Why You Should Never Use Weebly for Your Website

Why You Should Never Use Weebly for Your Website

Andrew Chwalik

4 года назад

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@WillJohns-tr1zt - 31.10.2023 00:03

I can’t do any modifications to my site but I’m old and not tech savvy .

@singlefeathermedia5264 - 28.10.2023 17:26

Hi Andrew! Thank you so much for this video! I am in the exact same position as what you outlined in this video which appears to have been posed about 3 years ago. My wife and I run a brick and mortar retail store selling Native American jewelry designs, craft supplies, and clothing. I was on the Squarespace platform for our initial website, but as you pointed out in your video, All of our inventory is in SquareUp, our merchant processor. (Squareup is the proper name for the company) Then I learned that Squareup has created a relationship with Weebly, and that we would have the ability to manage our online presence and inventory in one place. Not only is the customer service lacking but the INTERFACE to make changes to OUR website is H O R R I B L E! I even paid over 600.00 to have a designer create the weebly site to save me time... I was the admin of our previous Squarespace site and I could make updates quickly and easily over there. I cannot now. I even had the designer (as part of her scope of work) create me how to videos on how to update our own site and I still can't do it. So now, after 1.5 years of hassling over this, I am contemplating leaving everything, and changing platforms alltogether. I might go back to square space, I really miss that platform, and some recent changes over there I really like as I still build sites using it. BUT that leaves my original problem.... inventory an also my wife knows how to use the existing credit card processor. Like you said in your video, I am not a coder either. So my choice (I think) is either leave the square platform alltogether, or move the website over to a friendlier platform and see if I can find a developer that can get the two platforms to talk to each other... Sighhhhh why can' t this be easier? -Michael

@jomarbolusan2682 - 02.10.2023 12:18

done like and subscribed sir

@orangebetsy3404 - 20.07.2023 16:42

Hahaha i love the fart sound....i suggest redoing the video here and using a diarrhea sound. Weebly is a big steaming pile of dogshit.

@MelissaWitmerForeverKittens - 12.02.2023 09:11

Yummy! Now I am hungry !

@AwGAlpha - 20.12.2022 08:59

you might not get text as they claimed but it still goes ta your email all had ta do was have your email setup on the surveys or whatever you did ta get notifications when a purchase was done. if you didn't submit your phone number in anything dealing wit Notifications but your email. all have ta do is have your phone setup ta pop up text messages from Email notifications. that's a problem solved. so your still getting the text message but not by your phone number as you would think. I know for a fact they send out emails cause 99% of the stuff is using emails ta do. if you were ta do that you'd need an email just fur getting customers so your not getting dinged by out the way emails.

@jamesparkhyde - 08.12.2022 05:12

Ever since Square purchased Weebly their customer service has gone downhill. I was using the custom html element with <li> commands. Their html interpreter was not handling these properly so I contacted their support team, and then their top-level technical support. I provided them with screen prints showing that although the code was properly interpreted in their Preview tool, and although it looked fine when it was interpreted by other apps such as the Bluefish editor, it was not being properly handled by Weebly's interpreter. Now, this was clearly a Weebly problem, but it was met with their boilerplate "we don't work with custom code". Likewise their RSS code, on another client site, was not working properly for images that were embedded in the blog. Again, they refused to address this within their RSS interpreter, even though it works fine when I push the same blog through WordPress. So, I am migrating my clients from Weebly to WordPress.

@carminecolalillo2280 - 08.12.2022 00:01

it's a panino

@Googlehackedacct707 - 22.11.2022 15:13

Sorry to hear about your experience. Weebly dropped the ball on me. They never even informed me regarding the merge with Square. After going through the messy process of registering over to Square, I have never been allowed to even gain access to my profile or account because they say I am not the authorized owner. What a joke! Square takes the money from my bank but I have no ownership or control or even access to anything involved with the Square account I was forced to merge into. I try to reach out to customer service in chat and you never really know what side you are talking to, Weebly or Square, and there is definitely noticeable division there among these clowns because they bounce you back and forth one to the other. The two companies should have had this mess cleaned up and sorted out but no I guess it’s easier to let the customer deal with it? I will be cancelling my service. I have never dealt with any company that showed this much unprofessionalism.

