The WordPress Gutenberg Query Loop Block - a beginners guide

The WordPress Gutenberg Query Loop Block - a beginners guide

Jamie Marsland

2 года назад

9,614 Просмотров

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Ujo - 05.07.2023 21:02

NIce video :D, is there any way to enable searching, filtering and sorting for visitors? Id like to make archive with pdf files that could be searched, filtered and sorted by tayonomies. This could be useful also for produst listing.

KANISH INDIA - 24.03.2023 22:14

Great... Is there a way to display both products and posts in a customised design in a single search result page

Kris - 04.01.2023 03:37

does it only work with posts? I feel like this would work for services pages where you have a repetitive grid on things you want to show.

Gethsemane - 23.11.2022 21:29

Thanks for this tutorial, I was wondering why I had only three result showing. I would have never guessed on my own the setting is via the small icon, I was looking on the block panel on the right side. They didn't make some of these options so obvious...

Stuart Morley
Stuart Morley - 29.09.2022 08:55

Great Block and has the usual Guternberg feature of being 60% useable. Why on earth would you create a query loop that doesn't allow multiple tags (using and AND operator). If using multiple the operator is OR and no way to change it, It seems these blocks are created by designers with no idea of how the real world works. This is so typical of gutenberg block, some of them are missing simple things and then we get all excited when another plugin (which usually breaks things) give us borders or something just as simple. You only have to take laying out the product page and how long that took. The money I've spent on plugins that took ages to get working only to then break later on is frightening. Gone back to the standard woocommerce ones as they work.

rmcellig - 17.09.2022 17:15

Can this block be used for podcasts instead of blog posts?

Kandas Rodarte
Kandas Rodarte - 21.07.2022 16:19

Thank you so much for this tutorial. It was exactly what I needed to edit my blog page!! Question: I host a podcast and my podcasts are in a category called podcast. Is there a way to add a podcast player to a query loop for the podcast category?

Momme Krahn
Momme Krahn - 16.05.2022 18:26

Hi Jamie, great video once again, thanks a lot for this! One question regarding the masonry layout: would you please be able to explain how / where to put the pagination for the query loop in case of those two columns? Thanks!

Sardook - 28.03.2022 17:49

Kind of new to the blocks. Very well explained. One question if I may: The query loop, is it possible to use it to pull single services ( from pages) instead of blog items, and place them on the home page as masonry? Do you know of an example that I have to look at? Thank you again and keep up the awesome work

Alex 六十 Karpov
Alex 六十 Karpov - 04.03.2022 16:16

Hey there! Thank for video! Gutenberg loop is have some limitations when I want to reproduce html design. Is it possible to create custom design for CPT and use it in loop? For instance I can create element in Kadence Theme. But I can't use this design for loop. Do you know any solution on this?

Men Are Good!
Men Are Good! - 21.02.2022 20:41

Yet another informative and clear tutorial about 5.9. Can I subscribe twice?? lol

Just seeing this video has shown me how I can easily create a blog on my site that features the last three posts of multiple authors. Thank you Sir!

Michael Fidelis
Michael Fidelis - 30.01.2022 04:38

nice work Jamie!

Jason piano
Jason piano - 17.11.2021 15:58

Hey. Thanks for the video. My theme doesn't have a template to load and shoe Gutenburg. How can I write a simple PHP template that lods the Query loop block on the page?

Mike Bates
Mike Bates - 12.10.2021 18:34

Good one Jamie.
There are many plugins with a Query Loop type block, but having used WP for over 15 years (although I still consider myself a WP newbie) one of my current aims is to reduce plugins as far as possible; the Query Loop Block covers one of the design patterns I like.
I do find it doesn't yet have enough flexibility. For example the Post Template allows Post elements to be included, but the styling is limited, so achieving, say, a post title and post extract overlaying the post featured image doesn't seem straightforward.
Anyway, keep on posting and I'll keep on liking!

Prime Wholeness
Prime Wholeness - 11.10.2021 03:14

I just saw your other video on FSE...and now this. I didn't know this block existed. I had created a couple of custom post types and taxonomies to go with them, and I was trying to figure out how to best disoplay them on the frontside... I created a new page, chose this block and bam! LOL...eazy reazy. Wow. I was copy the archive and single posts pages into my child theme for each custom post type... It looks like with this I can kiss that Thanks! This one block is everything I was looking for. Thanks.

Ken Taylor
Ken Taylor - 08.10.2021 01:13

Love the way you show and explain things. I heard about Query but never understood it until now. Thank you!

OtsoO - 07.10.2021 16:41

These new blocks are pretty nice for bloggers/e-commerce-shop users who are tech savy, but for your standard WP developer it doesn't add anything. All these extra settings make these new blocks just unusable in client projects, because you don't want to add such flexibility which could break the design. Why would anyone want options for custom font-sizes and line-heights? Typography isin't something what you want to change even on yearly basis. Highlight colors are nice though. Just sticking with fewer options, would make more sense to me, because I don't really understand who are these features made for.
