Naga Keeps you 'Safe' During a Storm (ASMR/VORE)

Naga Keeps you 'Safe' During a Storm (ASMR/VORE)


4 года назад

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@theHUNT532 - 19.11.2023 00:59

I love non fatal vore with lots of stomach gurgles

@shnuff5053 - 10.11.2023 22:19


@remielhopefull8101 - 26.09.2023 00:18

Wish there were more like this. Non-fatal vore asmr.

@DomTwoFiveFour - 19.08.2023 10:02


@Dragonfruitinspace - 25.06.2023 22:22

I definitely should stop getting to close to wormholes-

@Cinderism - 15.06.2023 05:21

Me: why do I oddly like the feel of this acid or is it even. Acid. Oh shit. Why is it white?? LET ME OUT

@thelegoyousteppedon - 19.04.2023 05:37

Like topac said when I die I'm not dead where all matters are just squashed tomaters pulls pin on a grenade

@smoresthelongboi3084 - 13.01.2023 04:29

I love Naga already!

@allisonandzeekshow728 - 07.01.2023 20:45

Her: how did you end up so far from home
Me: traveling across dimensions is a little tough Steve might need to wait some more to be a Guest star on our show

@DenisTriton - 01.01.2023 18:05

If she is cute than I would ask her for eating me first. ))

@toothlesszilla9982 - 27.11.2022 04:31

Awww she so cute an sweet 🐱

@Psycho96514 - 02.11.2022 05:45

Just cost me NNN lol

@kidsstepan1865 - 23.10.2022 14:25

i like it :|

@kidsstepan1865 - 23.10.2022 14:25


@bossshun9 - 28.07.2022 16:14

Her: "Hold still. Just hold still."
Her: Coils around me.
Me: "I'm going to trust you, but don't EAT me. Got it?"
Me: Trying to not be straight as a board.
This is fun and interesting. Hopefully, a series will come.

@morgoth2579 - 28.07.2022 02:11

Someone animate this please

@thegreatestcommenter3831 - 21.07.2022 06:57

I'd at least ask her to to let me me out.

@restroomramen6290 - 16.07.2022 23:17

Do we get digested? 👁️👄👁️

@princessyoung5113 - 28.06.2022 07:30

Her: hello
Me: shut up
Her: wind out here
Me: w-what
Her : it's the only way to protect you

@RaWatchesThings - 07.06.2022 22:03

Really thought she wasn’t lying and that we would fall asleep in here until daybreak but now looking at the comments…

@samart6129 - 10.05.2022 13:01

Well talk about plot twist.....
What an outstanding move

By the way the voice acting and those swallowing effects are really great I would really like to see a part 2 for this

@diegoandreszavaletaparada4945 - 23.04.2022 09:21

What a cute Story

@rakknoss - 12.03.2022 14:20

Is there a part 2?

@chokiki1.825 - 01.02.2022 16:25

And then we got digested

@Colby_Cheese - 01.02.2022 10:48

This is really nice. I wonder if we’ll ever get a part 2 to this specific story.

@roguestorm2136 - 01.02.2022 05:27

Do you have links to the background sounds you used? Like the wind and the cave? I love them.

@thomashalsted1888 - 14.01.2022 09:22

I, uh… eheh~…
.. w-wouldn't mind getting eaten up by her again. Heh~

@ravencarter1474 - 28.12.2021 22:19

She be having really nice scales though

@lettuceseaslugofmischief - 23.11.2021 23:14

Squeeze me like a towel rag that’s full of water. I can handle it I’m a synx

@TobyAnderson - 19.11.2021 00:39

This video has great rewatchability.

@calm3606 - 08.10.2021 14:37

If anyone wants to, I made a rewrite and soon to be continuation of this story. If anyone wants to see, I'll leave a link to the doc.

@somememeguy3166 - 11.09.2021 08:14

“I tend to eat my food raw.”
excuse me?

@KirliaHime - 08.09.2021 17:35

Mom come pick me up I’m scared

@iceypsYeoh - 23.08.2021 13:09


@ssaphentite2131 - 23.08.2021 04:12


I trekked along a wooded road in the late of night with a torch in hand. The flames swirling in the wind, threatening to be extinguished in the gusts. The storm had come from nowhere, it began as nothing more than a pitter-patter, but it quickly built up into a beast of a storm. The next village was miles away, too far to continue in this weather, and my home town from whence I came was even farther away. Desperately, I searched for a shelter as I continued along the path, praying that it wouldn’t be bad weather that killed me.

Lightning flared brightly in the dark sky, showering brilliant spears of light through the treetops. A cave entrance was briefly illuminated a way off of the road. Seeing the opportunity put in front of me, as well as the lack of options, I hurried towards the cave as a gust of wind slapped against my form. Upon entering the cave I huffed, freezing and soaked to the bone, teeth beginning to chatter. I shook the rain off my hood and scanned the cave, raising my torch to cut through the dark. A crumble of rocks fell down behind me, blocking my way out. Through the dark, I could see dots of light.

