10 Celebrities Caught in the Diddy Scandal – LeBron, Jay-Z, J-Lo & More Are on the List!

10 Celebrities Caught in the Diddy Scandal – LeBron, Jay-Z, J-Lo & More Are on the List!

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@thelaserdoc1 - 03.10.2024 01:19

"ain't no party like a Diddy party."

@markrogers5199 - 03.10.2024 01:57

Is it too late for Diddy to start identifying himself as a woman?

@evelynsmith7076 - 03.10.2024 02:23

Ben and Jlo's split was very timely. Wonder why

@2percent153 - 03.10.2024 02:46

😂😂😂😂😂😂. You need to do voiceovers of these people. You and Marlon, haha!

@gerdavandersan2018 - 03.10.2024 03:54

I know diddy getting crucified and the real bigger ones can go on with there demonic perverted 🤢🤮 acts
Really sad but this is like old but thanks for the laughs Corey 😂😂😂😂

@debbiehall9396 - 03.10.2024 04:11

It was Prophesied 2 yrs ago that God was going to bring the music & movie industry to its knees & we R now seeing the proof of His word, His promise. These people chose to serve evil for their sadistic pleasure & for profit!!
There is MORE to come, in Politics & the private sector
(Major Corporations)!!
God is just getting started. Get your priorities right & your homes in order folks.
God is involved now & it is the beginning of the end of the reign of EVIL in our Nation.
For those who believe in & love God, a reprieve will be coming & prosperity, & peace will fill their lives. All others will face God's displeasure & I truly hope they understand what this means.

@anthonyjohnathan1412 - 03.10.2024 04:40

Katt Williams was talking about Martin being in a dress again...but get your point...

@huerilita - 03.10.2024 05:00

Don't forget Beyonce. She's deep involved.

@missbabbett9086 - 03.10.2024 06:40

You know what makes me laugh the minute theses friends of Ditty new he was arrested they all unfriend him on social media if that's not obvious then what is.😂

@missbabbett9086 - 03.10.2024 06:43

Like they never knew the guy 😂 what a bunch of fools at least one of his so called friends had the gut to sort of defend him with a nasty post flying in B's.

@selinaBARMAR2565 - 03.10.2024 06:47

Wow. "A P Diddy Party" I'm thankful to my God that no one that I know or know of can be accused of being at a Diddy Party. Personally, I didn't even know that there was ever such as thing as a P Diddy Party. I do recall how marketable his clothing brand was "Sean Combs" when I was working in sales/retail. Unfortunately illegitimate/perverted sex sales big in this world. And too many vulnerable have fallen victim to this global exploitation of humans. For us who know God know that those who pursue perverse lifestyles will continue to be VOID, CONFUSED, ISOLATED, and never satisfied; endless cravings yet never satisfied. "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36).

@joshuaturnage5243 - 03.10.2024 07:15

If LeBron is mentioned in court documents the NBA might as well fold up like a folding chair.

@BlessedLady82 - 03.10.2024 08:18

Please say ALLEGEDLY!

@chofa6769 - 03.10.2024 12:07

Cory, you really think t d Jake’s didn’t attend those parties ? Seriously?

@melony3623 - 03.10.2024 14:00

I believe Ashton will be in trouble too

@mcnippulesmack8523 - 03.10.2024 18:58

This dude is seeking attention and slandering mfs names

@essiealmond8040 - 03.10.2024 20:47

Yep, all of a sudden Marlon is getting big.

@tinahill2134 - 03.10.2024 22:02

Don’t forget about Kevin Heart😮

@michaelellis141 - 04.10.2024 01:26

LaBron James is guilty for sure.

Many people don't realize he's performing Voodoo Ceremonies right on the sidelines of some of his games.

That white powder he blows is an act of spell casting, so he's probably involved with sex trafficking.

@ginacruz3326 - 04.10.2024 01:45

I would love for you to interview, Mr. Jean Dale, Mr. police officer, lol

@myrock-mysalvation8873 - 04.10.2024 04:30

Don't forget B O and Big Mike

@randymcdowell7757 - 04.10.2024 17:48

Everyone knows what the Pink stuff is...

@bobbie6511 - 04.10.2024 18:39

Where is Marlon?

@artparty222murphy9 - 05.10.2024 05:19

New t shirt : 👕 “I left early “

@artparty222murphy9 - 05.10.2024 05:20

Anyone whose supporting him is afraid .

