She's Holding Back From INTIMACY With You! (HERE'S WHY) | Apollonia Ponti

She's Holding Back From INTIMACY With You! (HERE'S WHY) | Apollonia Ponti

Apollonia Ponti

3 года назад

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@MaryJones-y8z - 14.07.2024 03:37

And im freehly showered and letting her know im aroused ive been woth her four yeaes

@the1andonlyxx - 15.07.2024 06:23

But she's sleeping with everyone else 😂😂😂😂. But holds it from you 😢

@Ekam-Sat - 24.07.2024 02:36

Beside the fact that it is normal for sex to drop off two years in a relationship there can be other reasons. If she doesn't see that the relationship will eventually lead to moving in together (or marriage/children/etc) then she will start to hold back on intimacy. Once that happens there is not much a man can do unless he wants to take the next step. But even then there is no guarantee that the sex will continue after he takes the next step. It is best to have an open discussion about what you both feel and what you miss or what you need from the relationship. If the situation cannot be amicable resolved (and there are no children involved) then maybe it's best to accept your expectations were not aligned.

@halentipene5596 - 25.07.2024 09:08

Tell a guy you’ve put out for other men faster than you have for him, can guarantee his interest will drop to near zero, making a guy work for and earn what other men got free isn’t worth the hassle.

@GeeB-bi8id - 26.07.2024 22:59

Why wouldnt you want to be the playboy ?

@AroundTheBest - 30.07.2024 07:45

While it may be true that she does not owe you sex, you do not owe her intimacy or companionship. She likely isn't a virgin and likely treated men better than she treats you despite these men treating her worse than you treat her.

@gordyharrison8650 - 09.08.2024 06:52

Then why will she hold with me and fuck other people

@gordyharrison8650 - 09.08.2024 06:54

Then why do they sleep with the play boys it is hurting 😔

@DudeManBroShow - 10.08.2024 17:10

Hold back because she likes you to she if you’re in it for the long haul? Ok why do women hold back in marriage then?

@williampleasant9563 - 15.08.2024 06:21

Hell sleep with other guys is ok, but not you because she likes you! A women like that is a snake.

@ryanholton9109 - 16.08.2024 06:20

Then tell me when im paying her bills & driving her back & forth to work

@bentmetal01 - 27.08.2024 14:50

My girlfriend says, sex is ok because of desire but cuddling and deep emotional connection is for marriage

@tezdun9911 - 28.08.2024 03:24

So she can shut herself out with 100 men but out of all them... You gonna wait foh!!!

@ADayInTheLifeOfJames - 30.08.2024 08:24

No1…. 🧢

@GBU61 - 02.09.2024 16:36

If she has genuine desire, none of these issues apply. Any man who allows her to withhold is setting a standard that will only get worse over time. Just be clear if she wants me to stay in her life sex will never be an issue. Any man who allows a woman to control the sex is a fool!

@williamreed1357 - 02.09.2024 18:39

Okay ,my wife cut us off over 10 years ago. Her excuse is work and doest want to talk about why we cant be intimate. Can you explain?

@EdgEntertainment1 - 04.09.2024 03:47

Let me get millions of dollars in my bank account and she’ll be all intimate as she can be. Touchy touchy.

@phigojr1595 - 12.09.2024 16:21

My wife doesn't let me touch her breast she just opens her legs and says I should come in

@Maharashtra.4204 - 16.09.2024 21:26

Women hold sex beacuse
1.she actually like you , beacuse she want to confirm that you're with her for long time or not just using her for sex that's it ..she want to see that you're not going to rush the things in relationship
2.some women have really standards
3.when she want to know you more ...beacuse they want to take seriously
4.she holding it beacuse you not be flirticiois not showing in friendzone desire
5.something worng with her sexually...she is shy ...maybe first time ....std..internal stress..socials things make her comfartable
6.she is using you only

@AlejandroContreras-y6o - 20.09.2024 17:54

Wtf coach?

@mathewtunha4706 - 02.10.2024 14:28

thats true

@Zumwania - 15.10.2024 05:09

So why after 15 years of marriage will have sex with me but withhold all other intimate forms of touch.

@TheBigggguy - 18.10.2024 20:40

I just wanted to see why it took almost 8 minutes to say “ it’s cause she doesn’t like you “. 🤷🏽‍♂️

@gelgoorx - 24.10.2024 08:06

Take me seriously and duces I'm not gonna wait n waste my time it's for the birds

@WillyWonders777 - 27.10.2024 16:44

I had sex with her already like 50 times - now - no sex - I can only cuddle and stay the night only. Zero sex. I can give her princess treatment - no sex. - I’m going to move in a different direction.

