Why The Halo TV Show FAILED

Why The Halo TV Show FAILED

Laper Larden

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@Cheesus-Sliced - 02.02.2024 12:50

I find it really ironic they said "this is going to be a great success because we have so much source material to draw from"
Then took the characters, one of the least important story concepts, and threw out everything else, proceeding to absolutely trash the characters they stole.

@nicholasnajibi3082 - 30.01.2024 18:32

I just did some research and it looks like it didn’t fail at all. It’s streaming numbers were extremely high. It’s signed on for a second season and made tons of money. I’m so confused. 😂

@OnSolThree - 29.01.2024 21:46

Silver Master Chief isn't the savior of humanity at all - he hasn't been to Alpha Halo yet so basically all he's done is some counter-Insurrectionist shit and some stuff against the Covenant.

@hikariihikaru - 29.01.2024 11:36

Was he a hero before the fall of reach?

@EXMUTRKS - 28.01.2024 23:23

They fucked up the timeline, Master Chief, and the lore!

@iona401channel7 - 27.01.2024 15:23

I see the first episode i doubt halo tv series is better than halo itself

@jordanwest4482 - 16.01.2024 21:57

The show failed because it’s streaming on Paramount so a ton of casuals who might actually like it a lot are never even gonna know it exist and tons of existing halo fans are not gonna get paramount to watch it.

@KineticEV - 16.01.2024 18:50

It should have stuck to lore and let Neil Blomkamp direct it. This is what many of use wanted. Looking at Halo Landfall should have been enough to convince the studio he has what it takes and is worth getting to run the project. Instead we got an alternate time-line, disjointed story lines, Master Chief kissing and having sex with some random human raised by the Covenant and some obscure tribal girl with her own back story that I guess is supposed to somehow or eventually tie into Master Cheeks. I mean...John 117 🙄

@LifeonWheels - 16.01.2024 04:28

I think the best thing to do is to scrap the current IP of the Halo show and Paramount to say "we messed up" and relaunch the IP as "Halo, The Fall Of Reach" Make season one as the back story, so the first half or so of the book. Showing how Spartans became Spartans. Telling the storys of the first missions they took, the armor varents, most importantly why they were made in the first place showing. Hell even filler episodes showing the political or individual actions of Marines that are told in the book to tie into what lead up to whats next. Season two can show the fall of reach and how Master Chef became the hero of humanity. As much as I want a movie of Halo, I feel the TV show format is best to tell the story more in-depth. They would be surprised how many new people would come to see this as the story is epic!

@spoton5981 - 16.01.2024 00:53

They should pickup Peter Jackson and the legendary voice actor and start over…. No more mask off bullshit. But here they are burning their cash again with a season 2??!!Don’t feel bad for them at all.

@reegriffon2995 - 09.01.2024 20:32

"Wake me, when you need me." I'm sorry Chief, we woke you up too early

@KeyboardTarantula - 09.01.2024 14:05

I trust 343. I trust they can bring it back. with blood, pain, and fighting. halo 4 they only saw numbers. halo 5 they saw what they did was wrong. in halo infinite they had the right idea. now they just need to stick the landing. they need to find a studio who would be happy and passionate to work on halo like ensemble did for wars and have them work on whatever spin offs they felt like. Xbox needs to put care back into this franchise again instead of leaving it to rot until they need to sack people.

@captainflowers748 - 06.01.2024 19:24

I don't think Chief can even feel physical attraction anyways since his sex drive is suppressed from the augmentation procedure. But the serial killers are not good examples for masked characters, they don't show much emotions if any at all haha

@captainflowers748 - 06.01.2024 19:15

They sat down with 343? Sure doesnt seemed like they listened lol

@2Guapo - 05.01.2024 15:23

You guys do realiize that love can bloom, even on a battlefield.

@YorSupposedFather6666 - 02.01.2024 17:40

If only David Production (The same studio that made Fire Force) made a new Halo anime instead of letting Paramount to make the series. (knowing that they haven't played nor consumed Halo)

@IsfetSolaris - 02.01.2024 17:40

I feel like this show could pass in a newer fanbase with only a game or two of lore... But trying it in HALO with fucking MASTER CHIEF was stupid. This is a twenty year old fandom with 13 games and 18 books packed with lore, and doing it with one of the most iconic characters in gaming... It was doomed for failure from the start.