@arcticexplorer9020 - 17.11.2022 18:29

Let's just agree that weebly is the worst s*it on the internet

@arianadevenau1339 - 18.10.2022 04:50

Weebly user since 2016. One they don't have customer service. Out of 12 issues, many dealing with customers having issues with my site as there is a bug in it now and then, is to clear cache and tell customers to do so. Doesn't matter if they clear cache, the problem still exists and their Only solution is... "Since we cannot replicate the issue, we do not have any other solution other than tell all who have this issue to clear their cache and refresh". I made videos showing them that this doesn't work. That the bug is in effect on Multiple browers of pc, apple, android, iphone and google... but to no avail.
12 problems in the last 13 months and not once have I gotten any other solution. A solution I proved with videos (Yes to them) that doesn't work. Today I asked for a confirmation that they are unwilling to truly help any further, they said that was correct.
I am searching for a solution as I hear bad things about wix as well. Is there no place where a medium sized business can go to? Mind you, I pay nearly 700 dollars every two years for their biggest business plan for my Medium sized business.
When Weebly was still really weebly, they used to find the issue and fix them. Since Square bought them out, and I really was happy when they did buy them out and I thought they'd really update weebly (groan), they went downhill. I have talked to many others who have their medium sized businesses on weebly and not one is happy. Not one is happy with their wix accounts either. I don't want anyone being in control of my web site either and I don't want to have to code the darn thing myself!
We need a solution.
Oh, and Square tries to get me to switch to their platform every time I talk to them. Thinking they probably won't keep Weebly around in the long run. So, there's that. All I have to do is ask them to look at my online store and see if what I have would work. And their answer is no. There is really none of the options a true online store needs like what wix and weebly offers. Things like multiple colors, sizes, or other options. Well, let's just say I could make a huge list of what you cannot do on the Square store. It's just easier to say unless you sell only a few products or need something free, it isn't worth using.

@theboilershop1728 - 29.09.2022 02:44

Thanks for the video Andrew.

Help me out here guys, its now Sept 2022 my subscription is ready for renewal should I continue with weebly or find another platform?

My situation - In 2023 I want to start selling digital downloads. I don't want the problems that Andrew has had. Have these problems been rectified since Andrew made this video?

If not can anyone recommend an alternative drag and drop platform?

@davault8505 - 09.09.2022 15:13

I know this is a 2yr old video but I have no problem with my square/weebly

@luxe4744 - 07.09.2022 05:11

I still can't figure out weebly... don't kn how it I'm on square or weebly website can't find theme I spent 30 mins trying to find the theme page

@antiglxcks - 05.09.2022 23:26

I mean I'll take ur weebly account...

@PLANETWATERMELON - 30.08.2022 21:27

My problem is that when I have a problem I can’t reach anyone there in any way. If you have link to contact someone there that would be great. I haven’t found any options in Support page.

@MyRic0 - 22.08.2022 19:52

you could just have put a picture with a link to a messenger that would have called you when the order comes through. But a better way to do it is to get them to call you and get them to pay for it before they come so that they cant order and then not show up which I am sure will upset you too. going by how upset you are over this. answer the call and get them to pay with their card and check the money is there before you make the ice-creams more so because you said that they have toppings on them.

@journofay - 07.07.2022 16:05

Stupid waste of time web building site. Drop and drag is crap. It controls where to place your items. The mobile view is a headache because it doesn't automatically convert your website. You have to go over it yourself wasting more time and then the website looks ugly. Payment comes up with error without no explanation. Help function is useless because it doesn't explain why payment error occurs so you can't fix it. First time users don't waste your time. Once you have a problem you will never be able to fix it.

@PG143JP - 26.06.2022 04:22

I've used weebly for years and now that square has merged I cannot figure out how to get into my weebly site which is moronic!!! there's no edit site. I can't disk in through weebly anymore. fkn pisses me off!!!!

@williamfurner6747 - 17.06.2022 20:31

I can’t get weebly to give me help because my text does not show up on my iPhone? Sorry for problems!

@chrisgironde6669 - 24.05.2022 22:11

Totally disagree with this view and the incompetent way forward this guy obviously went forward

No proof of anything said

Remind me never to use your shop

@oddhouseproduction - 19.05.2022 02:41

I hear Webflow is all the rage now. Anyone has some first hand experience on Webflow?

