Anycubic Photon Mono 4K 3D resin printer [HONEST REVIEW]

Anycubic Photon Mono 4K 3D resin printer [HONEST REVIEW]


2 года назад

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Kaywood Ryan
Kaywood Ryan - 24.08.2023 04:49

So I am doing my first print with a small miniature 30mm. I got a chart on the website for water wash resin and these are the settings.
Layer thickness: 0.05
Normal exposure time: 2
off Time/s: 0.5
Bottom exposure time: 40
Bottom Layers: 6
Anti-alias: 1
Z Lift Distance: 6
Z lift speed: 4
Z retract speed: 6
With these settings its saying I have 63 hours to print this
thats crazy, is this right? help lol.
can i pause and change settings

Horror kiddo
Horror kiddo - 10.06.2023 13:34

I have been painting 28mm minis for years now and I decided to get a printer , i m thinking between Anycubik mono 4K and coming soon Phrozen mini 8kS .. any advice guys ? For miniatures printing

The Macharian Crusade
The Macharian Crusade - 30.04.2023 23:31

Thanks for the video, just got mine and the instructions were vague at best, thanks again

Dougie - 07.04.2023 14:48

What is the photo 4k setting in the anycubic slicer to pick? It's not listed so we don't know

Mr Map ⸜⁄
Mr Map ⸜⁄ - 26.03.2023 02:35

Which one would you recommend mono 3 or mono 4k?

Dougie - 25.03.2023 15:17

It's mostly this 4k version we all use in the armour hobby really it's excellent can't fault it only the slicer but the student 360 is a great free download to use with it!

Jeff Brewer
Jeff Brewer - 15.03.2023 23:23

Late to the party, but I had to comment…

My first resin printer (a Kickstarter-backed WOW Sparkmaker FHD) finally died a week ago and, with WOW now being out of business, I was not able to source any parts to repair it, as I had done previously.

So, my hunt for a new resin printer started.

Turns out, even the most basic modern resin printer is superior to my Sparkmaker, in every conceivable way. This made choosing a replacement quite difficult. I didn’t need anything fancy, I just wanted something that would allow me to keep printing miniatures for my board and war games.

As it happens, a local store was having a sale on different Anycubic machines - huge discounts,here, talking 50% off. I did my due diligence, and scoured the internet for information and reviews on what they had. And a LOCAL store! Normally, I would need to buy online, and hope the product was as good as advertised, not being able to see it in person before purchasing.

Turns out, the 4K is basically an upgraded version of my Sparkmaker. It has a slightly larger build area, is 10s of times faster, and an overall improvement in every aspect. Also, it was priced perfectly for my budget, at $300.00AUD, down from $599.00AUD (yes, due to conversion rates, and being in a location remote to the rest of the world, this is a fantastic price for a 4K resin printer).

I have been using the printer for over a week now. Still dialling in cure times, as I am using some older resin, which I have just opened, so it is neither old, nor new, but somewhere in between.

I love it. It’s like going from a clapped out 1960s VW Beetle, to a vehicle made a few years ago. Doesn’t have all the bells and whistles more recent printers have, but it produces some great prints.

Also, as it comes from a recognised brand, there is healthy replacement parts market, both from the manufacturer, and the third party market. This printer will likely last me some time, likely well into the next generation of resin printers…

Suffice to say, I am well happy with my purchase.

meghan - 13.03.2023 08:08

Thanks for a great review! Could i ask you.. what CAD program did you use to create these ogers and jewelry, specifically that big ring?? Would love to know!

Steven Fisher
Steven Fisher - 24.02.2023 20:38

Thanks for this review. I've just unboxed yesterday. Will assemble and test tomorrow. More confident after your video!

Morale - 17.02.2023 19:45

I’m planning to buy this printer soon. I’m completely new to 3d printing and I have a doubt, is the printer itself enough for printing? Or do we need to have the wash and cure ?

