A Few Good Men Best Scene Part 1

A Few Good Men Best Scene Part 1


14 лет назад

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@jimw9415 - 18.01.2024 09:48

Just a kid when I watched this the first time, appreciated it even more now.

@tren380 - 13.01.2024 08:51

This is how Scientology can help.

@DarthVad3r. - 13.01.2024 00:58

All movie is excelent, all movie!!!

@justinwfg - 11.01.2024 14:39

I rest my case to those that are non-believers

@robyoungblood7976 - 03.01.2024 22:13

Tom was off the charts in this one!!!

@ilovebrandnewcarpets - 03.01.2024 06:51

I’m quite certain I’VE earned it 🤌🏻

@boobo - 01.01.2024 15:14

He won this when he yanked his chain and brought him back to the stand.

@jamesgarner8262 - 01.01.2024 04:45

Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph: (talking to Danny)
Lieutenant, 📱 call your witness.
(Danny stands ⬆️ up)
Danny: (talks to Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph)
Defense 📞 calls Colonel Nathan R. Jessep.
(2 officers 👮‍♂️ opens both doors 🚪 for Jessep to go to the stand; he walks and at Danny)
Jack: (talking to Jessep)
Col. Jessep, would you raise your right hand 🫱, please 🙏, sir?
(Jessep raised his right hand 🫱;
Jack does the same)
Jack: Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you will give in this general court martial will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you, God?
Jessep: (answers to Jack) Yes 👍, I do.
(Jack puts his right hand 🫱 down;
Jessep does the same)
Jack: Would you have a seat 💺, please 🙏,sir?
(Jessep sits on the stand)
Jack: Would you state your name, rank and current 💵 bill for the record, please 🙏, sir?
Jessep: Colonel Nathan R. Jessep,
Commanding Officer 👮‍♂️, Marine Ground Forces,
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 🇨🇺.
Jack: Thank you 🙏, sir.
Danny: (whispers to Jo) He’s not here.
(Danny walks to the panel and ask Jessep a afew questions)
Danny: (talking to Jessep)
Colonel, when you learned of Santiago’s letter to the NIS, you had a meeting 📅 with your 2 senior officers 👮‍♂️.
Is that right?
Jessep: (answers to Danny) Yes 👍.
Danny: The Platoon Commander Lieutenant Jonathan Kendrick and the Executive 👨‍💼 Officer 👮‍♂️ Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Andrew Markinson?
Jessep: Yes 👍.
Danny: And at present 🎁, Col. Markinson is dead ☠️.
Is that right?
(Jack stands up ⬆️)
Jack: (talking to Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph) Objection!
I’d like 👍 to know just what the Defense Counsel is implying.
Danny: (talking to Jack)
I’m implying simply that at present 🎁,
Col. Markinson is not alive.
Jack: (talking to Danny)
👍 Surely, Col. Jessep doesn’t need to appear in this courtroom to confirm that information ℹ️.
Danny: Well, I just wasn’t sure 👎 if there were the witness was 2 days ago when Col. Markinson took his own life with a.45 caliber pistol 🔫.
(2 officers 👮‍♂️ open the doors 🚪;
Sam enters the courtroom accompanied with 2 Airmen and he showed their 💺 seats to sit;
Sam 🙌 hands Danny the paper 📄)
Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph: The witness is aware that the court is aware and now the court members are aware; but we thank you 🙏 for bringing this to our attention.
(Talking to Danny) Move on, Lieutenant.
Danny: (talks to Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph) Yes, sir.
(Continues asking Jessep a few questions)
Colonel, at the time of that meeting 📅, you gave Lt. Kendrick an order; is that right?
Jessep: I told Kendrick to tell his men that Santiago wasn’t to be touched.
