BottomNavigationView with Navigation Component - Android Studio Tutorial

BottomNavigationView with Navigation Component - Android Studio Tutorial


4 года назад

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Joseph Vijay
Joseph Vijay - 10.11.2023 16:11

hi how to 6 menus in botttom navigation

Puncher - 21.09.2023 01:48

Can someone help me? I have the exact same code as the video with, the only difference is that a fragment from a nav_graph to an another activity (HomeActivity) with another (surely in the future) nav_graph navigation. The problem is that all navigation function well but the AppBar and the BottomNavigationView doesn't display at the activity and seems like it only renders the pure fragment with the text. can someone help me?

Xavier - 14.07.2023 21:34

Please please & please share this code as github repository or any resource

Computing HUB
Computing HUB - 10.07.2023 00:18

What about `FragmentContainerView`? Should we use that instead from now on?

Şeyhmus Alataş
Şeyhmus Alataş - 26.05.2023 01:08

Amazing work, clear explanation! Thank you.

Luke Fernandez
Luke Fernandez - 25.05.2023 06:45

Hi there i used your tutorial and it works perfectly but im facing the issue that it seems to override my start activity which is my login activity and launches this bottom navigation activity first each time. Is there any fix to this?

Chayito Briones Vela
Chayito Briones Vela - 25.04.2023 03:53

a question if it appears blank that is wrong and tells me that I have an error in the part of the code but according to me if I copy everything well it says the following (dos not makes NavController be on 2131230923😢

ТЁМА - 12.04.2023 17:10


Musa SOYDAŞ - 15.03.2023 19:12

thank you

C David
C David - 01.03.2023 23:28

If you add setOnItemSelectedListener for the menu, do you need then to manually add the transition to the fragments?

Programmer Times
Programmer Times - 17.01.2023 08:30

great work bro i have created similar video on my channel if you have time do check it

Deepesh kumar
Deepesh kumar - 05.01.2023 18:13

may bottom navigation, navigate by swiping with Navigation component??

Бекзат Алтынбеков
Бекзат Алтынбеков - 26.12.2022 19:56

Hello, I have a question, how can I update a values other fragments, for example i have an app that can save some tasks, so i have one fragment to show tasks and another one to set and save tasks, but fragment pages do not refreshed or reload so it problematic to me, to show the added or updated data instead of just switching fragment I am turning off the app and turn un, so how can I solve it?

Toàn Nguyễn
Toàn Nguyễn - 11.11.2022 08:31

Pls code Java, thanks you very much

Yamakawaniwa - 09.11.2022 23:02

app crashed !!!

Khan Aftab
Khan Aftab - 01.11.2022 10:15

How to add activity_main in place of first_fragment ?

Anyone ? Please help

Eric Satriawan
Eric Satriawan - 12.09.2022 06:42

This is awesome.
How about to swipe left and right those 3 fragments? I have no clue

Big Jay
Big Jay - 05.09.2022 08:02

to anyone whose app crashes when you do this.

change the navhost package tag in activity_main.xml to just fragment or your app will crash. thank you so much to the poster of this video. you were very clear and easy to understand. it was just that little detail in the tag that was driving me crazy cuz my app kept crashing. lol. hope this helps someone!

DarkoMashkov - 01.09.2022 16:31

does this work for java?