Mr Cow579
Mr Cow579 - 17.02.2023 15:04

I just bought it and so far, super happy with it

Wendy Foster
Wendy Foster - 10.02.2023 08:53

Is this expensive to run?

Ichigo Andretti OfficialJetMisses SpittaOwned
Ichigo Andretti OfficialJetMisses SpittaOwned - 09.02.2023 10:33

i just brought this for my grandson

Gabriel García
Gabriel García - 08.02.2023 01:23

Muy buen vídeo. Muchas Gracias.
ANYCUBIC Impresora 3D Photon Mono 4K,
Creality HALOT ONE - Impresora 3D de resina con pantalla LCD mono 2K y
SUNLU Saiyan - Impresora 3D de resina LCD monocromática 4K de 6.6 pulgadas
¿Cuál recomiendas?

Third Dynamic
Third Dynamic - 18.01.2023 03:58

One small question for someone who JUST got theirs delivered today. What percentage of isopropyl alcohol should I get for when I am cleaning the prints?

Defekted Toy
Defekted Toy - 15.01.2023 10:52

My local Microcenter has these for $149.99 US, so I picked one up. Even the manufacturer has them for $189! I haven't printed anything yet, but I can't wait to get started!

Kyle - 06.01.2023 03:44

btw you can buy this resin printer at Walmart or on their site for 165USD right

Voidhunter - 17.12.2022 06:52

Rather dumb question but where is the vent for the fumes located on it? Mainly wondering as im looking to make this my first 3D printer, and i would like to ensure good ventilation for it.

Tony Wharton
Tony Wharton - 08.12.2022 17:21

This has sold out everywhere in the UK on eBay. I think amazon still have stock but are much dearer.

BabyJoker21 - 29.11.2022 05:44

Can i create my own custom weapons for action figures?

Seng Sokun
Seng Sokun - 27.11.2022 18:39

Hi sir can i ask you about print smoth skin

Malte Duggen
Malte Duggen - 23.11.2022 01:30

I´d love a comparisson between this and the mars 3 ;) , want to decide between those two

Spaceman Spiff
Spaceman Spiff - 09.11.2022 15:06

Could someone help me find this in a full on kit of just the essentials please :)? I am not great at finding these things.

Alex the Hopeless
Alex the Hopeless - 02.11.2022 11:58

I couldn't print anything properly lately, for example I set to print a space marine helmet, legs, a bolter, 2 arm parts, and the only things that have printed properly are legs and the bolter, the rest was slightly less 1mm thick blobs that I had to scrape off the fep with a metal spatula cuz the plastic one was useless. I've leveled the build plate, did some testing with the exposure time, cleaned the resin in the vat, all useless. I don't know what to do.

Tony Wharton
Tony Wharton - 01.11.2022 22:28

I missed this video Mr Vog! My lovely Mrs has just given me permission to buy one. Only £189 on Amazon 👍Don't tell anyone else 😜

Mr B. Barian
Mr B. Barian - 27.10.2022 21:53

Just getting back into 3d printing and the Mono 4k is going to be my go to... gave up a year and a half ago due to my shed being broken in to and having 2 Mono X stolen, wash and cure and my Photon S (which I left resin in) wrecked, police didn't even take it seriously!

AClockHead103 - 09.10.2022 15:54

A channel called "Best Choice Review" has copied your voiceover. Word for word. They used their own video, but they've copied literally everything else.

Joaquin Fernandez
Joaquin Fernandez - 30.09.2022 17:25

Does anyone know if this printer can print in 385nm?

Paulo Alexandre
Paulo Alexandre - 24.09.2022 23:01

thank you very much for your review . it was very detailed :)

DuStii York
DuStii York - 23.09.2022 12:59

I bought my mono 4k a few months ago , and I haven't been able to print a successful print yet. Just shapes of resin either stuck to the bottom of the vat or to the build plate. Been trying to get help on Reddit but no one seems to know what's up. I just wanna print cool minis !!

