saying that i select wrong one and i tried everything but it didn't work help

Pierre - 10.03.2023 17:50

Do you have a mod list somewhere of the mods you're currently using?

Mr Biggaveli
Mr Biggaveli - 02.03.2023 00:32

whats the latest version of bannerlord 2?

system Six
system Six - 29.01.2023 05:24

U r voice sounds like Saul Goodman

Dharmesh Mistry
Dharmesh Mistry - 14.01.2023 20:59

Link to the DLL Unblocker?

Tristan - 09.01.2023 22:28

Man I wish I had this video back then when I was figuring out the game of thrones of mod for warband which was my first ever mod

Irish - 09.01.2023 05:14

I'm going to start a new campaign tonight after downloading some mods, but some of them are only compatible with 1.0.1 while others are compatible with the current version. Should I just run the 1.0.1 version?

I just noticed one of them says 1.8 so I may have to go back pretty far. Also how do I delete mods if they end up corrupting a file? I don't even know if that's a thing ( I know very little about computers ) but I'd like know how just in case.

the LightBringer
the LightBringer - 06.01.2023 01:35

so... i really like the tutorial, it was easy to follow, even non tech-savy people could easily understand and replicate.

and this guide has taught me that im an idiot who kept installing modules into a random outdated file for bannerlords that wasnt connected to the steam version i was using. yes i use PC 10 hours... damnit

ButterflyEffect Trigger
ButterflyEffect Trigger - 30.11.2022 23:36

Thank you SO MUCH for this super easy and greatly detailled explained Video!!!

Gavin Fitch
Gavin Fitch - 24.11.2022 04:51

Recommended mods video could be cool

Mythikal Gaming
Mythikal Gaming - 06.11.2022 21:03

How do I get folders that have 7 zip and Adobe logo on them to look like normal files that work?

Roman W
Roman W - 11.10.2022 22:22

"To the right of Bannerlord we can see the version in brackets".

No we can't because that's not how Steam works. The fact that none of the other games in your library have version numbers should have given that away pretty damn quickly.

Steam only displays the version information if you pick an obsolete version in the betas tab. Stop spreading misinformation.

Snik - 22.09.2022 09:38

mines on Epic Games and the folder for the game is not called "Mount & Blade II Bannerlord" .... its called "Chickadee" -_- no wonder i couldnt find it

NightKolm - 21.09.2022 15:17

Do you actually only play that few games Strat? I'm surprised you don't have a bigger library! Then again Bannerlord can easily make you sink 1000s of hours of time before you feel like it's repetitive

Skyler Honnert
Skyler Honnert - 30.08.2022 23:34

hey what launcher did you use? i dont remember you downloading one in video

KevinIsNotScar Gaming
KevinIsNotScar Gaming - 30.08.2022 15:42

Hi I would like to ask where does one download/get a Dll unlocker since i've been struggling to look one up

Franklin Clinton
Franklin Clinton - 30.08.2022 06:53

I did everything right but my mods don't show still

Saif Sayyed
Saif Sayyed - 29.08.2022 09:20

Don't ever say "don't bother to get paid version" it helps the site keep running, I do not speak for nexus mods but they need to keep server running too, if free version would have kept their server running then they wouldn't have made premium version to begain with

MattKingCole - 29.08.2022 08:23

Thanks strat. You're the best.

skyrie gaming
skyrie gaming - 25.08.2022 11:24

How to u get the module folder I don't have one I use cracked

John Love
John Love - 23.08.2022 21:49

Is there a reason to avoid the Nexus Vortex mod manager?

gogogo - 21.08.2022 08:57

So how did you change the speed of the slow motion factor if the rts camera mod menu is broke? Flesson said something about changing versions of game and rts camera but not sure
Your guides are better then anything else out there, nice work sir!

VesterBruh - 20.08.2022 23:43

how do i play with mods after the 22 july update?

Ahmet_Islam - 19.08.2022 23:48

hey every time i want to play with a mod i get a notification "the application faced a problem" does anyone know what the problem is

SuperDIVE - 14.08.2022 21:18

This video was really helpful but i have one (not so) slight problem. I don't have the LaunchMe file and dunno how to get it. Can you please explain it to me? Did i miss something?

slusar - 14.08.2022 15:46

I downloaded ButterLib, Harmony, Mod Configuration Menu, UlExtenderEx and surrender Tweaks and it doesn't work, what might be wrong? I did what you did, except not manual, only that Vortex

sea sturgeon
sea sturgeon - 12.08.2022 19:32

I put my more in the folder but they don't show up on launcher

Richard Straub
Richard Straub - 12.08.2022 10:24

can you have mods on epic games?

Шобил - 06.08.2022 23:01

Hey guys,do you think i can play mods on cracked version from steamunlocked??

Dylan JW Cronin
Dylan JW Cronin - 02.08.2022 16:34

Thank you so much! i've really struggled to do modding stuff till this guide, im not great with this stuff so thank you!!!

Original Stander
Original Stander - 26.07.2022 18:29

I can't get the game to launch with just harmony, butterlib, mcm, and uiextender. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

The Reaper
The Reaper - 19.07.2022 01:12

I did not know the DLL blocker was a thing. I guess I've gotten lucky with not having any crashes lol

Lord_ENLIL - 18.07.2022 09:42

I’ve been trying this for multiple days now and have gone from video to video to figure out how to do this crap and nothing works. Idk if I’m just an idiot and am missing something or If it’s just not working. I’m seriously losing it because I’ve been trying to do this for almost an hour straight. I am new to modding so it might just be my fault and that I’m just a idiot or it’s something else because I have been trying at this so hard and I’m honestly like about to give it up because this is just the definition of Hopeless. I just don’t think I’m smart enough to mod crap if anyone has an idea of what to do then just drop a tip or something.

Marabu - 18.07.2022 08:29

do i need to do the same with dismemberment plus

John (TEDS)
John (TEDS) - 16.07.2022 22:55

Thanks for the help.

eeeeee - 15.07.2022 15:26

i have winrar installed so for me it says launchme.bat

Fabian Lavooy
Fabian Lavooy - 12.07.2022 18:40

Hello my friend! Excelent video like always! Question! Are you using RTS Camera? I stoped uising it cause it crashes my game (back in 1.7 i think) Now is working again? Thanks for the video! I didnt know the "track" part!" THANSK!

Onur Köktaş
Onur Köktaş - 12.07.2022 16:47

Hi, if you interest we need detailed army speed guide. Thx for all of those guides.

Yoba - 12.07.2022 14:08

Will I still be able to play my vanilla campaign?

Yoba - 12.07.2022 14:03

Thanks dawg
