Everything I Wish I Knew Before Playing Star Citizen - New Player Guide

Everything I Wish I Knew Before Playing Star Citizen - New Player Guide


2 года назад

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@mildlygamey8463 - 02.01.2024 07:05

Yeah i definitely fell for that mustang

@naja2270 - 05.11.2023 14:11

Alright guys, watching the expo stream this year finally convinced me to jump in and i'm loving it, even if as he says, it teaches you basically nothing lol.

My question; is there a way to find clans/orgs that fit your intended playstyle in your region? Such games like this are bound to be better with others, and i'm sure a life of crime is going to be a painful learning curve lol.

@TheBranchez - 02.11.2023 19:17

The game looks beyond amazing. I just wish it was more system friendly and optimized :(

@GB3770 - 02.11.2023 12:28

Wow a super complex game with bad environmetal interactions llus awful navigation when using space ships, fuck that...

@wetcat833 - 27.10.2023 10:39

I haven't played for years. I played yesterday and I died of thirst before I managed to find and take off in my ship.😂

@powerhouse884 - 26.10.2023 01:14

SQUADRON 42 which is the ACTUAL Single player games is finally coming out by 2024 after 12yr of development.

Star Citizen Multiplayer that people are currently playing is just the CASH GRAB the developers created for the community to invest their money while the actual game is finished someday.

I am glad to see SQUADRON42 Engine was updated and finally showing signs of an actual finished product.

@user-pj3uv6re7s - 16.10.2023 16:49

The mustang HAS storage space. Can even do box delivery missions.

@ChuchoTheCatLord - 01.10.2023 07:36

use your velocity limiter when entering/exiting hangar/landing pad... GENIUS... why didn't I thought of this?

@noblereign492 - 26.09.2023 01:56

I love the Info! Very helpful, I do say tho if you plan on mining, Orison is still worth it as a home. It takes to long when a 30k hits and you have to travel to Area 18 to receive your Ship. I hope 3.20 will lessen those. Awesome Help!! Thanks so much!

@ihrtoys - 14.09.2023 11:25

another trash new player guide

@ramosjerbi16 - 13.09.2023 11:14

Fr my first game i started from area18 struggled to find my ship, then i was curiose to visit another planet, selected my destination and went into hyper drive and run out of fuel mid flight. My ignorance cost me darely i will pin myself down untill i know more about mecanics

@GLaZeDDoHNuTz - 12.09.2023 21:53

Pro tip: double click item to equip instead of dragging over

@Ergiler - 23.08.2023 01:39

Mustang Alpha has storage now, container for delivery boxes under the ship and "chest" type storage if you hold "F" and look at pilot entry

@thomas.doubleyou - 18.08.2023 14:33

I was absolutly blown away by the lousy quality of this endless lagging pain. 100gb removed.

@Lukas-co8gj - 27.07.2023 11:06

Fantastic, I just got into the game last week and I'm loving it but bought the mustang and can totally see what you mean with the storage 😅

@fennoman9241 - 20.07.2023 21:16

Mustang Alpha does have cargo and personal storage??

@janschmid281 - 19.07.2023 10:53

Check if the helmet is outlined blue by hovering over it after equipping it. Otherwise its not yet serverside confirmed and may bug back into your inv.

@biglad106 - 16.07.2023 05:12

i would die so many times and now i realise i was just new and stupid, now i rarley die at all and constantly know my speed and surroundings like a real MF space G

@joshuaeggleston6630 - 21.06.2023 04:43

Thank you. This is the best video I have seen. My first crime stat was not stopping for inspection above Microtech 😅

@dofusquentin - 12.06.2023 17:11

orison is fine now, they fixed the atmosphere travel time

@RealSimplexxity - 02.06.2023 17:25

I bought the game but I have an HDD, I need SSD for it to render everything😭

@G4GameBattles - 22.05.2023 06:10

Im thinking of trying this game looks so massive. Its just a lot of information to take.

@Vladisomire - 10.05.2023 16:46

The Mustang does have an internal storage. Crouch into the cargo container and you can access it with [i]

@Dustin277 - 07.05.2023 21:54


@toast9919 - 04.05.2023 12:57

I got kidnapped by a vending machine

@dinglerange - 03.05.2023 19:20

I am utterly against the idea of any flash player having the option of recruiting (purchasing from the software developers) an A.I crew of the highest coding after splashing out on the toughest ship available. For this universe to feel real, it's fair game needs to exclude any bots!

