Our Top Magic Items for Barbarians, Fighters, and Paladins in D&D 5e

Our Top Magic Items for Barbarians, Fighters, and Paladins in D&D 5e

Dungeon Dudes

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Marcos Bittar
Marcos Bittar - 24.09.2023 00:10

I'm actually watching this for my artificer.

GrandLethal16 - 01.07.2023 03:54

This video was made before the Dragon’s Wrath Weapon 😋

Joseph Swan
Joseph Swan - 26.06.2023 21:33

A little surprised that cloak of displacement isn't here somewhere

Ryan Byrd
Ryan Byrd - 24.03.2023 05:48

This reminds me of that time back in the late 80s my DM made a cursed item called Boots of Sticking to the Ground. They worked like Boots of Striding and Springing except they would stick to the ground sending your character flying through the air as they have thier feet torn from thier ankles.

Joyous Monkey King
Joyous Monkey King - 17.03.2023 19:45

If you have a campaign involving giants you could make there only be one belt of giantkind, and a certain smith upgrades it for you as quest rewards at certain points

Realmweaver Gaming
Realmweaver Gaming - 27.01.2023 04:13

Is Adamantine Armor really better for a Barbarian? There are interactions in their abilities that say “Get this as long as you don’t wear Heavy Armor”. Wondering if the sacrifice of these benefits is really worth the ability to not be critically hit.

Tim Jackson
Tim Jackson - 15.01.2023 06:29

My Warforged Eldritch Knight has a Ring of Mind Shielding. Go figure. I have a robot that appears completely mindless.

M - 31.12.2022 16:22

The Sun Blade doubles as a touch.

OrUptotheStars - 30.12.2022 23:52

Mild Shadows of Drakkenheim spoiler.

Dudes: In fantasy and history, helmets are really important.
Pluto Jackson: drops helmet into the crator

wolfman 3663
wolfman 3663 - 07.12.2022 06:59

As a fighter I fight with spears and pikes

LannyX2 - 01.12.2022 01:46

My DM home brewed "The Tempest Great Ax" 1d12+4 slashing dmg with 4d4 lightning dmg on a hit. With an optional Lightning cone attack with a range 0f 30ft that deals 2d6 lightning on a failed save. Can only be used if your str is 18 or higher and wis of 13 or higher.

Trevor Greenough
Trevor Greenough - 15.11.2022 18:09

I agree, the flame tongue is a great weapon for a magic weapon template.
At lower levels (5) it could start at added 1d6 and increase after a select number of levels. This could be the weapon given as starting equipment, being a regular weapon initially.

Duncan - 03.11.2022 23:07

I wouldnt want those boots with my Barbarian. Well maybe for selling it of course. And then try to buy something decent. Walking speed becomes 30ft if not already. Im no Dwarf with a short leg issue so that aint helping. Speed isnt redeuced if you are encumbered or wearing armor I cant wear. Dont dont take and carry so much shit or buy a bag of holding. What are you, a hoarder? Jump 3x the normal distance. But cant jump farther than your remaining movement would allow. Well this maybe could come in handy in one or two occasions. Totally worthless for a Barbarian unless you got small legs imho. I rather would have boots which make my movementspeed exceed my basic movement speed so I can charge in and get in the enemies face asap. My Barbarian would sell these Boots of Strinding & Springing or give them to a party member.

Adamantine Armor, for a barbarian? Half plate? My barbarian would look at you if you are crazy expecting him to wear something that would restrain his free movement. No sorry wont happen. Aint there anything that suits a Barbarian at all. If I wanted to play a class covered in plate and armour I would have chosen a Paladin. Its ugly a Barbarian in half plate. What are you a fighter or paladin wannabe? So far 0 out of 2

And an other half plate set? My barbarian wouldnt want to be found death in it. Arent there any nice items that increase AC while staying true to my barbarian. There are berserkers that fought naked. I rather have a ring or something that would increase my AC and make me fight naked! Maybe studded leather armor or hide armor or an hauberk mail armor. Helmet yes and of course a (round) shield. But half plate... no.

