BATTLEFIELD 5 - The Last Tiger - All Cutscenes

BATTLEFIELD 5 - The Last Tiger - All Cutscenes

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Shreak - 20.09.2023 17:27

The campaigns were getting seriously good, like some of my favorite storytelling campaigns level of good, and then they ditched it with the new Battlefield. Damn shame, would love if they would explore this further

Stoic - 10.09.2023 13:37

not those other 4 rubbish career stories. WE NEED THIS.

endurance_giulia - 10.09.2023 05:47

The story maybe fiction, but the facts and numbers behind it are sadly true 😔

Baba_Voss - 08.09.2023 11:47

In my opinion, the best story war in Battlefield V

Safiyy Baig
Safiyy Baig - 08.09.2023 04:06

RIP Hartmann. I was actually sad to see him dead.

michal zalewski
michal zalewski - 03.09.2023 13:29

The dead have no voice. Peter may actually have survived, since he's talking about it, I won't say he's alive and I won't say he's dead because that's not certain either. It's too much to think about, but one thing is for sure, if there was a movie based on this story, The Last Tiger, it would be awesome

Ant D
Ant D - 03.09.2023 13:16

Я плачу

Michaels Zombies Roblox gameplays
Michaels Zombies Roblox gameplays - 02.09.2023 22:26

Mom: Why are you crying? It’s just a game
The game:

Suspicious Chicken
Suspicious Chicken - 31.08.2023 11:38

Love this story but i found it hard to believe that a 16 year old with an MP40 could suppress a US squad for that long

2 tone
2 tone - 31.08.2023 09:14

I am German, 62 years old, and my father was in World War II in the 3rd Panzer Division from 1941 first a Panzer IV driver, then a Panzer V (called Panther) and this until the end of the war on May 8th, 1945. He raised my siblings and I to be supporters of democracy.
At the same time, however, he belonged (like my father-in-law) to the generation of former front-line soldiers who broke off conversations about their own experiences and findings after a very short time. This made it possible for people to seize the power of interpretation who were anything but role models or even "heroes". As for the oath, I'm sure you know
that the soldiers of the Wehrmacht were also sworn directly to Adolf Hitler. That's a thought that still makes me shudder to this day. As soon as crimes are committed in the name of an oath, the obligation to take an oath ceases in my view.

Snobby Erusean Valley Girl
Snobby Erusean Valley Girl - 31.08.2023 02:54

Gorgeous looking vehicle

Lutz der Lurch
Lutz der Lurch - 31.08.2023 02:37

Tardis tank?

Don Gately
Don Gately - 30.08.2023 22:59

Twist: Kertz’ had a brother who had emigrated to America before the war. His nephew was Colonel Walter Kurtz. Who died in Vietnam.

putinisacykanazi - 30.08.2023 21:47

shouldve shot that mutineering little nazi cocksucker way early on.

Pedro Portela
Pedro Portela - 30.08.2023 12:53

As a Euro modern tanker myself, a professional Soldier and a history student in college, this hit home to me like a ton of bricks. I cannot fathom what the tank crews of the professional tanker corp of the Wehrmacht suffered when Germany started to loose the war. Professional Soldiers follow orders, we have a oath and we must follow it despite the political regime, we might not agree with it but it is required of us not to make policy or politics, that's for the appointed civilian representatives, or we are nothing but a military dictatorship.

But there is times we need to rebel and follow our personal ethics and morality, and this was Peter's conundrum's until the end, the fight between duty and ethics.

I could go on and on but to be honest I lack the words for the emotions and sheer punch this story represented personally.

Very well done from the writers and the gaming company to show history unbiased and impartial, this is required to younger generations to see so that we do not go through this again.

Cinderan Magnus
Cinderan Magnus - 29.08.2023 02:52

Most of the soldiers where just boys in the army
Just soldiers

Also it only takes 5 secs of gameplay to know the realism is absolutely out of the window

Blue - 29.08.2023 01:27

I love the American, "Just give up dammit!"

Jesús Sard González
Jesús Sard González - 28.08.2023 00:58

Nice scene but the game has nothing to do with this. The campaign we didn't have was compressed into a cinematic. Some day soon the servers will be empty and there will be nothing left to play from this game. If every game was like this, gaming would have no past and no replayability.

Robert Daniel
Robert Daniel - 27.08.2023 14:46

the only country with true blood

Combat - 27.08.2023 06:25


beardydaddy - 27.08.2023 04:43

I live in Germany and about 5 meters across the street there is a monument of a synagogue that got burned down during the persecution of the jews back then. The Americans cooperated with the Germans to build these monuments after the liberation of Germany. The energy around this place is something different. Also, if you ever visit Germany, mostly in west germany, you will find little, squared, golden plates in the sidewalk. These are called „Stolpersteine“ which is literal translated to „stumbling block/stone“. When you read the prints on these you always will see a name of a person that died due to war or the persecution and a bit of their story like „was executed during WW2“; „was arrested because of desertion“. Every stone is unique. It’s crazy. Germany is full of places and moments that will suddenly gives you a moment of silence. It’s crazy!

