Texturing 3D Prints for Strength!

Texturing 3D Prints for Strength!

CNC Kitchen

3 года назад

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@CNCKitchen - 24.04.2021 15:20

Textured or smooooth? What's your preference?
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@bakedbeings - 01.10.2023 08:41

I haven't seen a texturing section in Lychee, but I'll give it a go in ZBrush with noisemaker👌

@marwinjacinto301 - 19.09.2023 06:24

Wow today I learned

@MCRuCr - 15.09.2023 07:07

Functional-parts-guys unite! Nobody needs more vases after all

@FunDumb - 13.09.2023 04:52

Have you ever tested cooling conditions against warping? Fans. Cold garage. Acetone spray. Layer height breaks. That type of thing.

@Special_FX - 15.08.2023 20:23

Does anyone know if you can apply texture to one wall? Im priting wall tiles with abwave pattern on front and flat back. The back bows outward in a couple spots and in using sunlu pla+. Not sure if i should decrease my temperature a little or turn the fan down or up to help counter a little if i cant texture just the back

@DrewLSsix - 02.08.2023 02:25

I can see this being used to dramatically stiffen a hollow object by just applying it to the innermost of say 3 layers. The outer layer will still have whatever features you initially wanted, maybe a smooth box or cylinder, but the inner layer stuffens the shape without being seen.

I suppose it could be done like the corrugated cardboard with the center layer, but it would be more likely to show through to the aesthetic outer shell.

@RuubRoyce - 07.07.2023 00:12

It is intuitive at first, I immediately thought of shipping containers.

@belenesalfonsoymery - 02.06.2023 18:42

Muchas gracias, pero tengo una duda, una vez hecha la textura a la pieza con IdeaMaker, es posiblr guardar el archivo en .stl y que guarde la textura para imprimirla más tarde. Lo he guardado y al abrirlo por ej. con Tinkercad desaparece la textura.
Una vez hecha la textura y guardo el archivo, solo se puede abrir con IdeaMaker para ver nuevamente la textura.
Muchas gracias

@gonortega4393 - 01.05.2023 10:00

Great video, but do you know if ideamaker allows you to configure the depth of the texturing? Example I want the texturing to come out more than 3 or 6 mm, is it possible?

@williamchamberlain2263 - 26.03.2023 15:37

One of the many design features that make jerry cans so effective is the folding on the large faces.

@black99rt - 15.03.2023 13:42

Can ideamaker export the modified STL so it can be sliced in another program? I'd rather have this data stored in the model than the gcode or slicer project.

@hazzard404 - 13.01.2023 19:31

This is actually quite helpful I'll probably use this in this design for the centrifuge rotor I'm designing.

@branch929 - 01.01.2023 05:33

Can it work for d3d drone fixed wing printed drones with textured?

@krek420 - 27.12.2022 21:32

lightweight internal spacers could be a use for stiffer vase-mode walls

@brianmi40 - 10.11.2022 09:23

Wondering when we get some rather useful new features in slicing software like N-Layer Vace Mode.

@jagodev7730 - 27.10.2022 21:51

Does this exist in the latest version of Cura?

@bobwanmorgan9906 - 01.10.2022 00:40

Fantastic review

@jb2504 - 18.09.2022 19:19

Hallo ! Why doesn't the texture work on the top layer ?

@thethingg - 07.07.2022 13:32

is there a way to apply the texture only on the outside?

@dawghousewraps1953 - 23.05.2022 21:49

Texture for 3D Plane Prints - Anyone tried it - was the first idea that came to my mind, I bought my first Printer February 2022 so I am a bit behind, but now have 3! and it's May - own several printing and wrap companies and sold them in the past - this looks interesting - also as a substrate under a vinyl graphic - anyhow LW PLA pre-foamed with a texture I would think texturing the inside layer but leaving the outside smooth - if it's possible would eliminate the need for weighted supports..

@Aletsch - 04.05.2022 11:36

So, heres a thought, how about extrude texturing the inside perimeter of the print facing in to the infill pattern ? That way smooth exterior of the print is maintained when needed, however strength benefits are retained.

@FEDERICO-tc3wn - 09.04.2022 11:21

really cool vid/ i am using 3d printting for robotics and this really helped!