Highwynd - 13.10.2022 02:25

Uncommon - Eldritch Claw

Combine this with sentinel and you will terrorize your enemies from 15 ft. away with additional 1d6 per hit whenever they get out of line.

Rare - Butcher's Bib

Want the champion subclass built into one of your attunement slots? Crit on 19 and go to town on all the fresh meat.

Legendary - Blood Fury Tattoo

Want to be a god amongst mortals? Regenerates tons of hp per hit while dealing devastating blows with added 4d6 per hit. Jealous that level 14 berserker barbarians have retaliate? Not anymore you're not, now you can hit an enemy that attacks you as a reaction. Lay waste to the monster peasant scum, you untouchable tyrant.

Brian J.
Brian J. - 01.10.2022 01:06

PHB 168, Medium Armor Master: "Wearing medium armor doesn't impose disadvantage on your Dexterity(Stealth) checks. When you wear medium armor, you can add 3, rather than 2, to your AC if you have a Dexterity of 16 or higher." :)

Give the Belt of Giant Strength to the rogue! A cleric would make good use of it too.

S. Munro
S. Munro - 24.09.2022 00:22

I prefer when barbarians didnt use magic items, though I suppose they would use Totems to create fields of protection for their village.

Fresch 1337
Fresch 1337 - 24.08.2022 06:06

Jumping in dnd deala damage to yourself though...

chris Wilson
chris Wilson - 02.08.2022 06:53

Give the fighter the ring of spell storing with a couple of absorb elements, a shield or 2, and hunter's mark for even more damage. Especially if they were to get say a flame tongue or helm of brilliance

Justin C
Justin C - 21.07.2022 06:36

Give the barbarian a 5th level Armor of Agathys...

Magma Ferret
Magma Ferret - 07.07.2022 18:12

You guys need to stop giving your Barbarians sets of half-plate. You are massively NERFING them.

Half-plate is heavy armor. Barbarians CANNOT Rage while wearing heavy armor.

Tony Hall
Tony Hall - 23.06.2022 22:49

Periapt of Wound Closure is a fantastic item for martial classes. Double your Hit Dice rolls and stabilised when you drop to zero HP. Super Clutch!

Igor Yugure
Igor Yugure - 01.06.2022 14:59

My DM awarded my Tabaxi Fighter a Dancing Sword that he found set in Stone. And allowed me to flavour the Blade into a Schimitar. Cause it fit my Character better. It's so fun! As I fighter I get to attack so many times thanks to it!

kyle anderson
kyle anderson - 30.05.2022 05:03

Can the ring of spell storing use cantrips?

ShinyBugg - 06.05.2022 20:41

How about Faerie Fire in that ring of spell storing?

Mx. Pinky
Mx. Pinky - 02.04.2022 04:56

For the flametongue I’ve gone with whatever weapon they pick does a different type of damage, for example a axe is freeze, a short sword is acid, etc

Josh Westerfield
Josh Westerfield - 21.03.2022 06:11

I play a lvl 10 paladin. I just traded a Ring of spell storing to our barbarian to compensate him for his share of a ring of invisibility that we found. The ring of spell storing was loaded with the spells blur and

gamer4life505 - 20.02.2022 05:56

Me: says in best Edna voice NO Capes

Providence - 11.02.2022 11:42

Gotta give credit to the Cloak of Displacement when you're REALLY trying to improve your AC.

My 21 AC Rune Knight / War Cleric wears one, and after he used Bane on 3 Huge Constructs, we proceeded to finish the fight without my character taking a single hit.

Omni - 09.01.2022 04:45

Giant Belts are the worst Magic items to give a Martial. It's pretty much a spit in their face. Why invest in your Str if you're going to get one of these items? It doesn't make sense, it's wasting ASI and race choices.

Doug P
Doug P - 09.12.2021 00:33

Azuredge how about it !!!

