Getting into ZX Spectrum Homebrew + 5 of the best Speccy Homebrew Games - Kim Justice

Getting into ZX Spectrum Homebrew + 5 of the best Speccy Homebrew Games - Kim Justice

Kim Justice

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MashupDad - 28.08.2022 21:11

There was a budget game called Terminus that looked absolutely crazy and had the up down and bouncy mechanica

Pedro Gordinho
Pedro Gordinho - 10.10.2020 17:59

Deep Blue looks ok but hydrofool was better.
Roboprobe character reminds me of ET. :)

Eugene - 09.08.2019 02:29

You missed lots of late ZX games from Russian developers. Like a full remake of UFO game, Prince of Persia + tons of others.

Bob Beaky
Bob Beaky - 13.03.2019 16:40

I'd love to see a follow up on this. Perhaps even a more in-depth look at the homebrew scene in general... crosses fingers...

Lee H
Lee H - 23.02.2019 05:49

Indi game Old tower perfect scrolling like a machine with hardware scrolling

Mark Penrice
Mark Penrice - 30.11.2018 22:56

The modern comparison for Ooze may be VVVVVV, but I'm getting a strong feeling of an old bit of ST shareware called "Squidgy" from it... the overall feel is rather more like it, and it had that same "walking on the ceilling" mechanic to puzzle your way through the platforms with. And I do spy a little colour clash there...

itsaPIXELthing - 07.06.2018 18:54

Awesome video, Kim! Thanks!

macdeath26 - 04.03.2018 21:19

Seriously those colour clashes are terribad, even more with this pisspoor palette. No sane one would go into speccy to endure that beside those who already endured those in their youth, and even they should switch to systems without those inept colour clashes.

zedeighty - 10.12.2017 06:48

Roboprobe looks a lot like Plan B for the Acorn Electron (my favourite micro). I don't know if that ever got a release for the Spectrum... And Ooze looks absolutely fantastic! I'll have to give that one a go some time. Thanks for bringing these games to our attention.

Rob O'Doherty
Rob O'Doherty - 02.12.2017 14:34

I never owned a Speccy but I really enjoyed that review. Could you do a similar round up for the C64? Fantastic channel, Kim!

Gabriele Amore
Gabriele Amore - 21.11.2017 23:59

hey i spotted my castle capers there! cool!

Diggnuts - 14.09.2017 17:44

My god, Here am I having world of trouble with building a simple line drawing routine in assembly on the spectrum. Well, the video memory setup is bonkers... so yeah.

Animalhouse - 14.09.2017 00:04

The fact that there's still homebrew games being made for the Speccy, C64 and Amstrad, shows that the 80's and early 90's were by far the most unique and exciting eras for gaming. These days every console or arcade machine is based on PC architecture, so each bit of hardware is basically just a variation of the same thing. Whereas the old 8 Bit machines (and arcade machines) all had distinct types of hardware and chipsets, and the techniques and imagination used by programmers (at best) pushed each machine to the limits. It's quite sad that such an interesting and unique part of gaming history will never come about again, and it makes me glad that I was there from the beginning to play pong and Atari VCS games onwards, as it was a special time for gaming.

Hunter's Moon
Hunter's Moon - 13.09.2017 21:11

Ooze reminds me of Silly Putty

gan9e - 13.09.2017 20:07


RainDelancey - 13.09.2017 16:03

Recently diging out my Spectrum from the loft after years of neglect. Still have afew games but is there an Everdrive equivalent? Or can you recommend where to get games off (not including ebay). Great vid K

KuraIthys - 13.09.2017 11:38

Ah, homebrew.
I'm working on something.

