I Brought BACK the Seljuks and DESTROYED Everyone! Eu4 1.37

I Brought BACK the Seljuks and DESTROYED Everyone! Eu4 1.37

The Chairman

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@thechairmangames - 04.06.2024 17:20

What is your favorite formable? 😮

@Ashley-K- - 04.06.2024 23:30

Love the chair memes

@teddys5775 - 04.06.2024 21:51

land maintenance is under rated once youre stacking manpower. try stacking as russia and zach brannigan your way to victory

@michadomeracki5910 - 04.06.2024 20:11

To release a vassal not only do they have to have core but also the culture. To release Iraq you need a province with the Iraqi core and Iraqi culture.

@tigrecito48 - 04.06.2024 18:44

Hey, dunno if you're interested, but I just realised its possible to become HRE Emperor as JAPAN.
And... not only to be HRE Emperor, but to also have Mandate of Heaven at the same time whilst being Catholic or Protestant.
I dunno if anyone else has ever tried this. Its definitely worth trying. I requires a lot of luck with events and either skill...
or like me.. lots of save scumming. Basically you go open events all the time instead of isolationist. Go for expansion and
exploration ideas and spread as quick as possible around Africa towards Spain & Portugal. Get Catholic as quick as possible.
War Castile & Portugal, take land in Europe, Move your capital to Europe. Meanwhile conquering mainland China and Indonesia
area as much as possible. Improve relations with all the electors, ally them, & save scum so the emperor never gets a child.
Try to do it before the league war or hope the Catholics win. With my playthru the protestants won, so I had to convert to Protestant
and improve with a whole new set of electors and ally them and un ally all the old ones etc and then re convert all my provinces
and force all my colonies and vassals to change religion again, which was a real pain in the ass. Im not even good at the game,
I'm sure some one who is good at the game could find this to be a very interesting and powerful way to play the game???

@the_niss - 04.06.2024 18:28

And armenia pretty easily

@thechairmangames - 04.06.2024 18:21

I meant to say Seljuks but I kept saying Selucids, sorry I had them on the brain 😢

@qwinn9963 - 04.06.2024 18:03

You couldnt release Iraq cause that province didnt have the culture that Iraq has culture which is second requirement to release them

Like releasing Ottomans from non Turkish province

@potatomars2443 - 04.06.2024 18:02

Selecuids and Seljuks are different as far as I know

@seejayep4258 - 04.06.2024 17:49

Seleucid empire
