The True Cost Of The Royal Family On Diana's Life | In Diana's Memory | Real Royalty

The True Cost Of The Royal Family On Diana's Life | In Diana's Memory | Real Royalty

Real Royalty

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LOVE - 28.09.2023 04:29

camela from camel queen consort and not queen. she was engaged in adultery with him. both do not deserve the monarchy. hypocrites are everywhere. big dislike.
long live Diana even in heaven🥰.

yvonne baker
yvonne baker - 28.09.2023 04:04

That family is so toxic.

Finns Mom
Finns Mom - 27.09.2023 07:02

Am I the only one that cannot stand Penny Junor, who seems to be so far up Charles’s arse, she can assess his tonsils at any given moment? GAH, that woman is in no way, objective enough to mention any and all things Diana……please do not include her assessments in any future documents!

Phaedra Mitchell
Phaedra Mitchell - 27.09.2023 01:32

Nothing the royals and their cohorts did turned the public against Diana as was expected so she became a liability. The English public would never accept another princess as long as they had Diana.

Kimberly Farmer
Kimberly Farmer - 23.09.2023 17:05

Maybe Diana would have been " a better wife" if Charles would have treated her as his wife Instead of "his mistress". Camilla was treated with more respect and regard than Diana was, so why should she do anything other than be herself and show him up?!?! Charles got what he deserved, ugly Camilla. And even though Diana's life was short lived, at least she got to be "free" and be happy before she died.
RIP Princess. You'll be sorely missed for years to come..

Pooey - 22.09.2023 09:07

All these women are so judgmental talking about Diana - no, Prince Charles did not support her, he cared, but he didn't love her exclusively

Pooey - 22.09.2023 08:31

Prince Andrew = pedophile
Queen = Druid
Royal family = lizards

Tinker Bell
Tinker Bell - 19.09.2023 12:40

She will always be loved he will always be a turd

claire zimmerman
claire zimmerman - 18.09.2023 14:52

Attack job on Diana and protecting Charles who married a young girl while carrying on an affair with Camilla. Terrible PR job for the crown. He can even verbally complain about Prince George as an infant - he caused great psychological harm.

s Sharp
s Sharp - 17.09.2023 18:23

His bullshit speech on when you marry, you have to marry someone very special. Lol he had someone special instead he decided to get with someone who will put up with his bull. What do you expect from a supposed lady who's gran was a mistress herself. He's a disgrace to Diana and HER boys,well one the other is like his father disgraceful.

Sue Wilton
Sue Wilton - 12.09.2023 23:20

Look at king Charles young man,harry hasn't got one bit look like king Charles, i believes it biological father is James Hewitt,

Margaret Barahmandpour
Margaret Barahmandpour - 10.09.2023 22:29

With hindsight these are a lot of pseudo experts!

A. Edgington
A. Edgington - 10.09.2023 16:45

Pretty hard when you find out your husband's having an affair and always has had it it would be really hard knowing you're sharing your husband with someone else😢

Rachel Demain
Rachel Demain - 10.09.2023 04:03

It is staggering to watch this with Diana and the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh no longer with us and Charles married to Camilla and also our King.

Miss Lady Bug 🐞
Miss Lady Bug 🐞 - 09.09.2023 06:37

Camilla did things for the sweating Charles no decent horse would do 😮

Fabulous Newt
Fabulous Newt - 08.09.2023 23:12

Diana was damaged by her upbringing not the RF

Rena Andersch
Rena Andersch - 08.09.2023 04:27

I hate anyone who is killing innocent helpless animals. This couple is a shame for humanity, disgusting people.

sam murphy
sam murphy - 08.09.2023 03:34

Not just Diana’s life was turned upside down. History repeats itself ow Now it is Harry’s life under king Charles.

Aum Patel The Rail Lover
Aum Patel The Rail Lover - 07.09.2023 10:30

Who ever likes queen Camilla like this message

Bela Falda
Bela Falda - 06.09.2023 16:11

Good lord, is this video truly 30yrs old?

Michele - 04.09.2023 21:00


Wassuppples - 04.09.2023 17:48

Princess Diana is the only goodlooking one a part of the royal family, until Catherine. I guess the British have a different standards as to what good looking means. Charles was so jealous of her it was ridiculous.

Rubbie Gwanzura
Rubbie Gwanzura - 04.09.2023 04:58

The way she said third with country forgetting they made by stealing land human resources and human beings making themselves rich.Withiout Africa they would be nothing.

Rubbie Gwanzura
Rubbie Gwanzura - 04.09.2023 04:26

Sadly she couldn't keep the man she loved .

Rubbie Gwanzura
Rubbie Gwanzura - 04.09.2023 04:24

They are sitting on blood money ,so entitled.They must return those diamonds on that crown ,they are nothing but thieves

Helle Osborne
Helle Osborne - 03.09.2023 23:11

Charles had an awful childhood, no love from his parents, brought up by nannies, was sent to an awful school and was bullied, very sad.

