The Daily Life of a Native American Explained

The Daily Life of a Native American Explained

Captivating History

2 года назад

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@iloveeatinga5985 - 19.01.2024 10:10

Love it thanks for tlaking about natives they really lived how we were intended to live if u think im wrong we got all this caused by how we love today Global warming




Water pollution

Food waste

Acid rain

Food and water insecurity

Global warming from fossil fuels

Melting ice caps

Human overpopulation

Ozone depletion

Poor governance

Sea level rise



Genetic engineering

Human health

Soil degradation

Global warming is blamed on humans

Habitat destruction

Nuclear warfare
Ocean acidification
Heat waves😮

@baldbollocks - 17.01.2024 03:48

Talk about sugar coating history. One huge half truth here.😮

@Weckerby - 05.12.2023 04:13

This video sucks. As a Native American myself, this video is very disrespectful to the actual struggles we go through. My dad didn’t even bring me home any food yesterday. I had to starve. My mom told me I’m going to get shipped to Ghana if I don’t bring home food tomorrow. If you want my cash app to help me so I don’t get shipped to Ghana let me know. Thanks.

@oanhuuchuong2266 - 24.11.2023 05:19

They lost their land because of Europeans.

@bignuke8112 - 02.11.2023 21:00

Life started in the northeast great lakes area. its the oldest land, oldest freshwater, oldest life on the planet... Our tribe teaches this.

@El_Indio_Salvaje_205 - 24.10.2023 02:33

Fight on brothers and sisters

@Urmompeakedinhighschool2 - 22.10.2023 12:38

Maybe some tribes in North America came from the land bridge & they ended up in Alaska & Canada. The tribes closer to Texas & Nevada probably came from Mexico & traveled up. 🤔

@KathyJensen-vh2yk - 11.10.2023 20:22

OBAMA administration is being investigated for human trafficking. Research -Myths and Facts about women and children sex trafficking. Be safe

@lilimur9907 - 09.10.2023 09:45


@hoottasshell - 05.09.2023 21:35

Capitalism = modern day monarchy

@BarraKade87 - 29.08.2023 04:17

After reading empire of the summer moon and now the sitting bull series on history on fire . I am obsessed with this culture

@thisotakusraisondetre5650 - 26.08.2023 04:18

"But THe NAtIvE aMEriCaNs haVe A dIFfeReNT sTOrY"
How about you reframe history through a more accurate lens, huh? Like Indigenous people have said they're from the land since time immemorial and CoLoNIzEr HaS a tHEoRY.

Also try not making it seem that Indigenous people no longer are living. We are still present to this day despite Manifest Destiny trying to wipe us out and the U.S. government working hand in hand with the pedophiles of the Catholic church forcefully converting our youth through residential schools. You wanna know what daily life for a Native American actually looks like? Think about waking up to no running clean drinking water in one of the most wealthiest countries in the world. Because not only did the US government test the nuclear bomb on your homeland poisoning the soil and ground water, but even deceived your people into mining tothose radioactive materials. The Supreme Court once again deciding to not honor a prior treaty. Wanna know what life is like for a Native American? Imagine having your sister go missing and having no help from the police to investigate. Imagine having your brother commit suicide because it feels so hopeless in this country to see every 'natural' disaster due to colonialism and knowing that it didn't have to be this way.

COLONIAL HISTORY HAS LIED TO YOU ALL. The Land Bridge theory was used to land grab and they tried to prove it by misleading Indigenous elders to thinking they were doing a study on diabetes, but instead they were trying to prove they weren't actually American because of this theory. Kind of reminds you of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, but this still doesn't get talked about?!?

@tyrone21ish - 01.08.2023 00:00

The Bering straight theory has been debunked

@pablolopez4383 - 10.07.2023 02:04


@jmwsr474 - 30.06.2023 00:17

You need to learn a little more about Native Americans. They did not live in "harmony" with nature. They did the same as every other culture did. They managed the land to suite them. Example, they burned out forests to cultivate the land, that was not just a European thing.

@charlesyoung2530 - 01.05.2023 12:43

They didn't have horses until the Spanish came to the Americas.

@59dstorm - 30.04.2023 06:20

Shouldn't b showing horses, that came after discovery

@sheldonberg125 - 28.04.2023 08:59

This romanticized idea that native Americans lived in perfect harmony with nature is a bunch of crap. Native Americans were known to abuse horses and waste animals that they hunted. They killed and murdered each other and committed infanticide. Let’s cut the crap!

@shiverarts8284 - 11.04.2023 07:08

This guy is annoying. Doesn't even have accurate history
Such a shame

@marymartini2839 - 31.03.2023 10:29

I've been on the reservation ass
I know how they live
The way the fuckin government wants us to go be come to back into a the our family house ancestors in an to

@Agent-vj3ns - 18.01.2023 07:50

Thank you for not hiring an annoying prepubescent sounding female narrator

@cptray-steam - 16.01.2023 03:09

I want to live like they did.

@yolandaleigh4198 - 25.12.2022 18:42

I amy be white...but I have always admired the Indians, despite what tribe. I feel terrible that their life and teir ways were taken by the white man. They respected the earth ...the wildlife...their was no money to be gained...unlike the white man. To me tey are an amazing people...if I could change my color of skin I would. I admire their ways of life and always will.

