Mom experiencing postpartum depression dies by suicide days after giving birth  | GMA

Mom experiencing postpartum depression dies by suicide days after giving birth | GMA

Good Morning America

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hmmm_- - 26.11.2023 19:36

Just why? She doesn't love her kids she don't even think about what her kids future be like without a mom around them ugh 🙄 poor little kids, I HOPE THEY FIND ANOTHER GOOD MOM, THAT COULD RAISE THEM WITH LOVE

T W - 26.11.2023 05:50

Hugs to this man and all family members. Can see the sadness and devastation in him. It's heartbreaking

Money Blue
Money Blue - 26.11.2023 01:39

Wow rip❤

JCass - 26.11.2023 00:09

This hits home. I was very sad after delivering my son. I had an emergency C-section. I was so emotional, my baby had colic. It was tough, especially when my husband had to go back to work. It needs to be taken seriously. Husbands or fathers should get more time at home!!

Lex - 25.11.2023 20:32

This is such a crazy time it’s nearly impossible to explain to ppl who’ve never given birth or been through it themselves, hormones/depression and everything else that comes with the grueling sleepless nights of a newborn are real and similar to psych torture, it sounds so diff to what having a baby is made to be like!!! It is wonderful but it is NOT all sunshine and rainbows, the amount of times I felt like an ignored baby carrying vessel even by my own doctors astounded me with my first born.

If you have any kind of mental illness no matter how “typical” like anxiety or mild depression you need to look out for yourself just as much as you do ur baby!!!!! The baby is reliant on you, the mother needs to be taken care of just as much physically/mentally!!

Having a new born is hard (huge understatement) add in anything else like having twins, a colicky baby, a baby with special needs/or needing extra medical care and it’s an absolute bomb 💣 of amount of pressure on a new mother. If you have one in ur life do everything you can to help her, check on ur friends, neighbors, daughters, wives and don’t let them dismiss their own mental health or try and be strong alone!!! We need to care just as much about the mothers well being as we do the babies. Especially during pregnancy and the months right after!!

viceb7 - 25.11.2023 06:56

Fuck, just seeing his face you can feel his grief and pain. I hope he is surrounded by love and can heal with his babies. So sad.

MISS MADISON MEDIA - 25.11.2023 02:56

It’s really like if someone said “You can take a piece of candy but there’s a high chance it comes with severe misery for the next 365 days”, and half the population continued opting for the candy… I just don’t understand on several levels😢

Sara Schneider
Sara Schneider - 24.11.2023 04:21

No woman that would willingly abandon any child, especially 2 newborns, much less foist that responsibility on her husband is not "the best mother she can be".

Sam Hull
Sam Hull - 23.11.2023 07:30

Such a selfish act. Those poor children left behind and the poor father left to raise their children. Heart breaking.

A$AP Tap
A$AP Tap - 22.11.2023 07:40

Please only have a baby if you and your partner are ready both mentally and physcially. It's really sad seeing kids go into bad situations in homes they did not deserve nor ask for because of a negligible parent who doesn't fully understand the responsibilities.

Odessa Singh
Odessa Singh - 20.11.2023 23:53

At least you cared about your wife. You are a good man

Imperfectly.Beyoutifull - 20.11.2023 09:05

I struggled with the same thing after having my babies. After my third one it got really bad that I wanted to commit suicide. I got so scared cause I was home alone with my kids. I had been on medication before, during, and after having my second son. But after my third I just couldn’t control it. Even thought I recognized what it was, I just couldn’t control it. It’s so hard to explain unless you experience it. But this is my testimony as well. That day that I felt like committing suicide, I texted the pastors wife and explained to her what I was experiencing, my pastor then called me and he told me we were going to pray together and to declare it in Jesus name. I was crying but I continued to pray what he told me. After I said in Jesus name amen, everything went away. Like it was never there! God is good and he is our present help in times of trouble and in times of need. I am so grateful for my pastor and our God almighty!