@artparty222murphy9 - 05.10.2024 05:38

She left the country , was that suspicious? (Jaylo)

@evilchaperone - 05.10.2024 08:22

Diddler got his training from Bill Cosby.

@debralee7681 - 05.10.2024 18:02

Everybody at the party should be arrested. EVERYBODY these women named as victims r not innocent either. They all wanted money. This has been going on for years in Hollywood. Why all these Niggers coming out Diddy just jealous. These white people playing all yellow keeping the black people divided.

@rachelhoward1359 - 05.10.2024 19:15

A word mixed with coke make it pink maybe?

@juanitalopez7002 - 05.10.2024 20:19

Lock them up

@juanitalopez7002 - 05.10.2024 20:22

Wow you are who you hang around with

@juanitalopez7002 - 05.10.2024 20:23

The guy right

@erichill4926 - 05.10.2024 20:24

And you have to realize, LeBron James how her mom was, we all heard that she slept with one of his teammates, I'm guessing she slept with someone to get LeBron in the door, and all of a sudden when LeBron James came into the league, they label him the king. Think about that people, get out of your feelings and think about that. 🤔

@erichill4926 - 05.10.2024 20:27

And have you all realized Marlon Wayans, when he tell a joke, it's always the punchline of something gay.

@joansmythe6214 - 05.10.2024 22:44

What business does JZ have with Jake’s. Jake’s a preacher JZ a Demonic person . I don’t understand the connection.💕🦊

@LetaNgangum - 06.10.2024 00:17

All of those People are just chasing the money! they dont care what they have to do to get it~~ very sad!! 😮

@nicolagrant5450 - 06.10.2024 23:39

How can ppl still lieutenant to TD Fakes i don't know. Unless they repent, they are gonna get really hot

@sharonharris4073 - 08.10.2024 17:57

Don’t forget the baby oil 😂

@sirvilhelmofyonderland - 14.10.2024 03:16

Lebron James ? Exposing his kids to P Diddy … Uh Oh.

@tarsheilamathews7697 - 14.10.2024 18:07

Greetings and Gratitude from OHIO 💚

@AnonymousAnonymous-oi2pl - 15.10.2024 16:43

That explains LeBron's strong ties to China

@legitimatenature7278 - 03.12.2024 08:32

Not only Hollywood, but a lot more are going down with Diddy.

Diddy spent years organizing and compiling a list that extends beyond what is depicted in these images. The list also includes a significant number of White actors and actresses getting their freak off regardless of whatever else they were there for,they were there however, their identities are notably absent. Why? Where are their faces? They could not have all fled the country.

Trump was there and additionally there are more affluent rich individuals from the upper class featured on that list, yet their identities remain undisclosed. Where are their faces?And where are the faces of all the politicians, both Republicans and Democrats included in this assembly? Allegedly the Pope, movie producers, famous talk show host, nuns, preachers, educators, Elon Musk, all of Donald Trump sons, all allegedly were there, where are their faces?
It is evident that there are more individuals of higher status than those of Black descent being presented on this list. There are so many more prominent White dignitaries in influential positions who attended the freak offs or anything else they came to do. where are their faces?

Diddy is not the sole individual with knowledge of wealthy White individuals engaging in questionable activities, or anything else they were there for that got them captured on Diddy’s camera; the reality will ultimately come to light regarding their identities.

The images you are currently presenting here, and individuals you bring to the list most have already been brought to public attention, revealing their involvement in one way or the other. It is essential to disclose and show the identities of the wealthy and upper-class White individuals who were also present at those Diddy gatherings. Where are their faces?

@IsiahAllison - 15.12.2024 08:07

This is why people should only idolize Jesus.

@lisap4251 - 22.12.2024 02:12

I think it’s more like bisexual, I think he rather have sexual relations with men more than women. Whoever said that he was arrested for being gay, absolutely is stupid to think such a thing. He was arrested because he was abusing his power, drugging and rapping men, women and children!!!

@lisap4251 - 22.12.2024 02:17

Their is only one King and it is Jesus!

@lisap4251 - 22.12.2024 02:19

What do their wives say about their behavior

@lisap4251 - 22.12.2024 02:22

What about the football player Larry Johnson said that he saw very young kids

@lisap4251 - 22.12.2024 02:28

Ray J is going to be one of the bigger snitches 😂

@lisap4251 - 22.12.2024 02:34

Is the guy on the end Dame Dash?