But my system of choice is the SNES.
Console homebrew is a bit more awkward than microcomputer homebrew.
Mainly because the development tools and software aren't included, so you have to figure stuff out on your own, and frequently get into the legal grey area of using the official developer documentation which technically you did not have a licence to use.
Thankfully for old systems you can kinda get away with that.
And seeing how the consoles work is quite fascinating...

defblazt duboise
defblazt duboise - 13.09.2017 02:02

a friend of mine has backed
a spectrum next apparently it arrives feb 2018 barring delays

Kevin Galvayne
Kevin Galvayne - 13.09.2017 01:56

ah glider rider music :D

David Owen
David Owen - 12.09.2017 14:07

Great video. Glad I found this as I had no idea they were still making games. Awesome

vikingmog - 12.09.2017 09:30

The first computer I had growing up was a ZX spectrum plus 2 128k. We got it around 1988 when I was 6. I have so many fond memories of playing the speci. It's really heart warming that people think so much of this old micro computer that they are still making games for it.

Lucy H
Lucy H - 12.09.2017 01:22

Great video and it's inspired me to finally build that retropie BTW is that the Stuart Ashens there?

JAC3DG33K - 12.09.2017 00:45

The Castlevania game looks really good and I would love to see more homebrew footage, especially if you can bring in some Sega stuff like the Dreamcast and Mega Drive

Chestnut Bowl
Chestnut Bowl - 12.09.2017 00:33

I didn't even know what an Amiga or Commodore were until I was an adult. It was Macintosh, DOS and Windows only in my part of America. I love that there are so many skilled developers still pushing what's possible on these old machines. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my hands on a Spectrum Next next year and join them, though I need to learn Z80 programming first.

Lee M
Lee M - 11.09.2017 23:03

I think I did work experience with Paul Jenkinson at First Computer Centre in Leeds. He really was a Spectrum nut, and used to ask everyone in job interviews if they liked the Spectrum and/or had any Spectrum games, mainly the ones still needed for the 100% list. I'm sure there is no better source for Spectrum information and news. Good times. Enjoyed checking out that channel. Plus another great video btw. The homebrew scene interests me no matter what the format.

Gustav Ljungdahl
Gustav Ljungdahl - 11.09.2017 22:27


Adam Phillip
Adam Phillip - 11.09.2017 20:44

Great vid Kim. Gonna have to try that Super Meat Boy, looks like it controls great from the clip.

Wesley Flavell
Wesley Flavell - 11.09.2017 20:00

great video,
I am playing my 48k issue one spectrum quite often now so I could do with some new game's!

mr y mysterious video
mr y mysterious video - 11.09.2017 19:56

Can I just say, I was a spectrum kid, owned a 48k and a +3 and yet, I have to say that it really want great, most games were not, the graphics were bad even for the time. On my plus 3 the improved sound was distorted due to a well known manufacturing error. Basically I find it hard to be nostalgic about it

PeanutbutterJellyfishSandwich - 11.09.2017 18:41

On the original NES, there is a game called MetalStorm. It is a platform shooter with gravity flip mechanic.

andersdenkend - 11.09.2017 16:07

Man, that Castlevania Game?! Looks gorgeous!

Paul Balcombe
Paul Balcombe - 11.09.2017 15:31

Some great games there especially the last two . Shame there are no new magic knight adventures

duhmez - 11.09.2017 15:08

Don't forget, any mid generation Belmont has the solemn duty to TRAIN his son and grandson to defeat the next dracula!

bsdims - 11.09.2017 13:48

Star Heritage >:P

OneAngryDeacon - 11.09.2017 13:30

Kimmy, you need to play Metal Storm on the NES. great gravity switching action platformer

An Actual Mother Bear
An Actual Mother Bear - 11.09.2017 12:51

As a small american girl that grew up in the 80s and 90s I felt ripped-off looking back upon the great microcomputer boom in the UK. I only got a Commodore after Windows 95 was the main platform of choice. I could have grown up to be a little bedroom coder if I had my own affordable computer back in the day, but in America there wasn't enough of a demand for computers back then, and the ones that they did have were far too expensive.
I honestly still want a ZX Spectrum.

CaptainRufus - 11.09.2017 12:39

I'm eagerly awaiting ZXodus which is basically Ultima 3.5.

Andy Davidson
Andy Davidson - 11.09.2017 12:05

Hi 😃
Would someone please be able to tell me how to get my hands on/play home brew speccy games? I still have the rubber keyed speccy and a +2?!
Or, are they played via emulator?
Any/all advice greatly received!