Danny: And did you give an order to Col. Markinson as well?
Jessep: I ordered Markinson to have Santiago transferred off the base immediately.
Danny: Why?
Jessep: I felt that his life might be in danger ⛔️ once when the letter got out.
Danny: Grave danger ⛔️?
Jessep: Is there another kind?
(Jo hands 🙌 Danny the paper 📝)
Danny: Colonel, we have the transfer order that you and Col. Markinson co-signed already that Santiago will be on a flight ✈️ leaving Guantanamo at 6 (0600) the next morning.
Was that the first flight ✈️ off the base?
Jessep: The 0600 (6:00AM) was the first flight ✈️ off the base.
(Danny gives back the paper 📄 to Jo)
Danny: Well, you flew up ⬆️ to Washington early this morning; is that right?
Jessep: Yes 👍.
Danny: I noticed you’re wearing your classy 👗 dressed uniform 🥋 for your appearance in court today.
Jessep: As are you, Lieutenant.
Danny: Did you wear that uniform 🥋 on the plane ✈️?
(Jack stands up ⬆️)
Jack: Please accord. Is this dialogue relevant to anything—?
Danny: The defense didn’t have an opportunity to dispose this witness.
Your Honor, I ask the court for a little attitude.
Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph: A very little attitude.
Danny: Colonel?
Jessep: I wore utilities on the plane ✈️.
Danny: You brought your dress 👗 uniform 🥋 with you?
Jessep: Yes 👍.
Danny: Toothbrush 🪥, a shaving 🪒 kit, change of underwear 🩲?
(Jack stands up ⬆️)
Jack: Your Honor—?!
Danny: Is the colonel’s underwear 🩲 a matter of national security?
Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph: (talking to Danny and Jack)
Gentlemen! (Talking to Danny)
You better get somewhere fast,💨 Lieutenant.
Danny: 👍 (Talks to Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph)
Yes, sir. (Back to Jessep) Colonel?
Jessep: I brought a change of clothes and some personal items.
Danny: Thank you 🙏.
(Jo hands 🙌 Danny the paper 📄)
Danny: After Dawson and Downey’s arrest on the night of the 6th, Santiago’s barracks room was 🦭 sealed off and its contents inventory:
4 pairs of camouflage pants,👖 3 long-sleeved khaki shirts 👔, 3 pairs of boots 🥾, 4 pairs of green socks 🧦, 3 OD green T-shirts—
(Jack stands up ⬆️)
Jack: Please 🙏 record.
Is there a question 🙋‍♂️ anywhere in our future?
Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph: Lt. Kaffee, I have to ask you to state your question 🙋‍♂️.
Danny: I wonder 💭 why Santiago was impact?
(They take a moment)
Danny: Tell you what. We’ll get back to that one 1️⃣ in a minute.
(Jo hands another paper 📑 to Danny)
Danny: This is a record of all telephone ☎️ calls made from your base in the past 24 hours after being subpoenaed in Washington.
You made 3 calls and highlighted those calls in yellow.
Do you recognize those numbers, sir?
(Danny hands 🙌 the paper 📄 to Jessep; he reads all 3 phone 📞 calls)
Jessep: I called Col. Fritz Hughes in Quantico, Virginia.
I wanted him to know that I would be in town; the second ☎️ call was to arrange a meeting 📅 with Congressman Richmond of the House 🏠 Armed Services Committee; and the third call 📞 was to my sister 👩, Elizabeth.
Danny: Why did you make that call 📞, sir?
Jessep: I thought 💭 she might like 👍 to have dinner 🍽️ tonight.
(Jack stands up 🔝)
Jack: (talking to Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph)
Your Honor—
Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph: I’m gonna have to put a stop 🛑 to this.
Danny: (talking to Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph)
