I Did 500 Regressions And Learned THIS About Past Lives!

I Did 500 Regressions And Learned THIS About Past Lives!

Christina Lopes, DPT, MPH

1 год назад

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@carpediemsrce - 10.02.2024 12:04

The half shaved head throws me off

@stanleybrown5656 - 10.02.2024 06:28

Planet of pain and tears.

@josesantana27 - 07.02.2024 07:58

In Hinduism Souls come to learn lessons to evolve and return to Our True Nature (The Soul).

@sucks935 - 31.01.2024 16:49

Do not identify the spirit soul with the thinking mind, body, and sensory perceptions... SOUL IS BEYOND THIS.. WHEN YOU IDENTIFY THEM, YOU ACTUALLY ARE TALKING BOUT THE MIND,, NOTHING TO DO WITH SOUL

@clausbohm9807 - 29.01.2024 01:51

Great video! What is a real mindblower is when you access your over soul ... my mother right before she past away gave me the unique experience to see my oversoul. She did it by having me look at a picture on the wall of our family and lower my eyes level with me in the picture. So my eyes were at the same level as my eyes in the picture of me when I was very young. Then out of nowhere a remote viewing scene opened up in front of me where I saw a man come out of a Wat (Buddhist temple) built in the mountain side of some mountain range in some heavenly realm. He was some kind of master with great authority and confidence. As he came closer and closer to me I noticed how badass he actually was until I was shocked as he came right up to me that he was in fact ME! Somehow my mother got the calling to have me do this and channeled that experience somehow. What was amazing and to this day, I can't believe that that ultra badd-ass dude that seem to run an entire monastery in heaven was actually bumbling, emotional, usually unconfident, ... me. I have had many spiritual experiences but this was far and above.

@shivani55379 - 21.01.2024 10:42

Is past lives really exist

@joannakapsha4199 - 20.01.2024 05:50

What if you have ADD or ADHD and can’t focus? Is there a way to access your past lives if you can’t focus?

@michaelmallal9101 - 16.01.2024 16:05

I wanna send light to the wounds in my time-line.

@MonacoBlast66 - 11.01.2024 23:02

I was a dark knight that descended into black magic.

@alshaw6476 - 10.01.2024 23:58

😊😊 ?? 😢😢 ❤😊

@jpmackin - 08.01.2024 21:16

There are no past or future lives. Everything is happening in the now -just on a different frequency….

@PlumpnDreamyWalrus - 23.12.2023 12:06

I strongly feel that I'm not getting close to what I set out to do in this lifetime. I have Asperger's, mental illnesses, trauma and personality disorders that have kept me unemployed and unfulfilled despite having a genius IQ. I am watching life pass me by and have no idea how to stop it. I want to have past life regression in order to set my life back on track, but I'm afraid of re-traumatizing myself through bad past memories.

@twinsoultarot473 - 21.12.2023 20:51

Thank you Christina. Excellent work! Got an estranged daughter and a question. Is it always the case that our children are always those who we've had past lives with? 🙏🦋

@oat8479 - 20.12.2023 19:40

Ohh this is the first time from any psychic past life aggression therapy or any books I have read have I heard that souls want to come here into a human body. When they leave the body they don’t want to cOme back .

@gadjaup - 14.12.2023 22:39

I still have problem understanding the fact that we forget our past lives. If past traumas have such a huge impact on our current life, then not being able to know the cause of it doesn't make "this game" or "experiment " here that fun to me. It's like "playing" with a major handicap from the start.

@averagejoe8968 - 12.12.2023 18:43

* I believe Dolores Cannon when she said Earth is the hardest school in the universe. You come here to experience, everything, the good, the bad. With all the good things you also experience the bad. Pain, suffering, anxiety, stress, and loss. One of the worst experience is the loss of a love one or pet. All these negative things exist here on earth but nowhere else. These negative experiences simply don’t exist on the other side or anywhere else. We experience things to evolve. When we evolve we wake up our consciousness. When our consciousness is awake, we expand our consciousness. And the only way to do all of this is to come to earth and enroll in this hard school. Then you graduate earth but you’ll always continue to learn.

@amberletwory7814 - 09.12.2023 10:08

Thank you lots of love to you😊

@andrewprovo4827 - 07.12.2023 17:50

Christina, great topics and explanations on subjects I've been trying to understand for years. You speak to the point and condense your experience and knowledge very clearly. I'm wondering if you have thought about doing a series of programs for Gaia network. I like your podcast because it's to the point. Keep doing what you're doing please. Andrew

@davidkeller8557 - 06.12.2023 08:53

Hi what crystal are you wearing in this video.

@georgeshepherd3381 - 30.11.2023 04:09

Thank you. This is great!

@debrajones8194 - 26.11.2023 17:15

I’m soooo distracted with the half shaved head I cannot concentrate on her message. Why? So much time spent on straightening the rest of her hair. Also why am I distracted by it? It’s her choice. My mind keeps trying to analyze it.

@yaaroyalhighness7063 - 22.11.2023 03:54

I got 2,200 so this makes no sense at all!!! SO HOW THOUSANDS YOU CHARGED???