@heavinhell630 - 17.08.2022 11:09

North west south east go north Sacramento California apostolic god devil Jesus Christ name amen

@johntiller4327 - 01.08.2022 08:48

Still 200 dialects short of the Australian Aborigines but they have 80,000 on the natives American.

@ZroGravity99 - 16.07.2022 10:36

Oh yeah I forgot, I came across the continents because I'm Native American

@malmutetrooper863 - 11.07.2022 07:26

Alot of American racist stereotypes about Natives can be seen in the comments here. People talk about the wheel not being invented, well yeah they didn't have beasts of burden such as donkeys, mules, horses etc. Yet they made a different type of transportation using dog and sled so shut up. They did have advance understanding of molding metal for art such as for earrings, bracelet's, teeth stones implanted, and small designs of animals. They didn't just have a bunch of fackn gold sitting around in their temples waiting for European's to come pick it up, they used it you idiot's. That's why it was within their empire's being used. Also they taught European's how to live in this land in many different stages.

@guissedom6353 - 30.06.2022 22:02

Dude you are entirely false and promoting weird mythologies about the aboriginals. Buffalo jumps, anyone?

@matthewmann8969 - 29.06.2022 20:15

In The Arctic And Subartic regions The Native Americans before European arrival and before Metis were procreated The First Nations were having lots of tensions with Eskimos(I use that as a blanket term for Inuits And Yupiks not meant to be used as a racial slur) And Aleuts granted the wars, battles, fights, conflicts, issues, and tugging that The Amerindians had with those groups were not as bad as they had with Europeans And Mestizos yeah

@karlbrady5453 - 17.06.2022 22:30

Killing each other like they always had

@vespa9566 - 17.06.2022 19:24

Nice video, if you live in a fairytale. Guess he never heard of the buffalo Jump

@stevetonnesen3666 - 17.06.2022 06:55

Many of your pictures have horses. There were no horses until well after Columbus, and you should know that. Also, they did not even invent the wheel, have domesticated draft animals or even much in the way of written languages. They were quintessential barbarians.

@stevetonnesen3666 - 17.06.2022 06:07

I call bullshit. The conclusions are conjecture only.

@guillermo3564 - 17.06.2022 00:37

Why is the popular theory one of native Americans having emigrated across this mysterious land bridge? Why can't they just have always been on the north American continent from the beginning of their time? I never hear anything about people in Europe, Asia, or Africa having migrated from other distant regions of the planet. I guess it's just another way that white men can justify stealing and destroying all that they held sacred, with the mindset that they weren't here originally so it really wasn't their homeland. Ffs.

@walterdiesch - 15.06.2022 07:26

And unicorns and faeries fluttered about…

@juniperman - 13.06.2022 17:36

There is no way to know most of this. Sounds like a very woke interpretation. All evidence is the warriors were at the leadership of most of the tribes. And constant war was a way of life for most of the American continent the Aztecs being the most obvious

@natureschild2000 - 12.06.2022 02:11

You left out the savagery. This reads like a Dick and Jane first reader of ideal children of nature. One of the few times they could stand to get together (because of fear, horror and violence without discrimination of sex and age they committed regularly, traditionally against each other) was when Tecumseh united some tribes against the European settlers, very briefly. It was this savagery and disunity that made their stone age culture, like all stone age cultures, lose predominance and sovereignty to more advanced culture socially, technologically and spiritually. There were surely noble, peaceful, broadminded individuals and tribes with more virtue than others - more civilized, but that was the exception. Those thousands of groups/tribes/languages existed/persisted because of their cruelty to each other in competition for the land /the wealth/prosperity and ages of blood feud and hatred. This discussion is not false but is less than a half truth and does a disservice to the truth about North American stone age civilization and the relatively advanced, empathetic, non-aggressive culture of the Europeans - the "Americans".

@ralphieunderwood2166 - 11.06.2022 19:55

Listen to her 😆🤣🥴💩

@segagenysis6918 - 10.06.2022 11:28

Europeans elevated the sons of bitches.

@paulinehaleux9439 - 10.06.2022 09:42

Very interesting video, but I believe the imagery has a major flaw: horses were used by the native Americans only after contact with europeans

@soulaan3699 - 09.06.2022 00:43

They lived happily before the colonizers came and ruined they life's!

@charlesbullghost5491 - 04.06.2022 20:21

Working the everyday chores and hunted animals . By their own moccasins.

@darkprince56 - 04.06.2022 06:29

Next time please avoid using a flickering filter that obstructs the slideshow

@ciarandevaney385 - 03.06.2022 15:23

Must have been a perfect land before the Americans landed.

@wolfgangandrewx2416 - 03.06.2022 01:42

terrible video

@paulturner2443 - 03.06.2022 01:36

What's with all the flashing on the screen, it done my eyes in

@spinny369 - 02.06.2022 20:41

This video is decent at best, but coming from an actual AmerIndian, you can’t group us into one group, like you can’t group every Asian, African, or European. You couldn’t say that Norwegians and Portuguese were both the same, like you can’t say the Mayans and Nunavuts like even closely similarly. I do like how you mentioned smaller details about some tribes. Saamatuuk.