Your Honor, these are the telephone ☎️ records from Gilmo for September 6th; and these are 14 letters that Santiago wrote in 9 months requesting in fact begging 🙏 for a transfer.
Upon hearing the news 📰 that he was finally getting his transfer.
Santiago was so excited 😆 that do you know how many people he called? (0) Zero 0️⃣. Nobody.
Not one 📞 call to his parents saying he was coming home 🏠; not one 1️⃣ called to a friend saying, “Can you pick me up ⬆️ at the airport?”
He was asleep 💤 in his bed 🛏️ at Midnight 🕛; and according to you, he was getting on a plane ✈️ in 6 hours.
Yet everything he owned was hanging neatly in his closet and folded neatly in his 🦶 foot locker.
You were leaving for one 1️⃣ day.
You packed a bag 💼 and made 3 phone ☎️ calls.
Santiago was leaving for the rest of his life; and he hadn’t told a soul; and he hadn’t packed a thing.
(Turns around and looks at Jessep)
Danny: (talking to Jessep)
Can you explain that?
(Jessep stays quiet 🤐)
Danny: In fact, there was no transfer order.
Santiago wasn’t going anywhere; is that right, Colonel?
Jack: Objection!
Your Honor, it’s obvious that Lt. Kaffee’s intention this afternoon is to smear a high ranking Marine officer 👮‍♂️ in the desperate hope that the mere appearance of impropriety will win 🏆 In points with the court members.
Now is my recommendation, sir that Lt. Kaffee be reprimanded for his first conduct; and the witness be excused with the court’s deepest apologies.
Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph: Overruled.
Jack: Your Honor—
Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph: Your objection is noticed.
(Jack sits down)
Danny: Colonel?
(Jessep smirks and chucks)
Danny: (talking to Jessep)
Is this funny 😁, sir?
Jessep; (talks to Danny)
No, it’s not. It’s tragic. 😢
Danny: Do you have an answer?
Jessep: Absolutely 💯.
My answer is I don’t have the first 🦫 damn clue 🕵️‍♂️.
Maybe 🤔 he was an early riser and liked to pack in the morning; and maybe 🤔 he didn’t have any friends.
I’m an educated man 👨, but I’m afraid 😧 I can’t speak 🗣️ intelligently about the travel 🧳 habits of
William T. Santiago.
What I do know is that he was set to leave the base at 0600 (6:00AM).
Now, are these really the questions that I was called here to answer, phone 📞 calls and 🦶 foot lockers?
Please 🙏, tell me that you have something more, Lieutenant.
(Jessep looks at 2 Marines Dawson and Downey)
These 2 Marines are on trial for their lives.
Please 🙏, tell me that their lawyer hasn’t pinned their hopes to a phone 📱 bill 💵.
(Danny takes a moment to think 🧐)
Jessep: Do you have any other questions for me, Counselor?
(Danny takes a moment to consider the matter)
Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph: (talking to Danny)
Lt. Kaffee?
(Danny looks at Sam and Dawson and Downey)
Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph: Lieutenant, do you have anything further for this witness?
(Danny looks at Jo;
Jessep gets up ⬆️ at the stand)
Jessep: (talks to Danny)
Thanks 🙏, Danny. I love ❤️ Washington.
Danny: (talking to Jessep)
Excuse me ☝🏽. I didn’t dismiss you.
(Jessep turns back to Danny)
Jessep: I beg your pardon?
Danny: I’m not through with my examination 🧐.
Sit down 🪑.
(Danny walks over and pours 🥃 a glass of water 💦)
Jessep: Colonel.
Danny: What’s that?
Jessep: (talking to Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph)
I’d appreciate it if he address me as “Colonel” or “Sir.”
I believe I’ve earned it.
(Danny drinks 🥤 the glass of water 💦)
Judge 👨‍⚖️ Randolph: The defense counsel will address the witnesses “Colonel” or “Sir.”