@justinwallace451 - 31.10.2024 01:19

Weaponising sex is a huge red flag

@justinwallace451 - 31.10.2024 01:21

So never be the guy she want to be in a relationship with

@manzchello4752 - 03.11.2024 09:17

This is all American women out American women I get with it. They won’t get very far. They say they’re sexual and then they don’t put any effort or anything. They come over with promises of doing stuff and then nothing happens even with charming her and laughing and having fun and was it being fun, but it’s like I wanna be an adult

@manzchello4752 - 03.11.2024 09:19

So another words, women don’t do jack shit

@manzchello4752 - 03.11.2024 09:24

So another words, women don’t do jack shit. Most women nowadays have low sex drive and no Game.

@Nonone234 - 14.11.2024 14:19

Any woman that has sex wiyb a playboy is a hoe period. She couldve fucked you just as easy, but she just wants your attention while she gets dug out and meatrailed by chad. Treat em like objects and use tbeir love

@brett103 - 20.11.2024 23:19

all women sleep around. If she won’t sleep with you. Then move on because she’s not into you. There’s someone else who will because she’s def sleeping with someone she does like.

@earnestrobinson7453 - 23.11.2024 18:46

Women hold back on sex because simps let them.

@sim7409 - 10.12.2024 22:38

gimne a break

@ogjamaiican756 - 11.12.2024 03:26

Bro, you can’t hold your sex back that’s stupid and it’s selfish and kind of narcissistic. It comes off as trauma dumping without saying anything. Clearly, you thought the relationship you were in before you were used for sex you’re just a traumatized girl any girl who says that it creates friction, especially in the relationship.
And it feels like childish games like we are adults no reason to hold sex back . They are porn stars that fuck five different people in one day there should be no reason why a couple is not having sex because you think guys use you as a property. You have to figure that out not us. I don’t wanna be mean but I can’t explain it nicely because you guys will take it kindhearted and ignore it, but it is a serious problem. It will make a guy go look for somewhere else or break up with you or be mad at you

@malcolmorton-o7g - 20.12.2024 13:52

the problem with women is they have too many boxes to tick. a man can only be honest and true when he has had sex with you.

@itsbasicallymario6077 - 24.12.2024 03:46


@Jonesaustin - 26.12.2024 08:48

so let me understand, the guy who just wants to cum gets the hot sex while the guy who puts everything up who she wants a relationship with gets the bread crumbs. whatever your philosophy is, that is unacceptable.

@marlonelmorejr5569 - 03.01.2025 06:24

Rule number 1 don’t take no advice from a woman on women

@courtneybenton9381 - 04.01.2025 23:47

Think about this why would a man put in work for a woman but did the Playboy have to put in work that doesn’t make any sense I would rather be the Playboy

@kayesacliff900 - 06.01.2025 12:03

so you gonna deny me sex but give it to any other guy and you tell me we are dating and you like me ., F THAT

@lamontruffin327 - 08.01.2025 14:15


@raiderfrankdatank - 11.01.2025 19:34

I want to do many positions but she doesnt. I cant go down on her or anything

@johncap6495 - 11.01.2025 21:33

I just started dating again. I use be pro unless I truly liked someone. I have personal problems I over came. I just got clean and started dating it’s the same BS woth games but I meant one
Who I made out with and she turns out it’s stripper and she wants get a room but said wants get know me but doesn’t want lead me on or sleep together right away but we can make out. I currently can’t walk. From injuries so I don’t know if she playing me. It’s my birthday and we are supposed go away but she pulled back phone wise too. I know stripper should be red flag but I been out the game for so long

@earlgrey2130 - 16.01.2025 08:38

Its not "totally false". The more a woman is attracted to you, the more sexual she will be. If she is less sexual/kinky with you than she was with her playboys, she likes you less than them. And that means you need to dump her and move on. Because she will cheat on you when she gets bored.

@jwoldner3926 - 18.01.2025 21:26

She holds back from you she is giv8ng it to someone else.

@mgu1N1n1 - 20.01.2025 22:08

Men don't listen to this BS

@JO2GALORE - 30.01.2025 18:25

If me and her smash im coming back to this video i promise

@AskJassie - 06.02.2025 02:42

The first reason provided in this video is why a majority of women hold off. Society stigmatizes “easy” women as being h0es… so in order to display self respect we delay giving up our bodies. P0rn has completely ruined people’s perception of what’s normal and acceptable. It’s insane.
