Roman Legionnary VS Gallic Swordman - Alesia - HEMA performance

Roman Legionnary VS Gallic Swordman - Alesia - HEMA performance

Chris Vernel

6 лет назад

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@dnte666 - 22.12.2017 20:59

DAMN! Who is the Gaul? he gets better everytime i see him.

@mrroberts7828 - 09.01.2018 10:58

Man makes you wonder how scary a bunch of celts must of been, here comes a crap tonne of angry shirtless men with nimble swords and who also happen to be physically larger than you. It makes you realise how fearsome the "barbarians" were, and just how incredibly disciplined the Romans must of been not to just run.

@TheBavarianpride - 07.06.2018 23:47

in a one on one like this, the celt may have an advantage, but in close, thight formation he cant wheel his sword and gets stabbed.

@jordankozuch3436 - 12.10.2021 13:17

In battle there is no way to go back... I would like to see that scenario. Also the gallic sword look really light in a blade, is so fas, almost like a stick. Its really hard to parry such a fast strikes, but it does not look realistic... with I understand, the blow with the heavier object would hurt...