@951BReiss - 12.03.2022 03:12

Does idea maker have vase mode?

@samjohnson3124 - 28.02.2022 09:53

Mein Gott! ich dachte das du hast 35 jahren! aber du sieht das du has 22 jahren! ( i thought you were older)

@Neptune730 - 22.02.2022 21:51

I tried Ideamaker on both a Linux and Windows computer and it crashed on both. But the feature is great. I'd use it for adding logos to a print.

@830jps - 22.02.2022 09:40

Very useful. Almost like fuzzy mode, just better options

@osmanpasha96 - 21.02.2022 20:59

I'd call it bump map or displacement map, not texturing. Great idea though

@paulfitzgerald4933 - 13.02.2022 00:57

I love this idea. The other benefit is it makes each path longer. Thus any shrinkage is lower by percentage of length x distance on it's natural cooling/shrink ratio instead of shrinking by distance of start point and end point as a line. So this is a great concept to prevent shrink damage. In short, while it cools the distance from texture outside to texture inside may become less peak-to-peak (think sine-waves on an oscilloscope) but that also takes up some of the risk of it pulling too much the original straight path distance.

@micah2936 - 08.02.2022 22:19

Oooooo what about a software that adds the texture directly to the stl? Should be a thing right?

@EngineeringTechnikcom - 07.02.2022 01:35

perfect. this looks way easier than Ntopology or Inspire fr making beads. thanks! this what i need.

@ficekmic - 06.02.2022 11:40

Amazing video! The level of demonstration with simple real-world objects resulted in many "aha" moments ;)

@Spellcross123 - 04.02.2022 01:45

Is this in prusa slicer?

@slimekinglp9194 - 03.02.2022 17:23

Find die Begrüßung richtig geil xD

@battoisoutto6657 - 01.02.2022 00:48

Heck yes easier stippling on 3D printed lowers.

@wernerhiemer406 - 31.01.2022 22:41

Well, das war nicht von Pappe, sondern ein starkes Stück. In a good way.

@HeszaR - 28.01.2022 23:20

Thank you, I was getting comfy with Cura and Superslicer. Now this is something that I really miss in both of the programs.

@testboga5991 - 21.11.2021 05:39

Does it add strength or just stiffness?

@extectic - 11.11.2021 16:33

Isn't this literally what infill does, if you use a variant like cubic that add strength in all directions? Functionally, these textures add wall thickness since the print no longer has smooth sides on the inside and out - the textured print is much "thicker" even though the actuall wall may be a millimeter. At that point you may as well just make it double walled a few millimeters thick and put the texturing in the walls, in the form of cubic or triangle infill or something along those lines, it seems to me.

@objection_your_honor - 25.10.2021 00:22

It's only decorative. A real part must be engineered right.

@neurojitsu - 22.10.2021 11:53

Have you tested different glues that work well with different filament types? I'm curious how 3D printed parts that are made in sections might be joined together... and also which types of glues have different benefits, for example some expand, some need clamping, some will fuse surfaces together, etc... I'm also wondering if this might help PLA designs to take advantage of multiple printing orientations/layer thicknesses to maximise strength/speed where that is desired... thanks.

@olivierdamiron7279 - 14.10.2021 03:23

Very cool video Stefan, thanks for sharing. Always fun to experiment with new slicers too. I have a dilemma I am so far unable to solve. I am printing a 3 RC airplane in PLA and when I print the wing sections, which are 20 cm high or so, the surface collapses inward in the areas there there is little inner support. Which is annoying, particularly for the upper surface of the wing which needs to be clean. The skin becomes concave in some areas....Other than doubling the thickness and sanding the print after, I cannot figure out how to make it stronger. I would have to redesign it in CAD I guess, which is above my current level of modeling knowledge. I was hoping I could use a texture that is applied to the inner wall only, making it stronger while the outside of the wing remains smooth. Not too sure how to approach this hurdle! The search goes on.

@gabriberta85 - 11.10.2021 13:11

increase wall thickness

@iskandartaib - 11.10.2021 08:28

Wow. I got to try printing that spotted Benchy.

@genmasaotome3503 - 08.10.2021 07:55

Ribbed for her pleasure :P

@thebluebarncraftsman - 29.09.2021 01:01

Can the textured model be exported to stl?
