Abandon Skyrim! The Best NEW First Person RPGs In 2024

Abandon Skyrim! The Best NEW First Person RPGs In 2024


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@jonniewilliams6918 - 08.12.2023 03:24

Better call Tod Howard lol

@jonniewilliams6918 - 08.12.2023 03:21

Lol One does not simply Kill Skyrim! You will basically have to give us everything Skyrim did and do it better. Good luck with that. It’s so beautiful and so immersive that it makes you want to live there for real. That game is still great after 12 years! 12 years! That game is so great that people spend countless hours just wandering or exploring the wilds, not even doing missions, chilling in one of their houses reading books and cooking dinner. I’m not saying it can’t be done but you got your work cut out for you. Nobody has made one yet. I’ll play new games for a couple of months tops, but when I get bored with it , like I always do. Guess what game goes right back in the Xbox. Every time it feels like coming home. I wish whoever wants to replace Skyrim the best of luck. That would be one hell of a game.

@StiffAftermath - 07.12.2023 22:15

I only have a Switch, none of these games will be on that. So Skyrim, it is.

@pierpier217 - 07.12.2023 17:24

all crap

@rave1704 - 07.12.2023 12:45

The only thing better than Skyrim is Skyrim with mods

@bulkvanderhuge9006 - 06.12.2023 20:55


@eyvin_helvetia - 06.12.2023 19:10

Meh, there’s also one thing why we love skyrim, that’s because you can play it in 1st and 3rd person perspective

@thomasw6506 - 06.12.2023 00:40

Time for Skyrim Millenial Edition

@6249569234 - 05.12.2023 22:35

There are only 2 games that could rival Skyrim, Skywind and Skyblivion

@Maltebyte2 - 04.12.2023 17:40

Abandon Skyrim .... im just gonna pretend i didn't read that! xD

@Ea-wy5cu - 03.12.2023 21:45

I just started a new charecter in skyrim after not playing for a while, So some new rpgs would be a breath of fresh air .

@EvilReFlex - 01.12.2023 16:55

Wayward Realms 2024... good joke.

@royalecrafts6252 - 28.11.2023 20:33

modded skyrim is still better than all of these

@Tedday1983 - 28.11.2023 02:59

Probably just grab ES6 on PC. No point in buying it on whatever inferior Microsoft console that will be out by the time it releases.

@behelitruler9191 - 24.11.2023 21:00

I found most of these, but thanks for turning me on to ardenfall and the bloodlines. i'll be looking into those. cheers.

@petemisc4291 - 23.11.2023 07:13

I expect to see the remaster of The Witcher1 game in 2024

@gammal0rd - 22.11.2023 15:57

If you haven’t already I recommend downloading the Enderal: Forgotten Stories total conversion mod for Skyrim. I think it’s on Steam. It’s a whole different game made by Skyrim modders. Dark and beautiful, blew my sox off.

@alice-dl6mf - 22.11.2023 07:57

Let’s be honest. Skyrim isn’t going anywhere. 😂

@zer00rdie - 21.11.2023 17:38

You still playing Skyrim in 2023?


@charlieb308 - 21.11.2023 14:53

We could be playing the ES6 right now but Todd Howard didn’t “want to be just known for elder scrolls and fallout games”. Stupid space turd game we got instead

@turinhorse - 20.11.2023 15:00

woah Repo Man looks f'king intriguing

@maximillianrexcarpediem1469 - 19.11.2023 21:02

But do they have mods on console?

@runnergo1398 - 19.11.2023 06:29

Skyrim was always just an "OK" game to me. I don't see why people are so obsessed with it.

@NaSMaX - 19.11.2023 06:09


@Azhureus - 19.11.2023 04:30

Nah, Skyrim can't be beaten, just can't. It's literally the best game ever made. That being written, I do occasionally play other RPGs tho. This is a nice video to find new gems.

@mgkpraesi - 18.11.2023 16:27

Skyrim is the Number one. With Modpacks like Nolvus, there isnt a single Game out there that cant hold its beer.

@xlboggy61401 - 17.11.2023 07:41

Most of that looks like it’s bound to be a let down. And elder scrolls 6 is their money maker. Even if it’s bad they’ll made a ton on launch and it’ll be something new for the fans

@dakotakinert1994 - 16.11.2023 13:08

Ardenfall looks so much like morrowind!

