3.5 Planning effective searches

3.5 Planning effective searches


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Three approaches are likely: visits to general and specialist libraries; contacting human experts; carrying out computer searches. For all of these, the desk researcher must set limits on time spent, cost expended, number of sources searched, language used, age of sources, format of data and methodology used. Continuous needs for data will make it feasible for the researcher to implement permanent information requests; conversely, the occasional requirement points towards gleaning information quickly. Desk research will start with the Internet, so the user must be familiar with search tools and techniques. To assess the reliability of information found, it is useful to look at the source and its context. Use the MR mix to ascertain the original purpose, the population used, the procedure followed and the reason for original publication. For any sector, look for the top companies, important trade press titles, trade associations and trade directories. http://www.oxfordtextbooks.co.uk/orc/bradley2e


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