Sim Update 15 DELAYED! A Beta Tester Tells You WHY! MSFS | Varjo Aero & Pico 4

Sim Update 15 DELAYED! A Beta Tester Tells You WHY! MSFS | Varjo Aero & Pico 4

VR Flight Sim Guy

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@iboviper - 09.05.2024 12:10

Why? The reason why is obviously that the devs should do another line of work because they are completely useless. So sad....

@aussiecaptsarcasm9100 - 09.05.2024 11:33

Unfortunately due to the delay of SU15 staff that were going to be freed to work on MSFS2024 will now not be available and this will have flow on effects unfortunately. Better to be sure of the update than being forced into patches though. Brave but smart move Asobo/Microsoft

@EnsiFerrum - 09.05.2024 10:09

To be honest, I some kind of knew on thursday evening (2024-05-02) that SU-15 will be delayed again.
Microsoft rarely releases on fridays and mondays, not even beta-versions.
And knowing that the Beta should run a few days in public before it will be releases to the rest of the world made it clear on thursday that the tuesday will come and go without official release of SU-15.

@ffffula5549 - 09.05.2024 05:20

The main focus is whether ASOBO will interfere with the most effective improvements in MSFS history to date, such as Autofps and SmartFlight.
If they were to do this, it would be no different than a foolish dictator sending his talented people to Siberia and then pointing a gun at the people to silence us for depriving us of our great achievements.
Don't do anything unnecessary and don't force updates.

@Kris-qx8ht - 09.05.2024 05:08

Why is Varjo and Pico4 the title?

@kennykanada - 09.05.2024 04:00

Update 15, BeyondATC, very exciting times! None of it works well. A cacophony of bugs. Hope they all eventually get ironed out, before FS2024. Or will it even matter? 🙏

@casstephens3124 - 09.05.2024 02:52

I think I'll add that the issues are with 4x series cards. I left the beta about a month ago. Still with my 3070 ti and with production release no issues with my quest 3 in vr. Yesterday I popped in my 4080 super, and I'll tell you. I want my 3070 back. The stutters are horrible.

@MrNeilRoberts - 09.05.2024 01:28

I’m running 15 beta 4090 Q3 meta link DLSS quality with the DLSS upgrade and the hack to turn off fast jet vortex etc and 40 fps asynchronous warp. DX12

No issues

@mikecoffee100 - 09.05.2024 00:39

Thank Heavens since I have been tempted by the Beech Duke and since the Duke has issues and MSFS 2020 has some issues I can safely put my wallet away.

@digital_aviator - 09.05.2024 00:36

Thank you so much for acknowledging the beeta vs bayta pronunciation

@julianhall2008 - 08.05.2024 22:37

Better to delay than put out a buggy software.

@TheDigitalFlight - 08.05.2024 22:25

I agree MSFS 2020 has been slowly been getting worse "Especially for VR use" in their own admission most of the instability problems to sim update 15 is Xbox related they are trying to satisfy two very individual systems with very similar code and the instability we are seening is the result of it "in my opinion". When they first launched VR I could run a valve index on a 1080 and get very satisfying results I now have a 4090 and even though my headset is more demanding one I struggled to get 45 FPS if I decide to turn the settings up.Current PC specs are
MSI 4090
AMD 7800 X3D
32 gig of dominator 6000Hz ram
Sim running on an M.2 drive

@ScreamingEagle101st - 08.05.2024 22:22

How do you talk without moving your lips ??

@WillisKeeper - 08.05.2024 21:38

They finally got me to the point where I could not care less about SU 15 any more. Asobo, just stop messing around and give me MSFS 2024 ffs.

@xjrthirteen - 08.05.2024 21:29

You've hit the nail on the head with this one Steve, thanks for your thoughts. I've been on SU15 since the beginning and at the start, with the memory optimisation, the frame rates were outstanding and I don't recall any freezing either. It was a feeling I'd never felt before with any version of MSFS... I didn't feel like I had to touch a thing, just fly!!!
Unfortunately, since then, things have gone downhill with every update to the point where, for myself personally, the sim is just too frustrating to even bother with. The constant stutters and freezes shatter any sense of immersion, and it's just unplayable. They have, quite literally, broken the program. I've reported my findings back to MS, not that it's news to them. I'm putting MSFS202 on the back burner for a now, and doing a bit of iRacing, until things get sorted.

@robskey - 08.05.2024 21:26

Lets dont stay on them side they just trash 4 years they try fix this simulator is mfs fix simulotar😅😅😅😅

@robskey - 08.05.2024 21:20

Asobo lost control on sim 2 years ago absolutly joke they don't know wat they do ..wat a trash

@user-mz1su7nu5n - 08.05.2024 20:41

ASOBO!! get it right lol

@jeffreyuprichard3754 - 08.05.2024 20:30

Yes, I've,I've noticed a lot of stuttering in VR for a long time now so hopefully that will be fixed.

@rudlzavedno7279 - 08.05.2024 19:58

I really hope Asobo does update 15 right as it's all we're gonna get until February/March 2025. Update 14 works pretty well for me atm. I have fine tune it to get stable 50-60 fps above 1500 ft and 40-55 fps at a ground level at 2*2656x2592 (TAA) resolution on my modest setup 5700X3D/4070TI Super/G2. It would be nice if Update 15 could enable locked stable 60 fps at the same setting, but I'm not complaining about performance at it is now.

@poolhallshark - 08.05.2024 19:48


@Buddy308 - 08.05.2024 19:40

I think they could release it any time they wish to IF they could simply STOP the altogether nutty policy of making every update MANDATORY. Just let us postpone the update if we don’t want to accept all of its glitches

@VRcrazyman - 08.05.2024 19:29

I will be really disappointed if I am forced to update to SU15 and end up with more issues than I have now! I am also a VR user (Aero) and will be annoyed if I get worst performance especially as they have supposedly improved it!

@arride4590 - 08.05.2024 19:27

You guys still play this NON VR game running poorly with stutters, blurring and not hitting at least 60fps? Im done with MSFS. I moved to Aero Fly s4. Thats a true VR game. VARJO AERO, 4080, 12700K...

@smithy2u - 08.05.2024 19:23

I’ve been on the Beta for quite a while and I totally agree with everything you’ve said. Some days are different to others without doing anything. Have you noticed any flight model changes to your aircraft? Also some of mine have become unflyable. No idea why as I haven’t changed any control settings. Keep up the great work.

@maptrking - 08.05.2024 19:22

My thoughts on the update 15. I think this is going to be the last update for 2020. This said - I have a feeling, MS is trying to address ALL if not MOST of the key outstanding issues. All of this probably amounting to multiple updates IF they were planning on continuing updating 2020. So - all in a nutshell - perhaps Update 15 will be more of a comprehensive update. Just my thoughts.

@belgeode - 08.05.2024 19:20

Wonder where that 2024 alpha at? 🤔

@JDVVV378 - 08.05.2024 19:09

Hey Steve, Nice that you use the Pico 4 and different headsets in your videos. 👌
