Facebook Advertising For Beginners — Why The Click Through Rate Doesn't Matter | #199

Facebook Advertising For Beginners — Why The Click Through Rate Doesn't Matter | #199

Till Boadella

7 лет назад

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@loot6 - 19.06.2018 15:17

I first posted an ad on facebook and I had the price of my product displayed in the ad copy because I thought it would result in better conversions. I didn't get a great CTR so after a few hours I removed the price and CTR went up. Would you advise putting the price of the product directly in the ad copy? You have so many videos so not sure if you've already covered this or not.


@warever37 - 28.10.2017 13:24

I completely and respectfully disagree on CTR being not important and here's why, (and hopefully you can enlighten me): if your CTR is too low, then the Ad is useless as no one is clicking on it. If the CTR is high, but still no decent ROI, then this is a great piece of info you just learned, because it means there's something wrong with your website, specifically the destination URL, e.g. your product might be too expensive, or your website looks fishy and not professional, or maybe your squeeze page is not good. That's why the CTR is extremely important. Later then, if you want to look at all the pieces, i.e. your whole funnel, then the other metrics you mentioned really matter.

@BonnieBeatsMusic - 17.01.2017 21:39

Hold up? Isn't it THE most important metric when you're testing your ads for engagement? Or are you stating it's irrelevant for your winning ads that are generating leads and sales?

@delmarblanco8864 - 27.10.2016 19:08

Till, I just launched an dropshipping business (about two weeks ago). I played for adversiting and everything, but I'm worried because I haven't gotten a single add to my car or anything. Should I get more products in my page? what can I do to get people to my page? how long so you think I should get my first sale?

@Cluber89 - 21.10.2016 21:00

Do you have any idea how to get Shopify Payments outside of US? I'm sure that the fact that I'm using PayPal making it more difficult for clients to complete the purchase and they just leave it. The gateways that are available at my country are expensive and requiring an official business. Since i'm new and only starting, I haven't open one yet.

@vadmb.7434 - 20.10.2016 09:59

Hi, Till. Thanks for your videos. Very informative!
I have a problem with scaling. I sell my product for two months. Already a month I sell it to several countries with good ROI. I sell around 5-10 pieces a day. Each several days I rise my budget in 20%. Even getting up to $20 budget, sales goes down and my ROI become negative. As a result, I have to scale it back. What is your suggestion? Thanks.

@DGcRaZe - 20.10.2016 06:36

Good one Till, didn't event realize the CPC vs CPC (link)

@amine4205 - 19.10.2016 17:58

hey Till , how do we deal with paypal freeze or 20% hold? should i call them? is it better to mention them that i'm dropshipping or it's a notorious business for them?
thank you

@cidaoaparecido4162 - 19.10.2016 17:09

Good tip,
so far I found out that announcing the Free shipping offer on the facebook ad maintains the same click through rate and add to cart rate, but doubles the purchase rate.

@zlatanmaric2809 - 19.10.2016 14:20

thank you for the answer :)

@dwightperry9811 - 19.10.2016 14:01

Great tips Till thank you

@raphalopes495 - 19.10.2016 13:56

Nice tips Till! It's almost an ritual to wakeup and watch your videos everyday before going to work xD... By the way, I sent you that email about your course. Please take a look when you have some time. Thank you, have a great day!