@macg8050 - 01.01.2024 20:46

It’s been infected with the woke mind sickness disease. It’s done, over!

@caramelldansen2204 - 27.12.2023 16:45

Honestly, they should have just done Halo CE but a TV show, a la The Last Of Us.

@Haseo55 - 24.12.2023 06:23

I have played Halo but only the 360 realese. I'm cassual a F.

I enjoyed the story of those despite what most say. Yet I littlerary dropped the show in episode 2... I think.

I like almost all of episode 1, yet in tje last third it became meh.

@roostercogburn8700 - 22.12.2023 14:50

It wasn’t meant to succeed, it was meant to make the production team and actors wealthy.

@JasonJackson-ft5bp - 21.12.2023 11:08

Paramount still has a chance with the halo tv series if they can get the writers to read the books and game storylines and respect what all the fans love about halo they can fix it still halo fans are also use to disappointment sometimes but they are gonna have to respect the story of halo we love they cold make the fans happy and attract new fans if they would just stick with the story

@theAverageJoe25 - 19.12.2023 18:53

It’s kinda like the M. Night Shyamalan ATLA movie we agree doesn’t exist. They completely ignored all the halo lore and source material

@Me_Caveman - 18.12.2023 23:04

District 9 tone, Halo theme. There, I fixed the whole series by sticking to the core and hiring the right lead.

@MillerWright-mb1ob - 16.12.2023 21:23

Who says that the many incarnations of Batman isn't what's killed any credibility he might have had. Ditto all of DC & Marvel, That and incredibly lazy movies.

@grygaming5519 - 16.12.2023 06:57

The best 'out' would have been for Season 1 to be ONI propaganda against Halsey and the Spartan II program, as they push Spartan IV's out as the premier super soldiers for the UNSC.

Then cut back to Chief laying on the ground with Weapon talking to him, trying to get him to wake up as he was knocked out a moment ago with bodies strewed across the battlefield (Big fight, bad guy got a good shot on Chief before dying type of action). Chief starts to question the morality of the UNSC and specifically ONI. Starts to think that it was easier to know where you stood when he was fighting the Covenant and the Banished. Now that the Banished are on the run its just been mission after mission against insurgency...with random banished encounters.

Honestly its a missed plot to set Chief against Oni. Its something I really do hope 343 decides to actually go through with.

@rhey8616 - 16.12.2023 00:58

Im one episode in and im already rooting for the covenant. The UNSC, supposedly protects its people, but not reallt and they like to fuk them over at the same time?? Kwan sucks, but why does the UNSC want her dead?? Why should I root for the humans??

And then you have a human working for the covenant??

@mrward6510 - 14.12.2023 04:11

It wasn't halo it was something wearing it's skin and taking its helmet off

@RedStar441 - 13.12.2023 13:45

The fact that they raceswap Keyes still bothers me to this day. The man is an icon of the series, the bedrock of the tenacity the humans take onto the first ring, but I guess we should change his skin color. Anytime a show raceswaps a character they have no confidence in the story and it's gonna fuckin suck.

@E550Boi - 12.12.2023 06:37

You do know they are making a second season, right??? Cant be that bad, expert....

@cryptickitsune1876 - 11.12.2023 14:33

I mean...What??? lol... Not the GREATEST show I've ever watched but it was by pretty much every metric, an OBJECTIVELY a good show.
...And come on man... this video (Although good in a lot of ways) is kinda cope. I say that as someone who agrees with quite a few of your points btw. it COULD/SHOULD have been better. It should have had more passion spilled into it. It also should have been, in my opinion... taken a bit of a darker tone. I mean... Halo at its core is a space opera yeah?

Anyways... All I'm saying is that if you take a step back you may see my opinion and the show itself in a different light.

To start I looked at the Neilson Ratings and Paramount's provided demo stats. The premiere episode boasted a viewership North of 5 million, which is ABSURD for a paramount+ show lol... and that's not even the most absurd stat... That fucking show beat out the average drop-off lol. Normally a show drops to 60% of its premiere viewership, but Halo averaged around 80-85% retention. That shit's unheard of lol... and it's probably why they greenlit it up to season 3 after the first weeks number came in.

