The Six Question Process: Coaching For Leaders

The Six Question Process: Coaching For Leaders

Marshall Goldsmith

9 лет назад

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roxana correa baron
roxana correa baron - 09.05.2019 02:47

buen video

carolina sanchez
carolina sanchez - 09.05.2019 01:57

buen canal

Judith Garza
Judith Garza - 09.05.2019 01:56


Beata Synowiec
Beata Synowiec - 13.04.2019 18:33

Thank You Mr. Goldsmith I like the way you explain how things could or should work. I'm surprised how similar we think about the way how leadership should look like. As a matter of fact, I argued with someone who also teaches leadership on the same issue a month ago, before I even read any of your articles. Good luck to You with all my heart. I know you do care about the substance more than anyone. 100%

Zita Banasinski - Your Guiding Luminary
Zita Banasinski - Your Guiding Luminary - 29.11.2018 17:52

Thank you.

Suleiman Shaik
Suleiman Shaik - 25.10.2018 07:53

Thank you Mr Goldsmith. I know the video is 4yrs old, but the wisdom and coaching tips / questions are simply 'immortal '. Much appreciated.

pankaj aggarwal
pankaj aggarwal - 23.07.2018 19:30

Very good suggestions Sir

Olamide OPEYEMI - 04.06.2018 17:20

Love it! Thank you so much for this.

Ju Orenes
Ju Orenes - 17.04.2018 06:00

Great video

Rabia Waseem
Rabia Waseem - 29.05.2017 11:59

Thanks for such an elaborate explanation on this topic Mr. Marshall, it will help me greatly.

Michal Petras
Michal Petras - 17.04.2017 16:36

An absolutely simple and amazingly effective six questions. Thank you.

Sardool Singh
Sardool Singh - 08.03.2017 10:12

Dr Goldsmith Marshall's contribution to the global society is immense. Its time now that  Dr Marshall should be rewarded with Nobel Prize.   Best Wishes .  Sardool Singh

GD - 20.10.2016 19:04

simple but powerful questions

Stefano Tseng
Stefano Tseng - 26.05.2016 20:41

Master Coach,thank you so much for sharing.

Hanan Al Mheiri
Hanan Al Mheiri - 23.03.2016 07:38

Dear Mr Goldsmith,
Thank you for sharing this video and these great questions for leadership.
You mentioned that there should be alignment between the employee and the organization.
I would like to know more because I am PhD student and I was wondering if you have a book that talks more about it.
I checked and I saw you have many books so which one of them that covers this more.
Kind Regards,

Marshall Goldsmith
Marshall Goldsmith - 20.12.2014 23:42

Why Your Boss Is a Lousy Coach

Your boss is a lousy coach. It culminates in your boss not helping you grow. There are three key reasons:

1. You are smart. You know more than the boss: You are a knowledge worker, who already knows ten times more about what you are doing than the executive does.

2. Your boss is too busy. Your boss may avoid coaching is that she is too busy and she thinks you are busy too!

3. Your boss is afraid. He may avoid coaching because is he is afraid of alienating you.  

It adds up to your boss being a poor coach.

In fact, the most common complaint I hear from direct reports about their leaders is that they do a poor job of providing coaching. I have this documented in thousands of in-depth assessments of executives. Direct reports find the leaders do not “provide effective coaching when needed.” In fact, this item consistently scores in the bottom 10 of all items when direct reports evaluate their leaders.
So, what can you do about this? How do you get the help you need from your boss? How do you turn him or her into your coach?

To answer the question of how to turn your boss into your coach, you can try the Six-Question process I have outlined here. I’ve seen it work for countless teams across the world, and I bet it can work for you too.

The Six-Question process for coaching is a one-on-one dialogue you have with your boss approximately once each quarter, answering the questions outlined below.

1. Where are we going?

The first question deals with the “big picture”. Your boss outlines where the larger organization is going in terms of vision, goals, and priorities, then asks you where you think the larger organization should be going. By involving you in this ongoing dialogue, your boss can build alignment and commitment to the larger organizational vision.

2. Where are you going?

Question two deals with your vision, goals and priorities for your part of the organization. You tell your boss where your part of the organization is going. Then he gives his view on where he thinks this part of the organization should be going. By the end of this discussion two types of alignment should have been achieved: 1) the vision, goals and priorities of your part of the organization should be aligned with your leader’s vision of the larger organization and 2) the individual goals and priorities of you and your leader should be aligned.

3. What is going well?

One key element of effective coaching is providing positive recognition for achievement. Your leader provides an assessment of what you and the organizations are doing well. Then she asks you a question that is seldom asked, “What do you think that you and your part of the organization are doing well?” By asking this question she may learn about “good news” that may have otherwise been missed.

4. What are key suggestions for improvement?

Your leader gives you constructive suggestions for the future. These suggestions should be limited to key “opportunities for improvement”. Then he should ask another (seldom-asked) great coaching question, “If you were your own coach, what suggestions would you have for yourself?” By listening to you, your leader may learn that his original coaching suggestions need to be modified.

5. How can I help?

A key to effective coaching is asking the right questions. One of the greatest coaching questions a leader can ask is, “How can I help?”

6. What suggestions do you have for me?

By asking this question, your boss changes the dynamics of the coaching process. Traditional coaching is sometimes thought of as a one-way monologue that focuses on, “Let me tell you what you can do to improve.” The Six-Question approach creates a two-way dialogue that focuses on, “Let’s try to help each other.” You will be much more willing to be coached by your boss, if your boss is willing to be coached by you!

As implied in the final question of this process, a key to effective two-way coaching is mutual responsibility. The organizational survey in one of my clients pointed out an interesting dilemma. Direct reports criticized their leaders for not providing help when it was needed. Executives said that direct reports never asked for help! If you take the responsibility to ask for coaching (when needed) and your boss takes the responsibility to be responsive and helpful, there is a high probability that the entire process will work!

If the process does not work and your boss won’t engage, it is a sign that you should engage a new job with a new boss who will help you, help the organization, and help him or herself.

Norman Koo
Norman Koo - 11.10.2014 06:22

These are a great set of questions.   I somehow bounced onto some of them (but not all) in my normal role as a manager.   I especially like the question of what they would coach if they were the coach.   A great self reflecting call for help and guidance.  
Keep up these series Marshall.  They are incredibly powerful.

Marshall Goldsmith
Marshall Goldsmith - 04.10.2014 23:07

In case you missed it ...
