Dr. Timothy Kuklo Performs Delicate Tumor Resection from Spine of Outdoor Enthusiast

Dr. Timothy Kuklo Performs Delicate Tumor Resection from Spine of Outdoor Enthusiast

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Joyce Hanson was a healthy, active, outdoor enthusiast that enjoyed hiking, biking, skiing and everything Colorado has to offer. Three years ago, Joyce woke up with horrific back pain that crippled her to the point where she was unable to walk. After trying everything to get her pain under control, her physical therapist recommended she speak with Dr. Timothy Kuklo, a renowned spine surgeon at the Denver International Spine Center at Presbyterian/St. Luke’s. Tests revealed that Joyce had a growth on her spine that needed to be removed. Dr. Kuklo performed this very delicate procedure in November 2014. By spring, Joyce was riding a bike and one-year post surgery, she was back to skiing. Joyce is elated to get her life back and dive right back into her outdoor adventures, thanks to the skilled work of Dr. Kuklo.

For more information on Dr. Timothy Kuklo or the Spine Program at Presbyterian/St. Luke's, please visit http://pslmc.com/campaigns/spine-center


#Back_Pain #Spinal_Tumor #Tumor_Resection #Spinal_Surgery #Dr._Timothy_Kuklo #Denver_International_Spine_Center #Presbyterian/St._Luke's #Presbyterian/St._Luke's_Medical_Center #P/SL #Spine_Center_at_P/SL
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