@markclunis43 - 19.04.2023 22:12

It’s crazy you spend actual money on the game like that’s insane I’m to poor to play this 💀

@guiguijol - 19.04.2023 20:45

I wish I knew it don't work.

@Xeromith - 18.04.2023 23:53

Is there a charge for the game and / or monthly fee?

@tjjames8414 - 18.04.2023 21:20

When making a new character in the universe don’t set your spawn to new Babbage. The train system is glitched and will make you quit the game

@Shinii_gamii - 16.04.2023 03:40

mustang alpha now has storage

@Fuz2yman - 14.04.2023 18:55

What i wish i knew about star citizen before i bought it: The game is soooooo laggy that you literally cant do anything. Every patch you loose all your stuff. Every patch brings in more bugs and solves very few. Game is heavily P2W ( you can literally skip straight to end game gear/ships with real money, while everyone else looses everything every patch )

@chadvader974 - 11.04.2023 00:56

game is a complete tinesink...... why on earth does it make you respawn back in your bed in a medbay on a planet and have to get your gear again and get back to your shipppp.... I do not have time for that

@Andrew-wz6ss - 10.04.2023 14:40

I spent over 1g on ships in this game but stopped when npcs wouldn’t spawn and it hurt my rep so imma wait a long while till it’s better

@robinw4908 - 06.04.2023 04:40

Sorry, I'm late to the party but wow, this is a very comprehensive guide. Excellent work!

@CMDTRipador - 03.04.2023 09:13

Nice and usefull video, thanks.

@anrs3153 - 03.04.2023 00:58

How hard is this game ? Thought about it but it looks like there is SOOO much to learn and grasp & also, do you have to actually use real money just to have a spaceship ????

@fryd42 - 01.04.2023 17:03

its crazy how much of this video is irrelevant now with patches and fixes. very good video still tho

@frankallen3634 - 25.03.2023 09:44

Not a chance in hell I'm ever going to remember any of the keys or these tips. I stay far away from these types of games because I hate online or multiplayer games

@occodrum - 23.03.2023 16:52

A caval scontato non si guarda in bocca! Daje BPM Power!

@knightmare7994 - 17.03.2023 09:57

Sadly, i can't download the game. I've tried many times, but i guess the game is like, nope.

@Eviper44 - 16.03.2023 05:35

Star Citizen is the biggest con in gaming history. They are grifting all you suckers. Lmfao

@codycalvetti4615 - 13.03.2023 22:30

UPDATE: Orison's Atmosphere has been shrunk considerably

@RicardoPenders - 11.03.2023 22:42

I watched enough videos to actually be able to get around the verse when I started playing the game about a month ago, I did die a couple times and the first time that I got to my spaceship and took off that was a disaster but I managed to get out of the hangar in one piece... lol.
As a beginner I do recommend to try out the 4 major places that you can set as your home just to learn how to get around the verse, find the places to get your ship, how to get to the hangars, find the right elevators, where you can buy the stuff that you need for missions and not to die instantly when you exit your spaceship that will happen to pretty much everyone, you'll learn a lot just from trying out the 4 starting points and it helps to know your way around those places in the long run.
I started with the Anvil Pisces C8R which is the medical rescue version, maybe it's not the best choice but I really love this little ship and found it to be pretty useful and with the custom paint I think it even looks good, this small ship is really handy to start out doing the package runs because it's small enough to literally land the ship on the doorstep and the most packages you'll have for a run at the same time in your ship is 3 which you can easily stash in your ship, I even stashed 4 small crates in it to make it easier looting all the places where you have to go to get the packages and where you have to drop the packages you'll find a lot of loot on those runs and it really helps to have those crates with you, however your ship has the biggest room to stash a ton of loot, the crates are handy because they do respawn most of the time, not always but they are handy to have as a in between place to store loot.
Hope this is helpful.

@austin9809 - 10.03.2023 15:56

I can't even play. I can get into my ship and fly around but no matter what i try it won't let me exit my seat. Hopefully the new update fixes this bug

@dominatorzgaming7339 - 09.03.2023 14:43

Mustang has storage now, you can even put people in it :D

@AnymMusic - 09.03.2023 05:18

I love the Aurora. I don't have it, but damnit it's like the VW camper van of the SC universe

@Darkhell57 - 08.03.2023 18:27

"knew before playing pre pre pre pre pre pre-alpha star citizen"

@_FERG - 03.03.2023 02:39

what ship is that at the beginning? looks like a vulture halo wars
