That is why if you visit Singapore, old people above 70 are still working for a living.
ОтветитьHow to feel rich when u have to pay $100000 for COE.
Every thing is expensive
Why is he interviewing only a small pool of poorer Singaporeans (and foreigners too...even though the title states "Singaporeans")? You should interview workers in the business district where you would get a proper sample of Singaporeans both poor and rich.
Ответитьi worked in Singapore there but only short of periods, i cant stand toxic people's who i worked with him
ОтветитьThe disparity among poor and rich so huge many stiil got salary between SD800 -SD1800.
Ответитьi found this topic that the interviewer who asking the questing is very positive, he is able to find the inner concern of the interviewees, and bring up some true positive answers that inspire people, enjoyed.
ОтветитьThat plumber guy should move to Australia. He can easily earn 10k/month here
ОтветитьHow do you define rich? I gather you are quite a shallow thinking person as seen from the questions you asked.
ОтветитьAsian boss is the best, neutral and objective. The selection of topics is innovative. Let the world, Asian countries better understand Asia.
ОтветитьI am absolutely sure that there has been massive censorship from this channel before posting.
ОтветитьI would say that Singapore is rich enough to ensure that its citizens live decent lives (which can be rich to the people from many other countries). Personally I feel this interview is not objective enough, as it only included teenagers, elderly people, or foreign workers. Why not interview those who are working in the central areas of Singapore?
ОтветитьOnly 10% are rich lah. I am not rich
ОтветитьI can buy what I want but now I have health issues
ОтветитьIMF reported is exaggerated!
ОтветитьDefine rich? If you have to work to earn, means you are not rich in $. You depend on that income, if your health goes down then good luck! Our daily life is to sustain, importance are health, roof over our heads and for food it depends on your taste.
ОтветитьI am from Vietnam. It's not easy to live here, though, but of course, it's not as hard as it is in Singapore. I also visited Singapore many times and I see you have to be very excellent or lucky to be rich in Singapore. In Vietnam, I have an understandable or intermediate English level, and I can earn 3 times more than average people, while many people in the video showed a very sharpened English level and still struggle living in Singapore.
ОтветитьHow...shall we Sporean mostly 85% should be say rich....infront of our eye mostly YP struggle from morning to night work to support family even personal expencess still shortage so would that ..been say rich.....only our goverment thing that that b'cse Spore is the expensive city to let other country know
ОтветитьAs a Singaporean (student) myself, I don't feel rich nor poor. Just privileged and right. Rich for me is having a roof over your head, having to eat 3x+ a day, having variety of clothes to wear.. With the crisis of inflation rate rapidly increasing nowadays, you need to atleast earn more than SGD7k to live comfortably and own a studio type condo unit. But in my perspective we own a house, and my parents earn i say above middle class-? Anyway Thank you Asian boss for featuring and interviewing minimum wage earners and we truly get to learn alot from this video.
ОтветитьOnly about 10% are rich lah
ОтветитьRich is very abstract, different people have different definiton about rich. I like these video.
ОтветитьI always believed Asian boss has a neutral view. Now I am wrong
ОтветитьIf you surround yourself with rich people, then you don't feel rich.
So many Singaporeans travel on holidays and talk about "how cheap everything is"
I see engineering jobs in Singapore that pays $10K a month.
ОтветитьLet the poor say, 'i am rich'
ОтветитьAt least Singaporeans can go to lower currency countries like Philippines to enjoy vacation with luxury.
ОтветитьIf I have $50m, i will buy a condo $5m nearer city and buy a good car
ОтветитьThey thought they are the best, but they are not.
Ответитьmost Singaporeans are not living in a meaningful life.
Ответитьi wan to become ceca expat.. i saw alot of them live in tanjong rhu condo & landed..
ОтветитьMany of today’s “poor” are not even remotely poor by comparison to their counterparts 50 years ago. They all live a significantly better life with much less suffering and hardship. But they have no good reference point for just how great their current situation truly is. It’s an interesting quirk of human nature to compare themselves to those around them instead of their past and that of previous generations.
ОтветитьYes majority are struggling here and SG is building the image of begin rich .. cos influx of foreigners causing the inflation and skyrocketing high price housing and this does drive away most Singaporeans away to reside in other countries for better choice.
ОтветитьMost Sporeans are not rich! Imagine that most couples work hard to pay up a 30-year loan so they can own public housing with a lease of 99 years or less. Staying in a Condo doesn't mean they are rich as they need to pay the banks monthly! The rich ones are the new citizens! Meaning that if they are OK, only they will not come to Singapore to live!
ОтветитьSingapore richest country in the world,
Singapore is most expensive country in the world, okay!
Singapore is first world country,
Citizen living in third world! ha very simple! (😢 citizen poor)
Bangladesh is very high price better than Indonesia
ОтветитьAnyone's who's made it in Singapore is already rich. Safety, hygiene, world class administration, responsible government, outdoor weather for all 365 days, proximity to so many countries, strong and stable currency, and the list goes on and on. Now, if youre talking about money, thats different from being rich. Life in Singapore is rich! Not having money is a different issue
ОтветитьThat mf got girlfriend😊….. u are rich my guy❤….
That old guy with white hair can be model
As someone who know about the property market, I can share a bit of info about the prices between the rich and the normal people. A 100sqm public flat with 3 bedroom in a normal location will cost S$550K to S$850K. Compare this to a private condo S$2M or more. For the ultra rich, his condominium may cost S$20M to S$70M depending on the size and location. A house with 40,000 sq feet land will cost S$80M and above depending on location.
ОтветитьYou should interview the Will find the real rich people and rich country....
ОтветитьSome people will be rich, others not
Ответитьasian jew state
ОтветитьIf you earn above $4,000 per month in Singapore you can be consider just an average Singaporean.
If you can own a luxurious car and stay in condo you can be considered ‘rich’
Unprofessional foreigners worker earning $1000, $2000, $3000 cannot be considered rich in Singapore.
People who have money dont work,people who work dont make money.😂
ОтветитьI agree that every country has the rich and the poor. But I also think that the government should address this issue. The poor must not be too poor to earn a decent life or else the future maybe a bit darker.
ОтветитьSo, you hear it !! Time , to change through new leader !! We need them , then cost will be down 30% easily.. you see , parents then how to support them ?? Time to wake up !!!😢
ОтветитьWhat a horrible country to live in😂😂
ОтветитьCountry is rich
ОтветитьI liked Singapore but no way I'm going to live there. The expensive prices will only go higher and higher every year. Its gonna be to the point that you need 3 jobs to survive like in Canada. Thats not living at all - thats just existing. Once its neighbors become richer and progressive then what's the point of Singapore?