Dian - 17.11.2023 23:15

obviously postpartum depression can happen due to different reasons, but I think having more support, specifically someone be with the mother so she's not left alone, from family members like husband and parents from either side could have prevented the suicide. in some cultures there're things like "sitting of the month" and "postpartum confinement" where the mother rests at home and has someone stay with her to make her nutritious meals, do houseworks, and watch the kids when the mother needs to eat/use the bathroom/nap, teach her how to care for the baby, and most importantly make her feel supported, cared for and relaxed, so she can focus on herself and her baby, and it actually helps both the mother and her baby.

Indigenous - 15.11.2023 22:06


Cat Lady
Cat Lady - 14.11.2023 17:35

At least she didnt harm the baby like some women do…

Coll 44
Coll 44 - 12.11.2023 22:27

This is so heartbreaking I’m so sorry

Coeie - 11.11.2023 02:02

what kind of coward takes their own life after having 3 kids. Obviously a horrible mother if she didn’t care about her family when considering taking her own life. Straight coward lmao

Deontay Dindunuffin
Deontay Dindunuffin - 10.11.2023 14:50

Men stay single and stay free. It’s better.

Alex Russo
Alex Russo - 10.11.2023 08:59

This is extremely disheartening and I'm not sure if anything could have been done to save her except not going through with pregnancy number 2 but that would have cause issues in and of itself. For many other women whats most sad is there is medication that is safe and available NOW that completely cures post partum depression but it's not covered by insurance and extremely expensive and takes multiple doses to fully work. Idk if she was on it. I hope she was but it makes me question it knowing its costs I'm guessing other antidepressants were being used instead.
For the sake of other mothers- we need to stop being so judgemental towards mothers suffering with this as there is still a negative stigma preventing many from seeking help. So hopefully we can prevent any other family from knowing this pain. And we need to fight to have this medication available to all new mothers despite the ability to pay or not. Sounds like she was too far down the rabit hole to even consider help so luckily her husband noticed. But many other women sense something isnt right but fear speaking up and being labeled a bad mom. Very very sad.
My heart goes out to this man and his children.

Nana Lu
Nana Lu - 09.11.2023 17:34

why does this happen? it seems so strange.

AfroMedic - 09.11.2023 09:20

Mental health is real, if you know someone has a mental illness taking medication pls try to consider if you really wanna be with that person. My bipolar ex always threatened suicide and cutting me with axe. I loved her and her soul but being married to her . I’m 100% sure it can’t work.

Crabwithabs - 08.11.2023 06:31

U miss ur babies so much that u disappear from their life forever ? I def don’t understand this illness

Fa.Ben-Beauty - 07.11.2023 23:53

It was not only a postpartum depression. It was a postpartum psychosis

ele anc
ele anc - 07.11.2023 19:58

this is sad to many encounter this after giving birth but they tell samone not talking this is big problem most real mental ilness harm themself not otrhers sad poor mom

Lost_illusion - 07.11.2023 08:58

I also had postpartum depression after I had my 2nd child. So many wild thoughts were all over my head. But I somehow handled myself because I can’t imagine leaving my little children without their mother in this world.

Emily - 06.11.2023 10:52

I’m going to sound like an asshole but not everyone should have kids. I get that people want to, but if you have past mental issues I would strongly consider against it or just adopt. I have severe depression and anxiety plus other disorders, I KNOW I would have post partum and wouldn’t be able to give the care my child needs. It’s just plain selfish.

lettersandwordsandstuffs - 06.11.2023 04:52

Noone would give a f if the dad did this....woman is always a weak little victim

Monica VanDeventer
Monica VanDeventer - 03.11.2023 04:46

Mother of 1 and I almost committed suicide 2 weeks after giving birth to my son. He’s now 10 months old. Mothers need all the love and help in the world.

SG - 02.11.2023 21:34

Husbands are very important when wife is pregnant. Postpartum depression is not the beginning of the condition. During pregnancy is important that woman has people, support, love attention around her all the time. Husbands should take over anything that is stressing the woman during that time. From cooking or working or idk whatever is that she isn’t happy about. Love, attention and support can prevent a lot of things! Woman should chose their men wisely. Not a lot of men know or understand how important their role is during that time. Also after having the baby, she needs more care than the baby. Happy mom happy baby happy family. There is a lot falls on the women physically, emotionally.
I’m saying it from my own experience. I went through it all being a mom of 3.
I’ve done it almost alone with little support from my husband, since he had to work and I had to stay home for our kids. He doesn’t know 10% of what I went through. We have no family where we’re. I gave birth to 2 of our kids alone at the hospital with no one with me. It hurts and makes me wanna cry. I don’t want to remember those days it saddens me..
My faith and love for my children saved my life. I use to think if I die what will happen to my beautiful children. I had to be strong for them.
Love and support is the key to prevent postpartum depression! I’m very sorry for your loss and wish all the best for your little angels!

