Tallinn Declaration

Tallinn Declaration

Tallinna Ülikool I Tallinn University

2 недели назад

836 Просмотров

The Tallinn Declaration was created and adopted by the attendees of the First Symposium of Deaf Interpreting and Translation in Tallinn on June 1, 2024.

The written English version can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQiKWTbkdWTdouWCfdf5mg20g76s2mtNUrUW_Sfj73lqbktVPH7aYs3aamSnQzPLPrly4CT5nxfXhld/pub

Feel free to translate the signed text into your national sign language(s) and the written text into your national written language(s).


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