The Potential Side Effects of rTMS | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) - Dr.Martjin Arns

The Potential Side Effects of rTMS | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) - Dr.Martjin Arns

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@recko323 - 25.07.2024 09:24

That’s the issue with this TMS treatment the doctors usually don’t try it themselves or if they do they’ve never had brain injuries. They specialist that help me wasn’t TMS but an eye specialist and Neuro rehabilitation specialist he found that my vascular was damaged and knew exactly what to do to heal it. I give all credit to him not TMS . TMS made me worse for three years .

@LeatherCladVegan - 08.06.2024 08:56

I had 34 sessions, from mid May to late July, 2023. Right side: 5Hz, 34 treatments. Left side: 1Hz, 4 treatments (the last 4 days of treatment, concurrent with left-side protocol). Motor threshold was determined on a Friday, treatment began on the following Monday. Treatment regimen was to be M-F. On the Wednesday, I started to experience distinct waves of inappropriately strong negative emotions; guilt, shame, foreboding, etc. Some time after that, these negative emotions had lifted and my depression was improved. I was still very anxious, but otherwise OK, and excited about further treatments and the gains I hoped to make.

This continued for about 3 weeks, although it is difficult to remember the order of events throughout this time. For roughly the first 3 weeks of August, I was doing well, and working on projects again. By late August, I was showing signs of confusion. I was having trouble composing emails, etc. . By the 2nd week of September, I was becoming increasingly emotionally stressed, expressed mostly as inappropriate crying. These symptoms worsened, although they would come and go with varied periodicity (usually on the order of 4 - 8 hours, but sometimes a few days). In this month, I also lost my sense of taste for some time.

October is when things started getting really bad. All the previous symptoms continued increasing in their severity, but I was now showing signs of something similar to psychosis. I would rather not publicly talk about that aspect in much detail. I was hospitalised because I was suicidal and extremely confused. I stayed in hospital for only a number of hours, and upon release I went into a strong manic episode. This included feeling as though I was controlling the weather with my mind, laying in the centre of a roadway, and giving away large sums of money.

I started having bouts of vomiting. I experienced generalised spasm, and some other unpleasant side-effects such as muscle tightening in the face, causing quite severe grimacing, twitching of the facial muscles. I was having trouble walking, or even standing at times. I was experiencing optic nerve pain, and pressure in the eyes.

I went through several periods of extraordinary terror, and would sob for many hours once the fear subsided. It felt as though all the activity would be shunted to the amygdala, and I would be catatonic with fear for many hours, as observed by others. Those hours were bad beyond my capacity to explain.

This is actually getting quite difficult to write, and I think I will basically end it here.

I really don't know where to turn, as the medical community seems to not believe that these reactions to TMS can happen. My ability to think straight is basically back where it should be, so long as I am not thinking about what I went through, although my ability to speak is not back to normal. I don't want anybody else to go through what I went through.

I am in Australia, and I need help.

*Edited because I made an error with a date.

@robertastewart3425 - 21.05.2024 14:16

These Psychiatrists made huge amounts of money from TMS and are incentivised to botch up the very real negative side effects of TMS. I am a single mother and had TMS to treat CPTSD. On my 20th session I had 4 overwhelming panic attacks and was taken to hospital in an ambulance. I was then admitted to a psychiatric ward. I have since then barely been able to eat. This had never happened to me before the TMS. I only have valium to get me to be able to do basic tasks after being a once happy and bubbly individual. These people are complete crooks.

@dbhome6894 - 30.04.2024 18:25

Does it help autism kids?

@SherryEley-hl7jn - 29.04.2024 20:29

This is horrible and they kid nap my kids and have criminals for hire to stalk me

@SherryEley-hl7jn - 29.04.2024 20:27

So first the hhs has burried my cuban dad and now has dog attack my daughter while family court illegal remove them to show ex foster care adult calls herself there dog prostitute. Arrest my kid . Then i break my ankle they take my kids illegaly again and use this device for some weird occultism political stuff . ❤❤

@traciingram8495 - 07.03.2024 22:58

I lost someone dear to my heart from this treatment. BEWARE! I keep seeing this doctor on here saying he is sorry, but is anyone listening to all of those injured. I pray everyday that something brings this to a halt. The people administering this do not even go through a formal training. They say there are minimal side effects like a mild headache, yet on here alone there are many. Research people these doctors aren't going to tell the truth. This is a money maker!! I am in a group that thousands have been injured yet ignored due to TMS. Please research natural ways to heal your mind and brain. Start with nutrition, vitamins and self care. When is the last time your doctor suggested getting your vitamin D levels checked?

