Telegram Animated Sticker Tutorial

Telegram Animated Sticker Tutorial


4 года назад

89,357 Просмотров

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@stackmackin164 - 24.06.2023 04:44

here for the fried rice

@monday304 - 26.04.2023 03:55

this is so annoying why doesn't telegram just allow people to upload animated GIFs as stickers with transparent backgrounds? It would be so much easier

@Liyuu_Pack - 11.04.2023 09:56


@anon.286 - 21.02.2023 09:42

do you know how to make a glossy effect on the animated object? I wonder if there is any masking tool we can use in after effect, since i used the masking technique but when I render it, it says "no masking is allowed" but i have seen someone done it.. thank you

@JMPDev - 05.02.2023 22:00

When attempting to render I keep getting "Render Failed! Composition should not include any images".

In illustrator 2023 I drew a square shape, saved that as an .ai file with default settings, imported that as composition in an empty After Effects 2023 project, made a new composition, dragged just the imported .ai file to the timeline, and exported that composition using the extension - I did exactly what this video shows.

Any idea what might be happening here?

@CryptoWorld4.0 - 03.11.2022 20:16

I had after effect open and it still worked

@terryfarmer6279 - 28.09.2022 18:49

Nice one

@ajbrazov - 24.09.2022 15:15

hy thanks for the great tutorial, I follow every step but the sticker is comlpetely transparent when imported to the sticker bot :(

@gamatoszaras - 08.05.2022 22:16

Bodymoving only renders in JSON. I cant make it render in .TGS. Any suggestions?

@kelvinking8615 - 13.04.2022 22:23

Please I need help
When I'm done exporting to tgs file my animation brings up this grey looking background and all the parts scatter.

Please can you help??

@gambyt5952 - 01.04.2022 00:15

Okay when I import images to edit I get an error. Composition should not contain any images. How do I edit the file inside AE so when I try to render as tsg it doesnt do this. There has to be a way people make custom animated stickers all the time featuring popular icons etc.

@cryptostrip - 14.03.2022 14:54

thanks for such a straightforward tutorial! it's been a very useful foundation! :)

@amirahdeno7719 - 03.03.2022 10:15

so many thanks bro

@wolfrikgreen - 22.01.2022 18:48

Having an issue and I'm losing my mind. It keeps saying the file is a video it's. A gif. I don't get this at all so maddening!

@haykeybtw - 05.01.2022 18:59

so when I click on create shapes from vector layer my layers turn grey and the whole picture is filled

@PandaAlan2k22 - 30.12.2021 08:22

RENDER FAILED! Composition should not include any images.

Please help.

@bettawib7752 - 22.12.2021 11:46

how to make multiple shape layers into one to add puppet tools effect? I've tried pre-compose, when I export it to a tgs file, the puppet effect doesn't exist

@mikaelacrypto5055 - 20.12.2021 02:59

Hi! When I add an image (ai) and try to render it, I get the message, failed because it can’t render images. How to change this?

@ortegacrtn1664 - 18.12.2021 05:23

It Dosent work

@shadeonline3452 - 14.12.2021 05:34

does this also work with already made PNG images? I opened it in illustrator and resized to 512x512 saved it as .ai - opened it in after effects and did all the steps.
for some reason when I richt click the .ai file --> create shapes from vector layer it just makes the image grey (when I click on fill and make it transparent I still cant see my image anymore - its just plain white.)

I do see the selected area moving when I go through my timeline like the image should move because of the keyframes I placed.
Dont know if there is a solution for this?

@jillijewel8922 - 12.12.2021 05:34

i can't install the plugins... keeps saying error -193 :((((

@galfort3070 - 02.12.2021 21:28

Excellent video, thank you!
Possible errors and solutions within the export plugin for telegram:
FPS error: In composition settings indicate 30 or 60 FPS
dimension error: In composition settings indicate 512x512 pixels
duration error: In composition settings indicate duration of 3 seconds or less
extension error: All elements of the composition must have a 100% extension
time error: Compostion must not have any time alteration, this includes loop generator, velocity modifications, etc.

@ohneweil2644 - 27.10.2021 15:44

nice thanks!

@ammarfaiz97 - 24.10.2021 13:24

How to change mp4 format to tgs format?

@SaborCereza - 18.10.2021 20:47

Delicious wallpaper.

@dannymartial7997 - 27.09.2021 00:55

How come my layers are linked? When I click the stopwatch for one layer, it turns blue for all the layers.

@LinhBui-dg6lv - 21.09.2021 06:47

can use the puppet tool in after effects bro?

@linhbui7088 - 15.09.2021 05:28

after i render tgs. I open it in telegram but it seem not animation the puppet and whatever animation i rigged by DUIK. only keyframe of position that animate in telegram? what can i do to fix this?

@mariaespil9037 - 10.09.2021 18:38

Hi, I´m loking for a designer to create animated stickers for telegram for our gastronomy business. Do you do that? or have any contact to recommend? thanks!

@user-lh8xg2ie2b - 09.09.2021 17:37

i need whatsapp

@vionajeslynaldebaran6137 - 03.09.2021 03:56

kalo gak pakai pc bisa gaa

@jasminevillanueva973 - 18.08.2021 14:20

Thank you!🤗

@Sokkhoeun - 08.08.2021 10:00

There is no such "Scripting and Expression" in my After Effect 2018. Please advise.

@BH369 - 29.07.2021 00:42

after creating shapes from vector everything turns into grey blob

@MijasSpot - 27.07.2021 00:28

Great tut - thank you!!

@adrinzainuddin8513 - 04.07.2021 19:06

That wallpaper is a reminder for him to don't forget to eat eventhough you r so busy, playing around with softwares on computer

@harrykho8699 - 01.07.2021 19:09

Very helpful tutorial. I tried using Gradient Fill for the stickers, but it rendered weirdly with the color kinda off when preview in telegram. Have you tried with Gradient before? Whats the best way to do it ?

@manveersingh1694 - 27.06.2021 16:31

Hi can you create a telegram stickers for us ?

@angelof8683 - 11.06.2021 06:05

No hablo taka taka

@toonybrain - 04.05.2021 22:53

Thank you very much. All the other instructions leave out in between steps; yours is very comprehensive and clear.

@gonbox5809 - 28.04.2021 04:53

Thank you

@airmailie - 01.04.2021 21:01

Use the parent/link list to stick the hand to the wrist, so it will follow the path of your animated arm

@utkarshdoshi750 - 25.03.2021 14:56

cool tutorial loved it. i just have one question-can we use gif files to convert it into animated stickers?

@wendy2001217 - 05.03.2021 16:31

What file do you save in for the final work

@ros_berth - 22.02.2021 00:42

Can I do that with a gif image?

@mehdiarjmandi5280 - 20.02.2021 11:29

thank you its was so usefull

@faribajahandideh8289 - 24.01.2021 21:18

for inistalling bodymovin i got this error Installation failed because the extension is not compatible with the installed applications.

@lopezgarciaadrian408 - 13.01.2021 08:12

todo bien hasta que usé el sticker y no salía como lo hice. sólo se movían algunas cosas pero no todo

@KizzyHere - 12.12.2020 22:26

Any advice for getting the sticker to be less than 64kb?

I did everything, but mine is 79kb :C I am very new so not sure what I can do to compress