@davecarr1939 - 21.11.2023 22:43

wow, genius way to sell people snake oil... Where do I sign up?

@ksingh4928 - 20.11.2023 21:40

How can I have a session for this to know my past lives?

@davidkeller8557 - 19.11.2023 13:03

Hi what terminated crystal pendant is that? Curious🎈

@asura2000 - 17.11.2023 21:08

Its a fake😅😅

@olafhubner3060 - 17.11.2023 16:50

Welcome on this Prison planet, take some more ride's 😂 you're a newbie 😂

@SocratesTheWiseOne-tr3uf - 16.11.2023 07:36

All of you letting someone with half her hair shaved coach you get what you got coming. Are there no signs to detect unstable people anymore?

@pianistshowtoplaycompimpro8093 - 15.11.2023 01:14

When do you do the next regression Christina?

@LadyO_333 - 12.11.2023 23:22

Thank you, Christina, for the great upload. Is it possible for us to have freckles that pop up pretty quickly in the shape of constellations? I have a group of freckles that perfectly line up with Ursa Major/The Big Dipper on my abdomen -- when I say perfectly, I can lay a picture from an astronomy book right on top of them and they match up exactly. Thanks again!!!

@aunabreslingaming3279 - 12.11.2023 17:17

I like this blue planet- I don’t think it’s a punishment

@JohnHBatte - 06.11.2023 06:33

I didn’t get to choose the path this time. When we were waiting above this time God had me, my Dad, a girl I was close to, and a few others already slated. He literally called our names every so many minutes and they stood at the edge then went down to the parents and lives God had set. My Dad went what seemed five minutes before me in the time there 30 years here. Then God called me and I didn’t hesitated looking to the girl and God said “Don’t worry you may meet her in your life. The number of kids left was down from a multitude early on to just a few when was sent. I turned and looked at God and then down to the earth and then it was both like the ground came up and I went down at the same time. He has some plan and for some reason there was almost none remaining to come down. Of course this was 43 years ago itself. The final act is about to begin the time of rotation is up.

@DariusCharles-dg6mq - 25.10.2023 06:45

So no one believes in God?

@darrenslater6327 - 25.10.2023 04:59

It's a spiritual war not everyone here volunteered but good video

@Ryuma222 - 25.10.2023 04:55

Ok so there is this game called final fantasy that i grew up playing specificly 7, 8,9 and 10. These games have had a huge resonation with me for a long time. First i was thinking its nostalgia but they have this new one that came out 16. And this one resonates with me if not more then the others. The music and story make my whole body and soul vibrate. Part of me is like how could this have anything to do with me. But i think to myself out of all the poeple who have played these games. How many of them have gone down the spiritual path and how many of them have been waking up to sycnronictys. I cant tell if its my ego that is trying to hop on to this or if it really has something to do with my past lives or destiny. Also the lord of the rings has been resonating with me super hard. Im Not expecting the answer to all my problems here but some feedback from others would be nice.

@lillie9641 - 24.10.2023 04:10

The veil of forgetfulness can be merciful as well, for us to not have to carry certain burdens and perhaps feelings of guilt about things in the past.

@Cloud_Born - 23.10.2023 17:37

How come nobody lives a normal life in these regressions? Everybody has some kind of abandonment or tragedy. Nobody lives a normal life”I had three kids, died of the flu at age 85” kind of lives. I really want to believe this stuff is real but I’m having a hard time when everybody seems to have something pretty wild in their most recent past life.

@myndflowers7751 - 19.10.2023 22:19

I just did a past life meditation and saw that in my past life I was a Scottish Fisher man, weird I know.

@inadhara - 13.10.2023 15:46

How do I find someone who can help me do past life regression and healing?💜

@blisswkc3344 - 13.10.2023 05:35


@larryhanson2762 - 12.10.2023 06:23

Blessings Christina 🙏

@monalisa6264 - 10.10.2023 15:08

Do you have a different technique if your client has Aphenstatia? I’ve been super keen to try past life regression but I’ve heard it’s more visual when do it. Thanks 🙏

@maureenbuggy7022 - 07.10.2023 16:27

What if can’t be hypnotised, so you can’t be helped by others and if you have unkind self destructive thoughts and destroy relationships currently. How do you get out of this self destructive behaviour and mindset.
Why are souls going into a family that totally believes the government and health system is for us and those from this family see the delusion that the kabal are not for us and we have to break free from these controlling authorities?🤔😅

@jmac3482 - 04.10.2023 08:04

The end was interesting!!! :)

@LadyAbstract - 04.10.2023 07:24

My friend did a past life regression and he said he didnt want to come back but something kept making him come back. However, that could just be how he hates it here now in the present so he projected how he currently feels on to the regression so it just feels that way for him

@josegonzales9776 - 03.10.2023 18:29

Your Amazing Christina Lopes , thank you for your videos 🙏

@sharonbale3329 - 28.09.2023 13:33

I would love to know why i chose mental illness

@soniacook2991 - 27.09.2023 21:27

I have a few life’s that I remember.. … it’s my subconscious memory that comes in my dreams playing out like a movie