@ArrestYourAddiction - 25.02.2024 17:12

Hi y'all! I explain TMS and nuerofeedback in laymen's terms on my channel! I will be offering free counseling and motivation too as well as following my life working at a healing center! Sub and share! Bless y'all!

@mohdatheeq372 - 17.01.2024 13:57

I am 4 years paralisis patient I am in bed 🛏️ many treatment use but no cure my paralisis.sir cure for this rtms therapy

@mohammedrafeeqpasha1945 - 15.01.2024 17:19

I am 51 years male .my paralysis is 4 years old .i am bed no cure many medicine i use this rtms cure my paralysis please told me

@tardwife - 02.11.2023 18:24

is wellbutrin a contraindication for this? i know wellbutrin lowers the seizure threshold and this has a risk of seizures (even though it’s low) and i’m scared that my risk of having a seizure will be much higher… i’m starting this treatment nov 6th for depressive personality disorder (outdated label but it’s what i was diagnosed with) and i’m very scared but i’m running out of options. if this doesn’t work i’ll have to do ECT… tried all sorts of medications therapy ketamine therapy lifestyle changes, nothing has helped

@znarkz - 17.10.2023 00:50

Saved my life

@fretboardmaster70 - 15.10.2023 16:09

I can only speak about a good friend of mine whose Husband hit a dark patch during the Pandemic and his depression and anxiety got worse over the next couple of years. He recently finished an intensive 4 week repetition of TMS session. After his second from last treatment, he completely passed out whilst walking to the Taxi. His fall made him brake his collar bone. TMS only has caused him more pain and hasn’t helped with his depression and has left him with constant headaches. He claimed every treatment was different and the magnets were placed in different areas of his head. I sincerely hope that ECT is not the next suggested form of treatment. That would totally screw up his brain.

@thewiseone6049 - 16.08.2023 02:49

I had about 7 sessions of TMS. It screwed me up badly. I literally halted my treatment today. For some reason, I have severe brain fog, and some sort of looming headache. At this point I'm just praying that it goes away.

@missbeaussie - 04.07.2023 10:51

1 in 3000 sessions doesnt sound like a handful.

@bsnowden - 28.06.2023 18:37

I experienced a seizure-like fit during a session. My arms and legs started convulsing, but i was aware the whole time. The giant spams stopped once i fell off the chair, but my hands and feet still trembled the rest of the day. I was exhausted and fell asleep once i got home and slept 12 hrs. I awoke groggy ane ears ringing and have intwstinal disteess. I am alsi finding it difficult to complete sentences, as if thoughts can only came in short burts, rather than normal fluid thinking (more than slow processing or brain fog). It seems to have been building up over the past week (intestinal distress, easily startled, agitation)
I wonder if it is Seritinin Syndrome triggered by TMS, as i am not on any pyche meds. I have had seratonin syndrome in thw past with Welbutrin, and this feels similar.

@user-dl6ik1qn8y - 09.04.2023 02:48

Hi doctor, can it improve focus? Thank you in advance.

@Kar1953 - 05.04.2023 21:29

4/5/23 I have Occipital Neuralgia. Asked if it would bring back any of My symptoms from Occipital Neuralgia that are now under control since I was diagnosed in 2016. So far in the 1st week slight neck pain came back but not real bad. They told Me the treatment can cause that but that is also one of the symptoms of Occipital Neuralgia but worse. This was just slight. I’m in My 3rd week & I have a slight ear ache, left inner ear w/slight pain down My outer neck. These are symptoms of My Occipital Neuralgia as well but not as slamming as when the O.N. hit Me years ago. Dr. isn’t sure if the woodpecker tapping is interfering w/the O.N. so She is stopping for now & researching it.

@subliminalmessagechallenge - 28.02.2023 18:06



In combination of TMS, plus group therapy, plus one on one therapy, plus K therapy all at once has literally CHANGED my life. I use to suffer harsh triggers resulting in mood swings EVERYDAY multiple times a day and since I’ve started they are LITERALLY completely gone, I have almost no social anxiety anymore as well. I use to fear even just sitting down to eat with someone somewhere and it’s all gone. It took about 2 weeks for this to happen for me. I also am not depressed anymore (that dark gloomy feeling) The only side effects IVE noticed is headaches RIGHT AFTER treatment that lasts for only an hour or so and isn’t bad at all to where it doesn’t effect me functioning the rest of the day. In my opinion, it’s way less side effects than trying a million different pills and waiting for the effects to kick in, also no risk of addiction. Ive tried years of therapy and SSRI’s from something traumatic I was stuck in for 4 years. This seriously has saved me from the PTSD of that. If you’re thinking of this as a last resort, I recommend at-least trying it for a couple weeks. I am on my second round of treatment (I missed A LOT of sessions the first time around I did it and had a relapse in symptoms) it is AMAZING how it works if it does, alll of a sudden you’re just back to normal almost. I didn’t even realize it at first but everyone around me who saw me suffering saw a HUGE difference and started pointing out how well I was doing then I realized i was actually doing well and started shocking myself at the social situations I could now tolerate (no pun intended)

