Neverwinter - Warlock - Hellbringer Fury PvE Build - Mod 11

Neverwinter - Warlock - Hellbringer Fury PvE Build - Mod 11


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Daccu - 06.05.2017 09:36

Please do some tests with your Wild Hunt. They ninja-fixed/nerfed it so the duration does not stack and also it seems they completely broke it - I get no dmg buff at all. I am on PS4 and also talked with PC players and the have the same issues. It would be nice if you could do your tests and posts your results here. As far as PC and PS4 goes - do not use the Wild Hunt fellow Warlocks.

King - 12.09.2018 04:01

I think I comment on one of your videos saying I was gonna copy that build but ima copy this one. I'm a little confused with the ability score. Can you help a lil

Mizame - 13.09.2017 02:39

Omg 55.000.000 astral diamonds, omg

J - 15.08.2017 23:43

Is lightning feytouched vorpal or dread best in slot?

Thaumatourgos - 11.08.2017 21:29

Well, I did something wrong. I've gone from being not so bad at throne to dying multiple times. I melt groups in Sharandar, but throne I seem to have lost ground.

Mason Cunningham
Mason Cunningham - 25.07.2017 02:48

So if I don't have a lightning enchantment what weapon enchantment would you say is the next best for hellbringer? Would it be a feytouched? Or a dread?

Dream Cloud
Dream Cloud - 23.07.2017 10:41

Is dread enchantment not viable anymore .I will have the aboleth set soon so i dont k ow whats best for hb?

babwvb - 19.07.2017 19:25

I'm not too sure what to do to get geared? I'm at 6642 and can't do anything because it requires 8400. What's the best way to get geared?

wolfking gaming
wolfking gaming - 14.07.2017 12:11

In the video and on the website you say dragonborn is the best but you said on stream recently human is the best at the moment. I have dragonborn on my warlock is it worth doing a race reroll to go to human?

Robert Stone
Robert Stone - 13.07.2017 00:25

Where is the best place to farm Lightning Shards? I kind of don't want to have to buy them from the Seal Vendor if there is a better place. Or is the vendor a viable option? I would rather use the vendor to get salvageable items for AD generation.

Nemanja Pantovic
Nemanja Pantovic - 09.07.2017 17:36

What is DPS?

King.Noe - 09.07.2017 03:44

was going to use this build on an alt any tips how to make it viable without spending to much got all class sigils avaiable and companions cause wont be able to max it like yours so just looking for tips to make a viable alt HB FURY,

unknown username
unknown username - 03.07.2017 12:12

hey Garlaan im about to start playing neverwinter and I was just wondering what kind of build would you say is "OP" or what would you recommend? thank you

DT - 30.06.2017 22:32

hey there. little question: which guide is more up to date? the written one or the video guide?

Dark - 26.06.2017 21:08

I'm new to never winter and don't know what mount to buy for my scourge warlock. I will be going for as much dps as possible. Which mount should I buy?

Colby Melnechenko
Colby Melnechenko - 26.06.2017 15:01

High recovery pretty crucial to the build? What's the peak you hit

Damarcus Redmon
Damarcus Redmon - 24.06.2017 20:27

hello brother thanks for the build
i am a coming back player on xbox I stopped around mod 8 when warlock puppet was ok and we where king of the dps chain .lol
I was wondering if pop in was still broke on off hand
And if i could get a little help tweaking my build
after the specs

Christina Howard
Christina Howard - 23.06.2017 10:15

When can I change to Hellbringer from Soulbinder??? Can't find the info anywhere.

Brandon Mitchell
Brandon Mitchell - 22.06.2017 23:54

Hey garl,I need some advice,right now I have a sellsword with fierce waist/sword knot +3 and a fierce neck +4, and I have one greater dod equipped and a brutality +5 until I can get a rising power +5,today I pulled a 2nd greater dod from fbi,and I was wondering if I should switch to the air archon as summoned because I can use 2 greater dods and my fierce neck +4 until I can gear my sellsword with all +4 gear,also if u think I should,what should I switch the sellsword out for? I can switch it out for wild hunt rider or the fire archon

Roger Arrendol
Roger Arrendol - 21.06.2017 16:31

hi All, not sure if this is the best the place to post this question but, I am just starting out in neverwinter and was wondering if the temptation tree is viable as a healer. i ask cause i havent seen any warlock healers but the power set clearly has the option. thanks for all the great content Garlannx.

Adamantium S. Quire
Adamantium S. Quire - 20.06.2017 10:35

...I hope I'm not too late to this vid that you don't check it anymore! (Thanks so much for explaining about the owlbear companion btw- I'm at almost 3.8k il and my dps still sucks. I only have r9 bondings at the moment but hopefully the owlbear will help) I've never found an answer on this, if there even is a definitive one, but what's better between CON and CHA? Obviously I chose max of both when leveling, but because of my initial roll and class, one is higher than the other. And I'm wondering if it's worth it to switch. CON giving a straight damage bonus makes me think I should change to that, but the Crit chance, combat advantage bonus, and companion bonus all from CHA seem too good to lose. Which stat would you have higher? Thanks very much!