Brandon Norris
Brandon Norris - 30.11.2021 11:02

As a low level Dwarf Paladin/Fighter, The Javelin of Lightning weapon was absolutely amazing to use. Tip: Remember to grab it asap after you throw it at an enemy!

captian bacon
captian bacon - 24.11.2021 15:35

The 1 thing that bugs me so much about magic items why is flamtouge rare and icebrand very rare. They should both be rare.

NotANameist - 24.11.2021 09:16

They had me with the first 90% of the video title lol

Monster of Analysis
Monster of Analysis - 08.11.2021 01:18

I wish there were more spear magic weapons

Dominic Spagnol
Dominic Spagnol - 05.11.2021 04:24

You guys not both saying, "and we are the dungeon dudes" lowkey hurt

Austin Downard
Austin Downard - 27.10.2021 16:47

My paladin just got Flame Tounge short sword and broke his Oath so I'm looking at 5d6 + str!!

Alexander H.
Alexander H. - 21.10.2021 10:30

Books the Orc uses a lightning javelin, but almost never hit with it.

TheRealBoz - 18.10.2021 16:14

I disagree that STR-based classes feel rewarded by a giant strength belt. They feel shat on. Once they get their two or three feats that make their playstyle work (sentinel, X-master, etc), and sink their points into Strength, getting it to 20... they are rewarded by an item that tells them "you could have sunk your points into constitution, lol, your strength is already 21/23/25/27/29".

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon - 15.10.2021 19:10

Winged Boots are far superior to striding boots

Joseph Coakley
Joseph Coakley - 08.10.2021 03:22

Helm of Brilliance should be set off by fire breath. Theatrically it's stupid if it doesn't.

TTOF_JB - 19.09.2021 13:19

The dragon when they see a character in adamantine armor:

"I wish I knew how to crit you."

PNUTBTERON BWLZ - 17.09.2021 01:47

Guardian emblem is pretty cool. It’s adamantine armor that can be used on party members at range and yourself three times a day. That’s pretty sick for a Paladin wanting to be tanky and supportive

Hunter Cahoon
Hunter Cahoon - 28.08.2021 10:46

It was interesting to see the Mantle of Spell Resistance and Belt of Dwarvenkind on here - those are two items I have on my Changeling Bard of Swords. The belt is fun to drag out in drinking contests against intox saves, and when Defensive Flourish and the Shield spell can easily give me a minimum AC of 28, saving throws are the weakness. (Hence why I'm looking to upgrade the Mantle of Spell Resistance to the Spellguard Shield)

Owen Keenan
Owen Keenan - 23.08.2021 16:51

I edited the helm of brilliance so that only one gem blows up per fail. Because otherwise is really really sucks, because I usually use a lot of casters in my games

Dhyan Patel
Dhyan Patel - 20.08.2021 18:23

I have a massive shield with both ranged and physical attacks (think captain america). I've applied flame tongue so it lights up as it spins through the air.

Zelda Nerd Guy
Zelda Nerd Guy - 15.08.2021 04:41

Javelin of lightning + early lvl Tempest Cleric= 😁

Thiccyg - 13.08.2021 04:07

Late to the party, but I just wanted to point out in regard to barbarian adamantine armor, that Barbarians have moved away from just hitting things and have a lot of resources other than rage for managing their hp. So the critical hits still make us fall into the same issue as other classes, that the sudden unexpected jump in damage causes plans to change. It the adamantine armor in a couple of cases would have changed the outcomes of key battles where I was tanking on a knifes edge and that sudden drop made me think that I might be miscalculating this.

SlipNut - 22.07.2021 21:39

I never see people talk about Black Razor... that weapon is BUSTED in the hands of a melee character

Andrew Bjornas
Andrew Bjornas - 22.07.2021 09:20

My DM rolled a Holy Avenger on a loot table, and my heavily religious Blood Hunter is going on a full arc to gradually unlock it's power! I'm super happy with the arc so far.