@kregg123 - 14.02.2023 14:38

I tried tms one time.. Way too painful. I said no!! Take it off me! I was angry.. I left 10 min after my 1st sesion. Pain was unbearable

@FRElHEIT - 02.01.2023 13:17

Modern lobotomy 🤦 Why can't we learn from our past mistakes?

@AmitSharma-hw9tr - 16.11.2022 01:20

Is it helpful in treating insomnia?

@kimbostattoo33 - 24.10.2022 02:00

Just stick to psilocybin guys. 😁

@jkerman5113 - 18.10.2022 12:29

This guy's a fucking liar. 140 decibels is enough to give anyone permanent tinnitus and hearing loss.

@ganyu9799 - 18.09.2022 12:18

these treatments like ECT TMS any psych treatment are just the invented because they think application of direct electric intervention MAY work - without any science to back it up

@helens3677 - 06.09.2022 03:38

Is this safe for 8 year old autism. Please answer

@drgeraldrapp - 22.08.2022 13:23

Any contraindications w pts. W/ cardiac electrophysiological pathology???

@carolyncooper590 - 17.08.2022 13:58

Dr look at Facebook group... Victims of TMS.... the truth is being withheld.

@Lina126y - 05.08.2022 04:36

Liar liar liar

@YTistooannoying - 26.07.2022 20:30

What about the people whose headaches don't go away? What about people who feel worse? What about the people whose lives are disrupted permanently? I don't think it is ethical to act like this type of therapy is harmless when we don't even know the long term effects. When lobotomy and etc were first put into use, they were touted as harmless too. We don't even understand exactly how this works so how am I supposed to trust the most valuable aspect of my being to this?

@zionpictures5783 - 15.06.2022 23:01

I'm considering this treatment but now wondering???

@RynaxAlien - 13.06.2022 18:48

Magnetite crystals in the brain?

@thecam0073 - 30.05.2022 23:22

I was permanently injured by TMS 4 years ago. Permanent ear ringing and ptsd from tms

@jasonpaulson8922 - 12.05.2022 14:44

Beware! this treatment gave me a pineal gland tumor! It really screwed me up in the head bad

@metsrus - 03.04.2022 21:53

what's the success rate for schizophrenia using TMS? My sister has severe psychotic episodes that medicines can't alleviate.

@elenadolcezzamusic2337 - 24.01.2022 23:00

I read that one woman 58 years old had pvd in the eyes after tms. after my second tms i had occular illusions i saw thunders glows and i couldnt see clear for 1 hour. besides my eye has movement when i have tms and i am really afraid. and my eye is in a little pain. did any of u had these ?

@OregonCrow - 12.01.2022 00:51


@udompetra4483 - 09.11.2021 16:49

Sorry pls.. I want to understand something, does it mean that there are chances of patience that use rTMS treatment to become epileptic ? Pls I need an answer 🙏🙏🙏

@phillipsmith4485 - 21.09.2021 10:18

All theories. Nothing to prove it.

@phillipsmith4485 - 20.09.2021 19:26

Nobody has a clue why it might do anything beneficial. Placebos have about a 50% chance of improving patients with emotional problems, and are cheaper.

@HRVHackers - 17.09.2021 05:49

Thanks for this vid. I went ahead with treatment and had no side effects. I reviewed my experience with two months of deep TMS on my channel

@loopba - 14.06.2021 17:33


@Lina126y - 10.06.2021 20:11

It’s a big lie - TMS damaged parts of the brain - many side effects reported that are not documented. It caused me tinnitus and short memory loss LIARS

@Fairygirl262 - 18.04.2021 02:11

Brain zaps? Jerks in body? Head ache? Tight scalp?Nausea? Dizziness? Sight changes? Noises are on high frequency?

@victorvictorfitness7537 - 06.04.2021 12:25

Very dangerous

@tonyh1345 - 20.03.2021 17:44

Comments: 8

Yet I see none.

That means you went through to delete all of them. Don’t cover this up!

@guitarexpert2245 - 21.12.2019 02:16

It can make your depression way worse. It can cause pain in your body. it can cause Activation and Insomnia. It can zap your energy. It can ruin your life. Once your made worse it never goes away. Dr's won't tell you this.