We Reach Homestead
We Reach Homestead - 02.11.2023 18:32

But why have more children……this is sad. She could have been alive.

AskAgainL8ter - 01.11.2023 08:49

When I was pregnant with my first, a woman at our church came to me and said, I dealt with post-partum depression. If you need anything, call me day or night. It was so nice to have that lifeline available. We have to take care of each other.

Dad’s World
Dad’s World - 01.11.2023 00:02

Postpartum depression is dangerous, my wife drowned my 2.5 year old and 5 year old last month and hung herself because of untreated post partum depression she denied, along with the mix of conspiracy theories.

Melissa - 31.10.2023 22:00

I’m sorry for your loss I know depression can really do a lot to a person but you’ll have memories of her in your children

Cee Dubya. Mav Fan
Cee Dubya. Mav Fan - 31.10.2023 21:28

So laziness can kill u. Post partum impression i get is that only lazy mothers get post partum depression

Galaxy🤣 Has Fleas
Galaxy🤣 Has Fleas - 31.10.2023 17:01

I had PPD in 1987 so bad i tried giving my daughter to family members but thankfully i came out of it within 2 months 😢. Shes 36 now and I still apologize to her for my feelings 😢

Kate ♡
Kate ♡ - 31.10.2023 11:59

one of the reasons why i dont want any kids ever

Kpop Origami
Kpop Origami - 31.10.2023 07:38

It would help if they shared what the signs were and specifically what was different about ber behavior

Sandra Marcello
Sandra Marcello - 31.10.2023 03:05

I think help from family especially with twins might have helped. I suffered with post-partum after my second child. My Mother stayed with me for 4 months and cared for the baby while I slept and took meds. Then I had a sitter come in from time to time so my husband and I could get out. I’m sorry for your loss. May she RIP. 🩷🙏

Sean Vergs
Sean Vergs - 30.10.2023 19:36


HaveADay - 30.10.2023 18:51

So you knew it was bad, but you decided you needed 4 kids instead of just 2? Ok…

cornnuts - 30.10.2023 18:10

When the husbands/other parent don't help enough and leave you exhausted or fight you on things it causes this. That is my experience. Partners need to step up and support. No hate to this guy or saying that was their case.

ixik - 30.10.2023 12:43

Been there...lost my forst daughter to the father because of it. With my other kids and a new oartner we knew the risks for me getting it again so we had plans. They worked great! I dont have any contact to my daughter but tht is because her father wont let me😢
Today I feel extremly good❤

garald tao
garald tao - 30.10.2023 09:31

I suspect that my wife had post pardum so I quite my job and stayed home for 10 years until she got better. We were poor but she and the kids are alive and doing well.

Catro Castre
Catro Castre - 30.10.2023 06:53


smalt - 30.10.2023 05:54

This is so so heartbreaking 😰 I wish the family the best and hope they still manage to live a happy life ♥️

Noemi Lambert
Noemi Lambert - 29.10.2023 22:24

It’s so important to chec k on new mamas! They say they are fine but it’s hard work and ppd is hidden a lot of the times! I had it the worst with my 2nd and 3rd kid and I remember feeling so numb and alone! God took it away for me with my 3rd and it’s no joke! It’s hard for even spouses to understand!!!!!!

making money 84
making money 84 - 29.10.2023 10:10

She left her kids smh 😢😢

Nicole Cox Newton
Nicole Cox Newton - 29.10.2023 06:22

🤔 Something doesn't sound right about this story. I smell a rat.

Miss Florence K
Miss Florence K - 29.10.2023 00:05

He looks devastated 😢

Jake Plumber
Jake Plumber - 28.10.2023 21:11

Way too many sob stories in the comments for the mom instead of pointing out that because of her selfish actions, the kids will be raised without a mother.