Mrs. M. Pennycuick
Mrs. M. Pennycuick - 01.09.2023 22:34

Di was treated appallingly!

lovelyrosebw - 01.09.2023 18:27

The royal family are a bunch of cold hearted self absorbed stiffs, diana brought some warmness heart and humanity in that family, they thought should would just be this naive girl they could easily control and mold into whatever they want while throwing her to the sharks teaching her nothing really about royal life and what she was marrying into so she had to learn fast pretty much on her own and swim or sink and obviously learned to swim and stay float and went on to become the most respected and loved royal which drove the royal family mad with jealousy, she didn’t even have to intentionally upstage them the public/press was just more interested in her and everything she did no matter what other royals were in company with her the focus was just always on her, yet they called it upstaging them simply cause she’d worn a different hairstyle like give me a break, if just a hairstyle can upstage you then that sounds like a you problem not Diana’s problem, anytime anyone comes in that family that is shown more popularity than the actual royal family they get jealous, they just seem like the BRF is so use to all the attention being on them and being worshipped that when someone takes that attention away from them they get jealous and nasty instead of taking into consideration what they need to do to improve themselves so maybe they’d be more interesting to the public cause they are rather boring and dk how to evolve and adapt to the times, they either need to modernize or go into obscurity or cease to exist altogether and the BRF just don’t seem to get it, I’d say there days are numbered

Mary Hoag
Mary Hoag - 01.09.2023 10:19

Charles and Diana were from different worlds. He is a man alot of men want they're cake and eat it too! Diana was and will always be the people's princess.

HappynLucky - 01.09.2023 08:32

Diana craved the very thing that royalty could never give her.

Kristy's Edits
Kristy's Edits - 01.09.2023 08:18

She was nearly perfect 🥹, and I say nearly because nobody is but she was the closest thing to it.

MJ Evermore
MJ Evermore - 01.09.2023 02:19

Bunch of Saint Diana worshippers here… she was a nut case before she ever got married.

Annie Webber
Annie Webber - 31.08.2023 19:59

How shocking- they Camilla and Charles were disgusting.

Ariadne Castro
Ariadne Castro - 31.08.2023 01:24

Anyone else with the impression that Charles was just tossing Diana around while "dancing"? I always thought that was the most agressive and disfunctional dance ever seen... So many decades after the world lost her, I'm still shocked and upset that she was robbed of happiness the way she was. RIP Queen of Hearts ❤️

Goodnightmyprince *
Goodnightmyprince * - 30.08.2023 21:42

Rotten royals as usual getting the way with everything

Arlene Heed
Arlene Heed - 29.08.2023 13:53

King Charles III and he did marry Camilla who ultimately became Queen Camilla.

Gordon Smith
Gordon Smith - 28.08.2023 17:24

Of course her life was 'turned upside down' she was expected to fit into a constitutional system. She hit the headlines shaking hands with AIDS victims but she did not do it without very stringent checks BEFORE hand. She was never at risk - so dramatic headlines were/are greatly over-blown. She raised awareness and exposed the hysteria-mongers, but she was not at any risk.
To put it into perspective - can you imagine Princess Charlotte being exposed to medical risk?

Dustin Watkins
Dustin Watkins - 27.08.2023 23:09

how disgusting humans are...camel racing is a thing.

Gloria Carpenter
Gloria Carpenter - 27.08.2023 07:19

Charles was a bastard and Camilla a she dog

JOHN KRISTICH - 27.08.2023 06:44

Some men love race horses and some prefer cows!

JOHN KRISTICH - 27.08.2023 05:34

ABOLISH the royal family!

Karen Dann
Karen Dann - 26.08.2023 22:57


NEVIA CAMPAGNARO - 26.08.2023 11:10

Mi fa venire i brividi vedere Carlo vicino alla principessa Diana sapendo ciò ke so ora Quanto l'ha fatta soffrire Diceva ke era pazza Ke opuscolo lo disprezzo con tutto il cuore

Joyce Codrington
Joyce Codrington - 26.08.2023 08:38

How vain and out of touch . Which can make you inconsiderate and selfish . Camille is just that . A money grabbing women on a level that she thinks no one can conceive . It not like she don't have her own to last two life times . Her selfishness wanted power . Money became boring to her . She could never be the people's Queen at heart . Only to the one that is fooled by her . The king of fools .

Joyce Codrington
Joyce Codrington - 26.08.2023 08:27

How could be sooo deseptive ?? To a virgin !! To me that speaks volumes . That momma's boy was a fool !!

Steve King
Steve King - 24.08.2023 22:58

Loved Diana..will remember her till the day I die.x

Helle Osborne
Helle Osborne - 24.08.2023 22:55

I think Charle's is deeply missunderstood, he did actually support Dianna and tried to help her but that got "overlooked" by the media at the time.

AlmightyAphrodite - 24.08.2023 22:23

I've JUST watched the queens, "a life of duty" and comments are turned off. Its infuriating. Look at what queen Elizabeth went through! No one, absolutely NO ONE.
! could ever hold a candle to her life. No one! At(14<!!!!), she gave her first public speech. I don't know if any of you remember what you were like at that age... Certainty not comforting a nation, a world... Millions of people! And from the on so many many MANY years of service to her people... Just think about it. Try and comprehend. Just try. It's impossible. She was the last legend of our time.