@savanahmclary4465 - 31.12.2023 08:33

One of the greatest movies of all times. With all the real brothers.

@savanahmclary4465 - 31.12.2023 08:31

One of the greatest movies of all time.

@AmericanPaisa99 - 31.12.2023 01:44

“Ten-Hut 🫡 There’s an officer on deck.”

@thomaskruse9485 - 30.12.2023 14:11

Mal ehrlich.Jack Nicholson in dieser Uniform als echter Marine.
Und da soll man sich als normaler Soldat nicht vor Angst nicht in die Hose scheissen, so wie er Auftritt und Aussieht?

@josephlawler2871 - 28.12.2023 02:42

I've probably watched this scene at least 10 times over the years. Still engrosses me and raises my pulse. Only one minor complaint that makes it harder to suspend disbelief... all the whispering, mostly by Lt. Caffee. You can't whisper in a courtroom. I'm pretty sure the court stenographer and judge and probably several other people have to hear every word that is being said. Other than that, a total classic.

@robertcalamusso1603 - 21.12.2023 09:31

JACK !!!!


@user-zb3ht5ib7k - 17.12.2023 12:07


@jimh7628 - 17.12.2023 10:18

You left out the best part at then end!

@dc4296 - 14.12.2023 16:38

pretty hard to do your job as Defense attorney when everyone keeps interrupting you

@Theearthtraveler - 12.12.2023 20:31

Great scene!

@ronitkarmi5308 - 12.12.2023 20:25

Tom Cruise great person and a fantastic actor.

@user-lq9oi5jq3n - 11.12.2023 02:03


@robr7200 - 06.12.2023 20:08

The two guys playing the Airmen were active duty Marines who volunteered as extras in the movie. I was going through my MOS school in the Marines, and one of our instructors (SSgt Cole) who was funny, and kind of a smart ass said he was in this movie. We all thought he was pulling our leg thought he was full of it. We sit down to watch it, and in walk the two Airmen, and he's on the right. I couldn't believe it; my mouth dropped on the floor.

@brianellinger6622 - 04.12.2023 09:57

if it was true,...
you wouyld never see it again.....

@stephenmiller2337 - 28.11.2023 05:24

I love the scene where he looks at his reasoning (Kevin Pollak), the men he's defending, and his conscience (Demi Moore), and goes forcefully with his conscience. Great acting from all involved.

@jamesclinesr2511 - 22.11.2023 11:36

Jack Nicklson did this scene in two takes.

@jeffreysokal7264 - 16.11.2023 06:53

There a few good men, maybe many of them, but Tom Cruise isn't one of them.

@user-dg4ui4sj2t - 14.11.2023 13:15

God bless tom

@MapleSyrupPoet - 12.11.2023 10:33

Motrin is working 💪 back better ...back pain changes your mood/stress level/personality ...take care of your back ...so important 😊

@jasonshingoose272 - 05.11.2023 03:53

Tom Cruise the chit, but this would not be possible, without Jack. Love them both.

@arieldelacruz8747 - 30.10.2023 18:23

Well he started in the movie LEGEND as Jack , fantasy movie.

@ReminisceLogic - 26.10.2023 21:49

Iconic scene 🎉

@user-yz7fc5gc4q - 19.10.2023 21:37

Are we clear Billy Crystal? Are we cpdered queer? Meg Ryan.

This is my rie this is my gun This is for shiiting this is for fun.
Corporal Barnes Resin Crazy Glue. Cheech and Chong "My Baals itch" My Balls itch"
It's me dave I got the stuff.
MCraven speech UT 2014. Kevin Baconater Landshark at the drivethru.

@geoffreysnyder5144 - 18.10.2023 10:09

Marines never say "O" regarding time we say Zero.

@MapleSyrupPoet - 15.10.2023 10:43

Tom killed it here ...Jack is Boss ...no kidding 😊

@wunder8962 - 13.10.2023 00:36

Did not take his life with a .45 cal pistol. It was a beretta 9 mm

@phototristan - 12.10.2023 05:23

The thing is, he can’t handle the truth

@Sam-bz4hf - 11.10.2023 22:29

Love this

@jamesdedrel383 - 09.10.2023 08:05

Life and death for good your choice

@jamesdedrel383 - 09.10.2023 08:03

All the woke people are going to suffer not my fault or my soul your choice

@mandisabanda5759 - 20.09.2023 22:23

I keep on coming back to this scene

@user-co8uy5rb2s - 07.09.2023 13:00


@wolfonit - 03.09.2023 02:07

At the end Take a seat Colonel voice is hilarious!!!

@MrIsh23456 - 31.08.2023 22:05

what a movie

@raymondparsley7442 - 31.08.2023 10:40

Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson at their best.... Great actors both, obviously.

@JasoEubri-bf2mz - 31.08.2023 09:49

Everyone has issues a code red

@daajrazgul2231 - 30.08.2023 23:09

Man, I wish real court was like this.

@michaelcanning2204 - 28.08.2023 03:21

As much as I love legal matters and proving what is right against the wrong, I would side with Jack's character.

@softchimp4u - 27.08.2023 18:51

Need some more of these type of scenes.

@Notanotheryash - 26.08.2023 21:31

It's been more than 2 decades and this scene still gives me the chills. What an impactful performance!

@yvonnecamacho7887 - 25.08.2023 05:55

"You have to ask me nicely."
