Media Room Design tour. Sonus Faber Speakers. Custom Home Theater. Interior design. Rel subwoofer

Media Room Design tour. Sonus Faber Speakers. Custom Home Theater. Interior design. Rel subwoofer

Theater Advice

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@totalplonker824 - 08.08.2024 22:47

Lovely job, especially considering what you got to work with.

Once the novelty wears off and if one happens to turn into an avid stereo music listener, I highly recommend going stereo (dual) on the rel subwoofer.

Adding a second subwoofer doesn't just give one better bass consistency throughout the whole of the room it'll also give one the ability to control the bass of each individual stereo speaker! It's actually part of the benefit when going dual on a high-level connection! Btw also perfect for where the MLP is up against the rear wall.

A stereo Music Lover.

@Losttouchjs - 09.08.2024 00:08

Very nice room. Well, except for the chandelier and the sconces. 😂 You took a little bit of inspiration from that other room you did with the wall decor. Top notch room.

@earthzero7 - 17.08.2024 15:40

Great setup and beautiful room. Which TV did they use? It looks fantastic even with the ambient light in the room and viewing off angle.

@duduking - 05.09.2024 14:50

I like it, it looks great ❤