@user-kf5pw6nj6f - 15.11.2023 06:15

And we learned from last time do not rush the game development 😕😖😡

@LajosUti - 14.11.2023 15:11

Oh man, you say it might be time to try something new, then you list games we cannot try just yet. WTF

@adamkluckner3429 - 14.11.2023 05:47

Tainted Grail is very fun! One of my only real complaints is that the story cut off when it was getting really good lol

@user-jf6un5pk5t - 14.11.2023 03:55

After how they fuckup starfield NOPE even if Elder scroll 6 is out, its going to be like suckers buying D4, hot garbage.

@DoctorRevers - 14.11.2023 01:42

It’s a good list but really, if you’re looking for a Skyrim quality experience I’m guessing best bet is to play Skyrim until ES6

@johnord684 - 14.11.2023 00:28

Nope i'll stay in Skyrim

@squarestar326 - 13.11.2023 23:52

I heard great things about tainted grail.
And i m not annoyed about Bethseda taking their time 4 TES, at least it shld mean we can expect quality, after all this world is huge! But only on XBox? Nooooooo!!!😅

@TheBudtoker - 13.11.2023 13:43

you people are sad...........

@loganjames1912 - 13.11.2023 11:10

skyrim will never be forgotten because the wait for elder scrolls 6 gave birth to nolvus and the ultima....great video by the way

@moon5472 - 13.11.2023 07:13

The only skyrim killer is skyrim nolvus ascension

@J_Rossi - 12.11.2023 20:18

Bloodlines 2 and Tainted Grail are on my radar, as well as The Elder Scrolls VI, obviously.

@SandTiger42 - 12.11.2023 18:30

The Bloodline looks fun. Went to the steam page to find out the min system requirements blow my card out of the water. Guess it's in early access for a reason, reallllly needs to optimize graphics code for the way it looks?

@wordfabstream8745 - 12.11.2023 05:45

Mighty Talos frowns on your shenannigans!

@stephenlee7843 - 12.11.2023 03:12

Bethesda is done

@stephenlee7843 - 12.11.2023 03:09

Skyrim killers? More like console killers these games look like shit. Guess its time to sell this pos

@Cogitovision - 12.11.2023 01:29

I like to game like I live: inside my own damn body.

@mattiaperry95 - 12.11.2023 00:59

how can u even call nangrim a competitor of skyrim? u said yourself that u play in an abandoned world, which make me suppose that generally there are no npc. that is the farthest thing from skyrim. its just another damn survival with combat elements. its just conan exile, the only difference is that in conan u can switch from 1st to 3rd person (also skyrim have this). couple all that with the fact that the game prbably take place only on a single mountain (inside and outside of it from what i could see) so no actual open world to explore, no npc to give u quest and talk to, pretty much no role playing in general. i just dont think nangrim should be even compared to skyrim.
Like also monomyth. like. wtf, u say yourself again that it took only the dungeon part of skyrim, so why the fuck u compare them, its like comparing a runner to a person without leg, just bc both are human that doesnt mean that they must be put in a running competition what the hell. listen, to be able to be put in comparison to a game like skyrim there are, i would say 4 component that a game must satisfy:
1- open world, not necessarily a ginormous map, but one of decent size that has nice topography and
2- npcs, lets be real most of skyrim npcs were very basic nothing out of this world, so i would say that it just needs to have them and that they have a resemblance of being human being, dont need a super complex ai, u just need
3- good story, good writing, and
4- versitile combat with many option like skyrim, u want to be a fire casting mad wizard? go ahead. u want to satisfy ur fantasy to be the big cock shadow archer/assassin? hey we got you covered. want to have 1h and 2h weapons and shield and going around like a walking arsenal? not a problem. just make the combat fun and "customizable" with many option for the player to choose from and u done.
At the start the points were 5 but i forgot one while writing lol :P

when a game satisfy those 4 core aspects then, and only then we can start making comparison, like yeah skyrim did this better but game A have this that skyrim dont have, or what combat system is actually more fun, skyrim or game exibit A? and so on, and in the end give a final score or something.

@elvenmajick - 11.11.2023 07:36

so nothing. Okie

@Guy_007 - 11.11.2023 02:35

u forgot new world

@vonarkesh2361 - 10.11.2023 18:55

Footage of games that probably won't even release next year are not Skyrim killers. Nice try.
