Fassbinder talks about politics and "Berlin Alexanderplatz"

Fassbinder talks about politics and "Berlin Alexanderplatz"


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Piet Le Brun
Piet Le Brun - 29.08.2023 18:53

Fassbinder would be as happy as ever in today's far-left Germany. Open politics, open borders, lots of migrants from exotic countries to enjoy with, promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism, majority tolerance of drugs, just cultural decline in the true sense of the word. But with this comes the decline of art. But I doubt if Fassbinder was ever really interested in high art.

Rishabh Aniket
Rishabh Aniket - 07.12.2022 22:04

The modern day Rimbaud 😅

Norman Greco
Norman Greco - 15.09.2022 22:52

Il Pasolini tedesco

Jutta Roselt
Jutta Roselt - 08.04.2022 00:20

Er hat's vorausgesehen, leider.
Danke. Er war genial.

Sebastian - 25.02.2021 22:53

I wonder what he would have thought of Wiseau's masterpiece "the Room" 😂

TheHornet79 - 30.07.2020 08:28

There was a right wing trend, for a while. But he's wrong now. Everything is leftwing now. You can see it in Netflix original shows and movies, commercials, TV shows. Even our social media. Seriously who are the people that ban ideas from the other side of the political spectrum? Shadow ban users from trending for their political views on them? Its always been the leftwing and they control all of the media.

steven perez henriquez
steven perez henriquez - 15.12.2019 19:44

How we go from this, to marvel....

Clayton Kusaj
Clayton Kusaj - 05.11.2019 23:48

He was spot on about the swing to the right in politics. It’s happening in most places.

Dan Engelke
Dan Engelke - 01.06.2017 16:42

" I will try to make the audience aware of this right-wing trend in politics, so that they won't stupidly and unconsciously go along with it like in the past."

Is the full interview available anywhere?

Ja Ruhle
Ja Ruhle - 24.04.2017 19:46

Damn, as actual as ever

Rob Thompson
Rob Thompson - 08.07.2016 16:14

Cinema still hasn't caught up with him.

Andrés Maldonado Ruiz
Andrés Maldonado Ruiz - 14.09.2013 00:13

el asado de satán

jhassett2 - 01.09.2013 22:35

Interesting way of putting it.I would say the left (ie:media-education-public service) has made an alliance with the corporate world (most obviously the financial services industry) against the interests of the western citizenry.The left and right have different goals but to a large extent they use similar methods to achieve their aims.Put it another way,both wish to atomize society but for different reasons.Both are hoping for a different result from this new world.Either way,it will be hell.

Andrew L
Andrew L - 17.06.2013 05:00

The modern left is the extreme right in disguise.

jhassett2 - 12.07.2012 18:35

Fassbinder was extraordinary but when it comes to politics,he could not have been more wrong.The natural tendency of all modern democracies is to the left which has captured the media,public service and education .What they don't destroy will be buried by the right who have declared war on the citizenry through the financial services industry.I would love to see Fassbinder chronicle Germany post-unification and its relationship with Europe.Who today can tackle this subject?

jhassett2 - 12.07.2012 18:27

The dumbest mistake we ever made was getting hooked up with thirdworld savages like you.

Marion Müller
Marion Müller - 14.05.2011 20:17

@MrTbox999 ist ja lange her die Frage, Sorry, that I found this now. "..den Trend nach rechts.." meint: den Trend in Richtung auf Faschismus oder gar Nationalsozialismus rechtzeitig wahrzunehmen, also dafuer zu sensibilisieren. Der Film spielt zur Zeit der Weimarer Republuk, wie Döblins grossartiger Roman) und in der Zeit gab es ja schon starke Anzeichen für den aufkommenden Nationalsozialismus. Diese Sensibilisierung sollte uebrigens auch heute genauso gelten. Und das wollte Fassbinder auch.

Simon Snorkel
Simon Snorkel - 01.02.2011 21:14

@thefilmjock agreed.

Ronald Almeida
Ronald Almeida - 26.11.2010 10:55

Warum kann ich nicht meine ansicht nicht sagen? Der weisse sheisse ist viel grosser als ich habe gedacht.

Ronald Almeida
Ronald Almeida - 26.11.2010 10:53

Warum kann ich nicht meine ansicht nicht sagen?

Ronald Almeida
Ronald Almeida - 26.11.2010 10:48

Tut mir leid aber ich finde das der weisse man ist uberall unglaublich dum.

Ronald Almeida
Ronald Almeida - 26.11.2010 10:47

Tut mir leid aber ich finde das der weisse man ist unglaublich dum.

fernandoiscrazy - 12.07.2010 01:54

I FINALLY made it through the 15+ hour epic of Berlin Alexanderplatz and honestly....I think I really need to REWATCH it again to REALLY APPRECIATE IT! I don't know if I can call it a masterpiece unless I take time to rewatch it and let it it truely sink in. All great movies need to be seen over and over. But my mind is still haunted by images in the EPILOGUE. The surreal disturbing imagery, and MUSIC is so beautiful and stunning that it will remain in your subconscious forever.

Typhoid Mary
Typhoid Mary - 25.01.2010 01:21

He says "Das lässt sich sicherlich im Einzelnen widerlegen"

sharpasaneraser - 26.08.2009 10:34

sounds like has cardiopulmonary trouble in this video.

Leibknecht Harzer
Leibknecht Harzer - 25.10.2008 03:14

phöse? Ach du meintest Möse...

Miss Monse
Miss Monse - 22.08.2008 11:13

