Next Generation Web Search - Clusty - Strands - Mahalo

Next Generation Web Search - Clusty - Strands - Mahalo

Fallon Videos

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Today we've got a special treat for you- we're going to cover some of the coolest and newest search engines to grace the internet. These engines are gunning to be the next Google, and they are using interesting combination of old technology and new to embrace what the web has to offer.

Clusty is one of the most prominent of the engines we're looking at today. They've been around for a short while, and are starting to pick up a fan base. Clusty searches and returns results in clusters. A cluster is like a group or folder of related information. So, if you search for hats, you would get several different kind of hat clusters as a result. Makes searching for related data a snap.

Topicle, on the other hand, is a much more limited search. It only retrieves a set of websites hand picked by the community. The community aspect to Topicle plays a big part of how well or how poorly your search results are. It is easy to sign up and starting adding your own choice picks to the engine. Think of it as a MySpace for web searching.

Next up we've got Wikia Search, the brain child of Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales. We've reported on WikiaSearch in the past for the Free Line, and it has come a long way since then. The first open search engine, this also relies on the community to tag, edit, and rate webpages. Is this the future of search? I'm not quite so sure. But the same thing worked well with Wikipedia, so we'll see.

Of course, not everyone wants a large community of strangers choosing their search results. Wiki's do have their downside, and if someone isn't constantly editing someone can easily sneak in and spam the search results. Mahalo is a search engine that has a set of engineers who work day and night creating great searches for you. It's not based on a community, but rather an editorial process with several editors.

And finally, Strands plans on taking Amazon's Select head to head by creating an open and free suggestion engine for businesses. If you sell something online, you can have it referenced and stored in Strands. It quickly serves up recommendations that are fairly accurate, almost as good as Amazon's. If they keep this up Amazon will have some real competition on their hands, and they'll probably just buy them.


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