Doc Roberts
Doc Roberts - 21.09.2022 16:40

Mine I am so mad at it , I could spit nails .. I cant get it to read files off of the USB . It reads the factory stuff just fine . But if put in a file on the flash it will not read it . I have fought it for a month now , and still no prints .

Kenjiro C
Kenjiro C - 14.09.2022 19:28

I still cant be able print anything beside the test one i did all steps but nothing works

Fhang Media
Fhang Media - 09.09.2022 07:26

I just bought this printer with the cure and wash station on sale for $275.
I was hesitant at first after making the purchase but now after watching this video I can't wait for it to arrive so I can start using it.

The  Milk 14
The Milk 14 - 28.08.2022 22:49

Just picked up a mono 4k last week. Waiting on the wash and cure station to arrive but I'm excited to get going. Anyone have any tips for settings using elegoo abs style resin?

Jesse Martin
Jesse Martin - 26.08.2022 08:47

New to 3d printing. Does the dust come off easily?

Luis - 23.08.2022 00:42

Hi. Thanks for you video.I just bought this printer. Is it necessary to update the printer firmware?

ikkiiiieee - 21.08.2022 09:57

I read that some of these already have an lcd protector attached, and that it comes with an extra. Was this true for you?

roxanna lester
roxanna lester - 21.08.2022 08:58

Can someone tell me how to get the resin to stick to the plate my husband has tried 3 times and it’s not sticking

Hot Fun
Hot Fun - 13.08.2022 14:10

is that safe to work with this printer in home room ?

Rodrigo F.
Rodrigo F. - 13.08.2022 01:07

If you hadbto pick in between Elegoo Mars 3 and Anycubic Photon 4k, for the same price? Been saving money for a while, guess is time to buy me a gift 🤣

DJ K - 08.08.2022 16:52

$100 off right now, for $189 I don't think I can go wrong

Origami Kira
Origami Kira - 03.08.2022 19:59

i have a few questions if anyone could help me, i live in a 2 rooms apartment, i have space to place the printer in my room but im worried about the possible toxic fumes it makes, i also sleep in this room, could i place the printer in a closed balcony? im worried the moisture and light there will affect the prints and the printer itself and idk what to do,i could also try to encase the printer into some kind of closed cabinet with fans that take fresh air from outside and get rid of fumes outside as well through some tubes. Im thinking of buying it but i dont know, what would you recommend me to do? thanks a lot

Gearz 365
Gearz 365 - 19.07.2022 12:20

I have a question. Photon Workshop is the software for setting up the models for printing. But what softwares can you use to make the models? Because I know it takes certain file types and I don't know which ones to use (examples: Blender, Solidworks, Onshape, Inventor, etc)

Fhiona Giles
Fhiona Giles - 12.07.2022 16:01

Hi. Quick question; how would you deal with the dust? Would it be a simple case of just washing it? Thanks.

Jul Fouchereau
Jul Fouchereau - 25.06.2022 18:49

Hello , nice review.
Did you create custom setings or did you use pre-instaled one ?

Richard Glady
Richard Glady - 22.06.2022 04:49

Thank you for your review.

Remembered - 11.06.2022 22:30

After liestening to you for 5 min, I forgot I'm watching a printer review and found myself lost in a bedtime story with orcs and elves thanks to your heartwarming voice. :) Thank you. ***I just bought the printer and wash/cure station for testing/prototyping a few projects. Still setting it up while watching. :)

O’Quinn’s 3D Printing
O’Quinn’s 3D Printing - 05.06.2022 04:08

How do you put other 3D model files to the 3D printer

Augusto Chavez
Augusto Chavez - 31.05.2022 17:02

Just picked this up from anycubic for $190 usd as my first printer because of this review and the price!

Zaira Valeria
Zaira Valeria - 27.05.2022 06:49

Hola, excelente review! Una duda, el FEP es reemplazable? No tiene ventilación para los olores?
