18.1: Introduction to WebGL in p5.js - WebGL and p5.js Tutorial

18.1: Introduction to WebGL in p5.js - WebGL and p5.js Tutorial

The Coding Train

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@SketchpunkLabs - 19.12.2017 17:32

hey, if anyone is interested in learning raw WebGL even WebVR, you can check out my channel. Sorry for the shameless plug but learning it isn't so bad, there that initial hump of shaders and the rendering pipeline to get over but it becomes easier. To tell you the truth, once you start building your own graphics/gaming engine, you get drunk with the power to build it how you see fit. So its def worth learning the raw stuff if you can. My motto is, instead of being another person who can USE unity, but the person who can BUILD unity. Btw, good video Daniel... curious how p5 went about integrating webgl into its framework.

@sph2120 - 20.12.2017 00:12

Dan, please can you make some video about skeleton animation using a bone structure defined in a tree ? i think a it's an subject that fits your channel perfectly and will help me a lot ;p. Thank you for all the video you did, they are fantastic.

@DerSpielerMabuse - 20.12.2017 03:32

Brilliant video (again). Thanks for sharing these, fantastic work!

@SoloMaries - 21.12.2017 01:23

Thank you :) 🙌

@deltaark1637 - 21.12.2017 05:50

Thank God you did this; been waiting for p5.js 3D stuff for a while; so excited

@TheGamerboy-ny4sw - 22.12.2017 01:05

What about python

@killox3371 - 22.12.2017 18:46

writes web gl over the camera limit nobody sees it

@wxIyz - 03.01.2018 15:56

Excellent Daniel, I have question for you, sorry but my internet speed is too slow.
How I can build a 3D sphere with texture?

@danielhetrick677 - 14.01.2018 22:07

My tab crashes when I use webgl...

@Pharaoh-99 - 30.01.2018 14:55

man you're annoying

@senatorpoopypants7182 - 03.02.2018 21:05

Man I wish I had your facial hair 🤤

@Light1c3 - 08.02.2018 10:21

If I want to make a tool that helps visualize 4D shapes, could I use WebGL? can it accept 4 arguments for creating a shape and could the camera be moved around the 4D shape to see it's 3D slice? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

@jamesedwardsio - 04.04.2018 23:06

hey great videos ! do you know anything about openjscad?? if so do you have any resources for it?

@muhammadhabibjawadi5699 - 08.04.2018 05:13

actually openGL is the name of a specification not a library

@NOLINK74 - 11.05.2018 05:15

i still don't understand why you guys are doing this backwards. Why can't you use things like C4D ro blender to just make the UI?

@syedbaryalay5849 - 02.06.2018 04:08

can anyone drop a recommend 3d javascript game library, web is full of fanboys.

@francescourdih1470 - 01.07.2018 14:43

one question: can we put the 3D solid in every part of the window? because it's always in the middle and I don't see any function's parameter that may help

@beaverjoe9171 - 01.08.2018 21:27

if you receive "Error: Error: Error creating webgl context
at p5.RendererGL._initContext" please try to other browser saving your time. likes meee~

@letmecomentalready - 23.10.2018 08:42

Solid gold!

@hodlmydoge - 04.11.2018 09:58

Largely thanks to your videos, I've landed myself a new high paying job - I owe you a beer!

@cristianscript5649 - 09.11.2018 03:18

how can I add webGL in angular project

@ajayn4222 - 20.02.2019 21:11

My goto channel whenever I am feeling down in my life. Dan manages to raise me back up every single time . Thank you Dan :'-)

@MakeProjects - 28.02.2019 13:19

Hi! First, congratulations for your videos, they seem fantastic! A question, some trick or recommendation to run a sketch of p5js with webgl in Raspberry Pi? I have performance problems ....

@mateusspadari5171 - 09.03.2019 06:40

Menn, this video is amazing !

@MijeshDeuja - 28.03.2019 07:34

Thanks Dan for this wonderful playlist on WebGL . Dan I have a question on rendering water using WebGL . Could you possibly do a video on this topic in the future? please.

@lavisworld5142 - 22.06.2019 17:28

which IDE are u using and if u using visual studio can anybody send me link where to download visual studio for windows 8.1 because i tried so much but it can't downloaded.

@paulkristopherespina7368 - 27.06.2019 09:34

is it okay to learn webgl first before going to c++/java to programming with opengl?

@qweqwe_Flinstone - 24.07.2019 15:03

p5js and webgl... Andrzej, to jebnie

@nexplayer5380 - 09.10.2019 18:15

Oh I love the way how much you love what you are doing. That's why I will keep watching you.

@liriani - 20.12.2019 01:45

never been more in love with javascript ever before.

@rustylittle7356 - 18.08.2020 05:07

The rendering with webgl is fine on my Mac pro but much slower on my desktop PC with an Nvidia 1080. I think it might not be using the video card, instead using cpu or intel graphics? Anyone else deal with this?

@ManojChauhan-kl3dh - 31.08.2020 07:23

nice sir but my question is that .how to get your unreal engine 4 game HTML5 project working on wordpress ,and bluehost /dreamhost based personnel website not on local host...Please make tutorial step by step ...?
I have searched all over internet but didn't find good info on this topic
Actually my unreal engine 4 game size remains between 100 to 200 mb , not in GB any way ,can you please make tutorial for that..?

@briantriesart - 08.11.2020 15:30

nice, someone knows how to install it in the server to make my an online portfolio? Thanks a lot.

@anonymoussloth6687 - 19.01.2021 11:46

I am trying to make a P5.js sketch where I import a image and have points around its 4 corners so that if u click and drag a point, it transforms the image accordingly. I am trying to do this from scratch and just use P5 for the graphics. One issue is that I have to solve a 8x8 system of equations every frame to find where each corner of the point maps to. Is there a way to do this using the gpu or some other optimized way?

@mubeenalikhan7941 - 20.01.2021 01:38

Watching a tutorial will be so much fun, never thought that. Was exploring WebGL and landed on this page.

@tanmayagarwal8513 - 06.04.2021 15:33

Sir, can u pls make videos on openGL as well??

@artur_gin - 11.04.2021 16:01

Bro, as new geezer on the coding, programming, IT world i pick my technologies for projects based on your tutorials. Great work dude, keep it up

@anteconfig5391 - 05.07.2021 21:21

I believe it was this video, may have been another, where you mentioned doing machine learning with WebGL. Did you ever get around to that? Asking for a friend

@techbytefrontier - 10.11.2021 14:55

Did i heard nature of code 3D version?? that would be amazing! Thanks for all of that free learning dude

@thesuperyou2829 - 25.12.2021 13:09

my dear sir !!!! -- Why every thing is wrapped in P5 ?????

@rainbowyun - 19.01.2022 18:42

can p5.js work with angular?

@appsdecasa - 19.09.2022 04:31

It looks like exciting, maybe I can use it in AIDE app to make my apps bro.

@Geckuno - 18.12.2022 20:10

You are like Blues Clues guy for coders!

@RashidAli-oc1sr - 09.01.2023 23:27

Professor (money heist)

@nagesh007 - 12.04.2023 09:30


@quewosha7840 - 05.09.2023 13:14

who is watching this in 2009

@rustynyazdanpour8415 - 23.08.2024 10:34

Why does it feel like p5.js’s web gl renderer is such dogshit in comparison to three.js ? I was running into so many errors trying to compile shaders in p5.js that I didn’t get in three.js