I walk closer, noticing what it was. It was a female. Her bottom half was like a serpent. I slowly turn around, wanting to run but I had no choice. I turned back staring at her. It appears she was frowning at me. “Awh, poor thing…you look so cold!” I scratch my head, my teeth chattering louder. “What were you even doing out there, in such an awful storm.” I try to speak but my cold breath made it hard to. “Can you not talk? Did you hear me? Hellooo? Did like, the cold freeze your tiny little human brain or something? I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“Don’t you know it’s dangerous to be in a storm like that? What were you even thinking? Something as soft and weak and vulnerable as a little human like you. Oh in a blizzard like this. You could have died.” she spoke with an echo, crossing her arms and shaking her head disappointedly. “I got lost.” She looks down at me, examining my face. “Y-You…You got lost? I guess that makes sense…its so easy to get lost out here. How did you wind up so far from home?” I look up at her. “I was just…going out to get some water...” She cupped her mouth with her hands, gasping at my terrible tragedy.

“Oh, how awful…” She tucks a hair string behind her ear. “And, uh, oh my, you’re cold to the touch…” I nod, shivering, thinking if she could help me get warm. “Hm, here, let me…warm you up.” Her tail creeps up on me from behind, gently wrapping around my legs. I look down at her tail, and looked back up at her. “I may be half snake, but, lucky for the both of us, nagas are warm blooded; just like our human cousins. So just hold still, and, let me wrap my tail…around you.” I finally give in, allowing her to take me into her embrace. “So just hold still…and let me wrap my tail, around…you,” she repeats in a soothing voice.

I nod again, feeling her tail coiling around my shoulders. “That’s right sweetie,” she spoke softly. “Don’t fight it…don’t struggle, this is all for your own good. Trust me, you’ll be thanking me later.” She finished coiling around my body, and lifted me high up so she could directly look at my face. “There. Doesn’t that just feel nice?” She pulls me close. I stare into her eyes. “Yeah…” I reply dreamily. “We’ll get you nice, and cozy, in no time.”

“Oh- but, you’re still shivering. Are you not warm enough?” I shake my head. “I’m sorry but, I don’t have any jewels to start a fire with. I don’t usually need to make one. I tend to eat my food raw, yknow? Naga, half snake, it’s kinda what we do.” She starts to think. “Um, maybe if I just uh…tighten my grip on you? Will that help warm you up?” I immediately shake my head rapidly. I don’t want to get squeezed. “N-no?” She exhaled deeply. “You poor thing. You feel so cold…and you’re so small compared to me…”

“I…I wish there was a way I could help protect you. I wish there was a way I could help you. Protect you. Keep you; safe and warm and…comfy cozy. I frown, thinking that there is no hope for me. She starts to think again. I wait for her, watching her confused face break into a warm smile. “Oh! I umm…I have a little idea…but umm. Hm, you might umm…uh, you might not like it very much? But, but I promise; its all for the best. Now, please, just hold…veryyy still.” I hold still and give a little smile. She leans closer, her warm breaths clashing against my face. “Uh huh…just…like…” She opens her mouth her little. I get scared and began trying to tug free.

“Nonono, don’t struggle now, let me just-” She starts swaddling me, compressing my body. She gives a warm grin. “That’s it…hold still.” Her coils start to restrict me, her tail tightening me securely. “Not like you could fight back if you wanted to anyways. You’re much too weak and tired at this point,” she says, raising her voice. I try to move, but her coils were too tight. “Now, I promise I won’t hurt you…this is all just to keep you nice, and warm, and safe. Okay? Look at me…look into my eyes.” She locks eyes with me. “That’s it, stay calm, while…I…” I squeeze my eyes shut. “No…look at me. C’mon. Eyes.” I open my eyes. “There we go. Perfect…now just stay still, and calm, while…I…”

She widens her mouth and chews my hair gently, taking her time. She then quickly puts my whole head in her mouth. She chomps, as a bag of blood splats out. She squashes my head with her teeth, chewing delightfully. She swallows my head, as it falls into her stomach. The sound from the outside slowly faded away as she closes her mouth. She then began to munch my shoulders. She licks her lips to suck in the blood and consumes my leg; one by one. She pulls them in, crunching all the bones together. Her body was warm and compacted, as my body’s mush makes its way past her heart, and slowly falls into the acid, sizzling. She then takes a moment to digest it all. Her stomach gurgles, as your body slowly settles inside her.

“Ahh,” she smiled, licking the blood off her fingers. “Mm, I know this is all for your protection…but…you tasted, like, so yummy. I wish I could eat you up all over again.” She giggles to herself. “When you come out…I just might! I know my insides are all, soft and warm and squishy, so, I do hope you enjoy it in there. Don’t worry little human. I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”

The End.

@lucoatheexgoddess3387 - 31.07.2021 22:30

Finally, some wholesome vore

@SparkieUwU - 30.07.2021 01:46

Coils > Hugs anyday

@parker-boy98 - 29.07.2021 12:43

I like to think she actually finds humans cute.

@oogaboogazoogawooga3450 - 25.07.2021 21:31

Her: How'd you end up here?
Me: im a retard.
Her: oh thats awful D:

@Clover21lol - 11.07.2021 18:35

Her: how did you end up far from home

Me:well earth sent me to find her daughter luna annnnd I got lost and my surface is frozen

@Clover21lol - 11.07.2021 18:29


@noahshiel5709 - 25.06.2021 00:36

Her:you could have died
Me:haha ima die cuz of u
