XCOM 2 WotC Part 34: Tapcat vs Tapcat + ADVENT (2022)

XCOM 2 WotC Part 34: Tapcat vs Tapcat + ADVENT (2022)


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@mrmcbaldspot - 22.03.2022 16:22

The VIP probably needed a change of underwear. First the front of the truck gets blown, then the back doors get destroyed. Not the greatest recruitment tool.

@Blue-zw8er - 22.03.2022 18:03

A comedy of errors indeed but overall not bad.

@bigego503 - 22.03.2022 18:14

That's xcom for you; any mistake made is automatically multiplied up to the level of disaster. Good vid

@Jaeger_Bishop - 22.03.2022 18:27

Unfortunately, I think you have to put the SPARK in an actual repair bay in Shen's corner of the Avenger, I forget the name of it. I just know they don't heal on their own like normal soldiers do. I'm only saying this as I'm not sure/didn't see if you put the SPARK in the repair bay.

@altasilencia3695 - 22.03.2022 19:35

I gotta say, the moves to pull the VIP from the burning truck were legendary. I thought the VIP was as good as dead.

@adrianobernardiprado5033 - 22.03.2022 20:45

I hate when i lose my stealth in the first round by a yelling Citizen!

Happened last week, when my reaper jumped down in Front of a window 😬

@joedavies7987 - 22.03.2022 20:59

Love watching your videos on here.
Bit random but I've just had a switch update and it's erased my save file, anyone suffered this too?

@texasbelliott - 22.03.2022 21:28

Awesome mission. It really had it all. Some sweet mech on mech action, lots of explosions, some unexpected surprises, a doorbell (Ray flees!) and a bonus ambush episode coming! Excellent game play. You're way too hard on yourself, sir. :-)

@fnshouse632 - 22.03.2022 21:57

You don't use a combat Specialist with Mech hacking, Y?

@LordBaryonic - 22.03.2022 22:54

Maybe you should consider making a few more bluescreen rounds. I think that in the mid-to-late game, you encounter so many robotic enemies that the bluescreens really add value. It's not too much to equip bluescreens on two to three soldiers in the squad. A Sharpshooter with a fully upgraded beam pistol and bluescreens can do massive damage to vulnerable enemies (I think 8-11 points) with each shot.

@chemicalimbalance7030 - 23.03.2022 02:55

I yelped in terror at that Sectopod reveal and then was immediately grateful Chemical was sitting this particular mission out.

@nikkizerocool9101 - 23.03.2022 07:11

Saving the VIP and not losing a solider after the big reveal was pretty epic. I know you made mistakes but its like you slip on a banana peel and land a backflip

@conradoccaminha - 23.03.2022 09:45

No offense but in this mission you look more distracted than me without my ADHD medication... XD

@conradoccaminha - 23.03.2022 10:07

"Thankfully, tactical analisys will help here." he says as the sectopod moves and overwatches regardless of how many actions it has...

I swear to god, Tactical Analisys is simultaneously one of the best and one of the worst orders in the game. It removes one action from every enemy on their 1rst turn, but it is so unreliable that sometimes it gives you a false sense of secutiry...

@conradoccaminha - 23.03.2022 10:22

So, about the Sectopod vs Stun Lancer dilema: You could kill both. If you had shot at the Sectopod with the sharpshooter BEFORE moving into cover (after all, you CAN shoot and move with the Sharpshooter) you would see that you can kill the Sectopod with two pistol shots. So you could kill the sectopod using a shot from the ranger and then used Rend to kill the Stun Lancer.

Yes, Sharpshooter spends another turn exposed but the only guy who could hurt him was a mile away and it has a very short ranged flamethrower...

But, yeah, I also hate having to count the pips on their health, esptially wehn the thing has a monstrous health like Sectopods (and even more because the camera often shakes slightly, wich only makes it harder...). It is the one bit of game design I definetly think they should have thought about: Just put the enemy health in numbers (even if you'll ALSO put the pips). It would be a more reliable source of information.

@SIUNIT06 - 23.03.2022 17:51

I thought for sure the VIP was dead but you somehow managed to pull him out.

Now with sectopod and heavy spectre on the field, I think bluescreen rounds on sharpshooter and grenadier is almost a requirement at this point. Rangers should still use talon rounds and specialist need to be carrying other utility items (typically medikit/mimic or skulljack/mimic on mine).

I don't get the hate with mimic beacon, similar to ghost grenade in Enemy Within. The game gives you tools so why not use them.

On health values, I think that's a huge step back design wise compared to Enemy Unknown since it's so much harder to quickly calculate the health of an enemy. I honestly don't think I can play this game without that mod because I don't have the patience to count those tiny pips.

EDIT: you dont get moment with Reaper on templars, so if you active those, you can't parry. Once you have a colonel templar though, you can end the chain with ionic storm, which is great.

@leonardo_branco - 08.04.2022 02:10

Incredible how master Tapcat keep it's cool while the game throw so many bad situations on him! I realy enjoy your videos and admire your spirit Mr. Tapcat! A real sportsman! Learned all my best XCOM's knoledge from you sir! You are an inspiration to all rookies like me! Congratulations! "Vigilo Confido"!

@plain6677 - 06.05.2022 19:17

Instead of getting cover all the time, sometimes you should really really move one tile away from the target to guarantee a better hit chance, especially when all other ennemies are worthless or occupied.

@v1tr1us2 - 03.07.2022 19:23

My guess for the new enemy is a sectopod

Edit: Say what you will about advent, but they can engineer a building that can sustain a sectopod on it without collapsing. That's impressive.

@oscer. - 03.11.2022 02:35


@Dusto-D - 20.12.2022 19:23

I never really sold anything at black market till watching this play through. I started to on my new campaign and sold all my trooper corpses then when played armor was done I couldn’t upgrade because it requires 12 trooper corpses haha. At this point in the game there is 1 or 2 advanced troopers on most missions. I’m actually happy have my covert ops to get ambushed because there are about 4 troopers on those missions haha. My own dumb fault 😂

@davidjohnsonvasquezjr4941 - 19.10.2023 19:10

Just found this channel few months ago . Love Tap Cats content been binge watching every since. I have noticed a repeating pattern he acknowledges his mistakes but almost every video I watch he continues to make the same decision over n over . The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over n over and expecting different results. I truly hope in his newest content he's recognized this. Not hating by any means I know iv had people bring things to my attention many times n I'm grateful they did so. Much love Tap Cat I have learned a tremendous amount of knowledge about the game from you for my own play throughs. I can now play without loosing a single member of my team so I thank you sir .

@j2th31 - 30.06.2024 05:25

Arrrgghh…Kill red mech, use implacable to position beside the white mech positioned for bladestorm…
