Homeless shelter in Arvada says city is trying to force them out of Olde Town

Homeless shelter in Arvada says city is trying to force them out of Olde Town

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@extraart1 - 24.06.2023 05:03

How incredibly disgusting! How incredibly City of Arvada. That good christian town manager has never missed a meal in her life. The people of Arvada (I used to live there) make me ashamed to be an American.

@arkwill14 - 24.06.2023 19:23

It should move. It's just a really bad place for a shelter of this type. It's a family area. A retail area. It simply does not make sense to attempt to shelter the homeless in this same relatively small area. It's not fair to the business owners. I know that sounds harsh but how many concessions is the town of Arvada expected to make for the homeless? Are they supposed to allow their city center to degrade to a point where taxpaying citizens and potential customers won't go near it?

@kw266988 - 24.06.2023 22:29

Right now Colorado only wants to give services to "migrants" over Americans.
Also, this state has gone to hell when pot was legalized.

@Speedyskull15 - 25.06.2023 17:47

Arvada has accepted lots of Ukrainian refugees . We can’t help everyone. It’s also full of old people who need to be protected. Homeless and rich old people together is recipe for disaster

@AncalagonTheDread - 26.06.2023 06:23

The Homeless are creating unsanitary conditions within close range of an elementary school. I have watched children being harassed and yelled at by mentally ill individuals. There have been needles found in the grass of the next-door park. This is not a matter of discrimination, rather a matter of safety. The church has been offered partnership with separate community organizations in the area, however their proximity to the light rail make their location preferable. In the end, I think the church should be given the grant, and the Arvada council enact a ban on "camping" within Old Town Arvada Zoning limits. They can come into the church during the day, then leave at night.

@richardgomez5008 - 26.06.2023 12:48

Government gives billions of taxed dollars to foriegn countries. Cities spend millions of taxed dollars on civic buildings, museums,parks, roads, bridges, neighborhoods improvement, animal adoption centers, and more.
Our government and cities should built sleeping night shelters (Chinese style pods are fine) with showers and toilets availability. US Soldiers should oversee these facilities. If our soldiers can safeguard foreigners in their countries , they can help homeless Americans.
All churches in America should feed the hungry.
Americans pay billions in taxes. ( Some don't😡)
All Americans deserve a safe place to sleep, shower, and use of toilet.
We need to get leaders to work for Americans instead of working for their personal wealth.
❤Vote for Americans. ❤

@richardgomez5008 - 26.06.2023 12:58

Dear homeless friends,
You are not wanted!
Yes, I said it, " Not wanted!"
If you go downtown, become invisible.
Businesses don't want you driving customers away, be gone!
Neighborhoods don't need you devaluing their homes, go back to ....
Church leaders want you at Sunday services, be showered and cleaned clothes..or don't come.
Social worker only want the numbers for their accomplishments, others get lost.
People treat their pets with respect, not you!
America won't recognize your numbers!

❤❤God loves you!❤❤

@elainedodson4114 - 27.06.2023 05:25

Wow. And those of you who say 'trash the homeless' say you are Christians. Better keep that crap to yourself and fear that God of yours.

@Cnichal - 30.06.2023 05:16

Christians out there being Christians 😂 i’m so glad I stop believing in the lies.

@rinse1739 - 19.07.2023 18:41

Move them to Candelas

@brendahansen9116 - 09.04.2024 00:25

I support the city to move The Rising, the homeless that they are bringing to Olde Town do not respect the area that we pay for with tax dollars. Nor do we feel safe going to our public library. The Rising needs to be responsible for what is going on outside of their walls as well, it does not feel safe.

@brendahansen9116 - 01.05.2024 02:06

This shelter does not belong in Olde Town, the church is bringing in drug addicts and people trashing the area.This church needs to move they do nothing to monitor what they are attracting to the historic area.