This shows that people who may not have been interested in halo to begin with ARE loving this show... as the ones who DID drop after the premiere were overwhelmingly, most likely, the die-hards. I don't have stats for that claim but I think it's pretty evident that if people were to drop off... it would be from that group, and of course! lol. the die-hards require blood spilled on the altar of something they're that passionate about! I get it.

So of course, I really do understand why halo die-hards were miffed about the show's storyline.

But to be fair... and hear me out here... This was guaranteed to be the outcome unless this shit got 30 million per episode in start-up capital and the best writers in the in the industry. Instead it got 90 million for a whole-ass season and competent (Yet not legendary) writers.

furthermore, They can't fully mirror the source material or everyone familiar with it will be bored... so they HAVE to add in some originality. I get that the people who adore the games will never be satisfied and that's fine. This wasn't made for the Halo lifers. This was made to revitalize the Halo franchise and introduce the world to a new audience...

That audience isn't nostalgic over O'Donnell's Masterful "Halo", for Halo one... they most likely haven't played the games past a quick run-through of a few of the titles dropped onto game pass... and ya know what? that's fine. Not just fine... that's AWESOME!

...because the more people we get loving the show, the more likely we are to get more Halo shit.

Some of it will be god awful, some will be mid, some will be good (like the show), but some... some will inevitably be fucking art.

...And I'm saying all this as someone who adores the games. I first played Halo in 2001, and have played it since. Some of my fondest memories are in the common room at college in my dorm, chilling with like, 12 people, (some of which randomly just shows up from a few floors up because they heard we had an Xbox and were playing Halo) and playing AN ENTIRE fucking weekend... people passing out on mattresses they dragged out of a room and waking up to a controller being shoved in their hand lol. It was... fucking...BLISS.

but yeah dude... My suggestion is to embrace the new shit. You don't have to love it, but it's gonna happen regardless and if it does well, Halo wont die... it'll survive.

@LukeplaysTV - 11.12.2023 13:59

they just announced s2

@XtreemAlan - 10.12.2023 04:31

A reminder that when 343 started to make Halo, they specifically hired people who hated Halo

@XtreemAlan - 10.12.2023 02:22

It’s like making a show about people being stuck in a video game and not knowing how video games work

oh wait

@RileyEdges - 09.12.2023 21:27

There’s always Red vs Blue

@jasonbrown2587 - 07.12.2023 16:25

This didn’t age well did it? Gettin a second season and everything. Change the title to just “why I didn’t like the halo show”

@michaelplaczek9385 - 06.12.2023 22:46

The show failed because of 2 reasons. 1: it did not follow the written lore (just loosely follow the books lmao) and 2: it does not respect the predefined story and lore of halo

@Bosonfriendly - 06.12.2023 01:52

I dont know what problem people see with this show. I love it and cant wait for second season.

@jackjones1315 - 06.12.2023 00:13

Flippin loved every bit of the series, played the games but clearly don’t read too deep into the story just happy to have such a nice looking and compelling story

@schoart9944 - 05.12.2023 17:39

Watched 3 episodes, got pissed, and haven’t watched the rest. They had a stupidly amazing opportunity to make something great and butchered it

@RandomHaloDude - 05.12.2023 10:10

hate me all you want, i liked the joke chief made

@LiveSilence3 - 02.12.2023 23:23

The world is changing 😢 games films and tv we all loved in the past are dying. The media industry is dying, society is dying people are killing themselves because civilization is dying. There is no hope let all our favorite media products die so we can look at them with warm nostalgia in these dark times

@NITESHADOWshouske - 01.12.2023 03:17

This show wasn’t Halo, it was garbage.

@cmillerpa33 - 01.12.2023 03:10

When you have so much to work with and you just toss it out this is what you get. Halo could have been big as star wars. Sadly it was made by idiots.

@RaikenXion - 28.11.2023 12:43

I never even bothered to watch it after i heard all about the criticisms in reviews and controversy over some "subverting" and "recontextualizing" of certain beloved characters. then when i heard in one of the episodes that "Master-chief" himself actually reveals his own Face, i was like oh hell NO! I just have no interest at all.

@residentmemberofhell - 27.11.2023 18:05

I was hesitant in the first episode. It wasnt the best. Then they went to the looney toons asteroid and I kinda knew it wasn't gonna get better.