Hunter. - 24.08.2023 07:24

Pissed me off the kid killed both of em

hunterdude113 - 20.08.2023 22:23

Schröder needed a bullet through the head.

Nicholas Nguyen
Nicholas Nguyen - 20.08.2023 12:36

Not gonna lie… almost cried during that final scene… .

kiyotaka - 19.08.2023 02:18

I cried.. 88

Abel D
Abel D - 19.08.2023 00:32

kids like this should be taken out, ur buddies always come first then mission

Elliott nelson
Elliott nelson - 16.08.2023 17:39

Just played this yesterday, I am still crying

Janis Snore
Janis Snore - 15.08.2023 16:23

When you reach the end and realise that Hartman had a good reason trying to escape only at the wrong time in the wrong place with the wrong people

Σπύρος Κοτζακοζιδης
Σπύρος Κοτζακοζιδης - 15.08.2023 00:09

Conclusion: shroder is a bitch

Resident_Legal - 13.08.2023 09:36

It would be so interesting to play the whole WWII game from the German perspective :) It's getting tiresome to play as an American, British or Soviet all the time.

Augusto César
Augusto César - 13.08.2023 04:34

We need more atmospheric WW2 games with BF1 style, BF1 was a amazing game, BFv was close.

Schmidt - 13.08.2023 02:16

Fun fact: the scar on Müller's face is a Schmiß from a Mensur which was common in Germany before the 3rd Reich, especially in Studentenverbindung (student unions) or other Verbindungen like Corps and Burschenschaften. The Natsocs banned Studentenverbindung and other Verbindungen because they were too liberal (not the american meaning of liberal)

Another fun fact: The way Müller pronounces "2" means he most likely comes from Saxony

Arren - 11.08.2023 17:49

The only game campaign which actually made me cry.

Raser_inc - 11.08.2023 17:41

this storyline made my cry

S727 - 08.08.2023 14:27

Too many like schroder in Germany at that time, blindly following orders. Totally brainwashed.

Lucas - 08.08.2023 12:38

Dude wtf why can’t why can’t we m have more of this instead of the woke bs bf has been putting out. Also why not have the swastika and salute ? Pretty sad how thin skinned everyone can be .

Martin Sonneborn
Martin Sonneborn - 08.08.2023 12:15

There is no fcking way the epilogue is true about the armour of the Tiger (looks like Tiger H, not even a Tiger 2).
Even a KV 2 could pierce a Panzer IV with ease and still kills heavy tanks like the tiger, granted it's a soviet tank on the east front, and this is the west front, but still there is no way multiple shermans that hit the sides couldn't bring down a tiger.

Ivan Padilla
Ivan Padilla - 08.08.2023 08:31

Little did they know, or all that that they did know, the people who they were hanging towards the end of the war were the brave ones. And they were the true cowards.

Surrealism - 08.08.2023 05:26

Sorry but the german synchonisation is so bland and bad...

Jamie Evans
Jamie Evans - 07.08.2023 08:32

i thought rommel had all the north african tigers destroyed in el alamein

Дормидонт Евлампиев
Дормидонт Евлампиев - 05.08.2023 11:46

Бедныя,несчастные немчики,оне такие белыя и пушистые,а их так имеют.Вот так сначала в играх,а потом в реале переписывают историю.

anggun pradipto
anggun pradipto - 03.08.2023 15:29

game based on real story ❤

Hernâni Gil
Hernâni Gil - 03.08.2023 12:23

the most amazing and well done campaign I ever played. so powerful scenes. so much lessons in this campaign. Thats why games should have the "evil" side as well. the nazi Gestapo pressure, the no free speech, the lies, the propaganda, the suffocating environment, the twisted minds between us, the fear and going from the perception of invencibility to the perception of this campaign with everything falling apart after so many ilusions.

Nemesis - 01.08.2023 21:31

When Schröder shot Kertz and kept telling himself that it was justified, but also his voiced sound like he really regretted shooting him

that’s some great voice acting

Lendle Guanzon
Lendle Guanzon - 01.08.2023 11:53

If you paid close attention to what sound the guns were firing, the shots at the end were not from the MP-40 Schorder was handling. Rather, it sounded like one of the guns the Americans were using, which probably means that Schroder died instead of Muller.

Aleksandar Ivanov
Aleksandar Ivanov - 31.07.2023 19:51

The quote at the end is by a woman who ruined an innocent man's life...

Pepto - 30.07.2023 22:22

Fucking idiot brainwashed kid