@loyaltycoker6400 - 16.05.2022 21:13

Why is it that when you mention weebly there is a fart noise

@mejhon6592 - 14.05.2022 20:16

So which web design you use?

@mejhon6592 - 14.05.2022 19:50

Mm all the website builder are not good i have not find good one.

@benjaminmcavoy604 - 10.05.2022 05:10

Weebly is 50 years behind everyone else, too focused on Square. SEO is crap, customer service is crap. Back to wordpress I am.

@vicamasteronweb2159 - 23.04.2022 15:38

Freenom is also a BIG scam too!

@animenum1 - 12.04.2022 09:11

Isn’t that with automation part of the app now for integration.

@mitemplosagrado - 30.03.2022 21:36

The help service sucks..There is no way to talk with the operators. They send you to the email for custom help. The link is not working..Never again, Weebly

@DYLONWALR - 26.02.2022 21:47

Just to say, you can get notifications through the weebly app!

@Extra_Mental - 30.01.2022 13:11

Theres your problem, you are using square POS, those guys are brainwashed into apple the apple ecosystem and as result they work the same proprietary way

@MichaelOReillySD - 27.01.2022 18:33

I'm a full-stack software developer and I've used weebly, before learning to code, and personally I love it. I'm sure they would have given you a full refund. They've refunded me in the past. It's unfortunate you've had this negative experience. I wish you all the best ♥

@UnknownRobloxCodes - 18.01.2022 04:51

Weebly owns square and square space and e-commerce

@redeemedsinner8091 - 30.12.2021 06:02

I hate Weebly, they lied to me! They advertise that their service is "completely free," but then when I took the time to sign-up and make a website and publish it, they demanded money! What a scam!!!

@drd-creations - 16.12.2021 23:02

I have my side on weebly. but i dont need a online store so no problem for me. since i have custom commissions people have to conact me regardless for eb´ven the price so i dont need the online store thing ^^ weebly works totaly fine for me (also being a noob at webside bilding)

@JasmineAcosta-PleasuresMine - 01.12.2021 08:04

I don’t know if this just recently was fixed or what but with the app on my phone there is a spot to turn on notifications for when a new order comes in. I’m trying to figure out which platform is best for free. I was able to create my own domain name for free the way I wanted just with the square site embedded into the url which is not a big deal to me. I had heard bad things about big cartel but after watching another persons video I don’t see big cartel as a bad option either so I will probably try that out next. It seemed pretty similar to square weebly whichever lol

@jarridtaylor7778 - 26.11.2021 18:10

Did they fix this yet?

@litbro8180 - 03.11.2021 18:49

It’s also written in PHP, so garbage

@erickbetancourt896 - 15.10.2021 01:48

Hey Andrew - Sorry to hear about your terrible experience man. However, your "Why You Should Never Use Weebly for Your Website" title is not a good fit for everyone out there, as your situation was very specific to your needs. With that said, the problem that you experience did not directly tie to Weebly as a product or service but more of a lack of training on their customer support end, and unfortunately, you were a victim of miss information. Hope you found a solution to your problem as your site and business look very appetizing. 😉👍

@evaherz9532 - 08.10.2021 23:34

you need to get your money back, and ask for a refund!

@defnotkatelyn - 06.10.2021 02:00

It’s not their fault that you bought a iPhone

@chowderrsenpaii - 30.09.2021 01:04

I feel like you should have just researched more. There are many many integrations. Ever heard of zapier of anything like that? Yes the were wrong with the info but yea.

@chowderrsenpaii - 30.09.2021 01:02

I feel like you should have just researched more. There are many many integrations. Ever heard of zapier of anything like that? Yes the were wrong with the info but yea.

@clallen2000 - 28.08.2021 15:47

Why didn't you ask for a full refund from Weebly?

@ritch90 - 01.07.2021 19:54

their drag and drop is confusing actually....but their price is the best toh. im still thinking should i take wix

@newvision7504 - 28.06.2021 00:48

You could have used their free plan. To test their service.

I have used Weebly previously. Never had any problems previously

How about wix , Squarespace or wordpress.

I hope you have found a better solution for your online Ice cream store.

You didn't get notifications on mobile or email. They really have that feature. ( That's a e-commerce feature. Notification should showup on email)

@saxsupport4895 - 09.06.2021 10:58

I have been using Weebly for three years and always get an email the moment an order is placed.