Damian King
Damian King - 18.06.2017 19:17

How starting roll on human ? (this build)

100% Tigger
100% Tigger - 17.06.2017 18:03

Flames of Empowerment is trash now.

Zaraki Kon
Zaraki Kon - 15.06.2017 02:05

Hiya Garl, just wanted to ask about your comment concerning ppl saying that the Owlbear Cub is broken ? Because I'm on Pc & my guildies say that it's broken and not too buy it. Also, how does it work with PoP ? Cheers :-)

Seth Wiles
Seth Wiles - 14.06.2017 07:15

Out of curiosity, what is your favorite warlock build? And which is more powerful in an overall rating. Rating with t3 encounters t2 encounters in sh, dungeons with a low level group, etc.

I ask because I just did a respec to your SB fury build. I like the game play but I am seeing lower numbers (by a lot) but more numbers, as well as harder to kill mobs. I'm a 3k warlock.

Or do you have any recommendations?

Toni Hörkkö
Toni Hörkkö - 10.06.2017 12:05

What is your opinion about using 2x crit severity companion? I have belial and also gambion magus. I am also running with trans dread so what is your opinion about using 2 crit severity companions? would I get more dps out of lets say siege master?

Tariq Vega
Tariq Vega - 31.05.2017 02:33

I new to the game and just turned level 70 is this build still okay for me or is it based of the stats

rudi schmalz
rudi schmalz - 30.05.2017 00:38

Hi garlaanx. i saved a bit of ad but i'm Not sure how to spend Them properly. as You Are experienced and tested out so much i thought You could help me out (i'm also a warlock).
should i go for three rank 9 Bondings, a Vorpal enchantment rank 8 or the owl bear for its active effekt.
what Do you think would have the highest impact?
thank you!

Paul Mish
Paul Mish - 29.05.2017 09:49

, and I tried that little trick for wheel of elements where you jump and then active it to save time. maybe I'm doing it wrong, but it doesn't seem to work. was it pc or x box you were using? between that or waiting for tyrannical to activate, I've died many a time.

Paul Mish
Paul Mish - 29.05.2017 09:44

for sw hellbringer, which weapon enchantment in best after mod 11 changes? they were suppose to be buffs on many of them which might make them better than dread. or so I heard

ASHCON - 28.05.2017 07:24

Flame of empowerment working now?

Daniel Amparan
Daniel Amparan - 25.05.2017 09:25

Loved your video! really explanatory and helpful. although I'm not at that point in the game, I'm looking forward to grind for a similar build as yours. I think we might have same play style lol. Got my Sub(:

Anson Beckford
Anson Beckford - 22.05.2017 17:17

Ok so I'm a bit confused when it come to the owlbear cub because it states that (Active Bonus: On Encounter Use. If you fail to critically hit, do an additional hit for damage equal to 50% of your power) so if my crit chance is at 100% how does this give me more damage with POP? because I would crit all the time with a 100% crit chance. Also if I wanted more of a personal dps (because as a damage dealer it's not my job to buff the group) wouldn't it be better to spec full fury?

Kyle Kringle
Kyle Kringle - 21.05.2017 16:45

your guides for builds have helped me quite a bit. i do have a question though, could you do a progressing build? i just got back into the game. no vip, no ad really, and way outdated gear. would be nice to see what mid tier gear would be obtainable for me

Federico Escriva
Federico Escriva - 21.05.2017 07:59

Garl is your companion Ares a sellsword or con artist and what would be the best legendary companion right now?

xPayzoh - 20.05.2017 23:00

I am now at 2,9 and have 2 r9 & 1 r10 boundings bought a epic owlbear but now idk what i should buy next ... Orcus set or my second r10 bounding?

Paul Mish
Paul Mish - 20.05.2017 05:16

Paul from Vancouver, Canada again. forgot to ask about if rosegold rings will work with companions? I bought 3 of them for 250k ad a pop. they have a defense and offense slot. just seems stupid to get the adorable bites ones the are 6.5 mil ad and up, just for a 2 offensive slots when I can run dark enchantments in defensive. yeah, forgot to mention the characher is sw hellbringer. Also , I got the con artist at legenday as summoned companion and someone said that companion is definitely going to be nerfed or already has been.

Paul Mish
Paul Mish - 20.05.2017 05:09

Paul here, from Vancouver, Canada area. anyhoo, probably silly question. but I was wondering if second owlbear companion will stack the active bonus at all?

Benjamin - 19.05.2017 16:50

what do you think of the lightning enchantment for the warlock?

jeremy luyt
jeremy luyt - 18.05.2017 07:45

how does putting the 5 points into power of nine increase your own dps? the discription sounds like it only buffs others? also murderous flames ( does it actually increase killing flames damage on single target?) I thought it just did 100% of its damage......

Roberto Anaya
Roberto Anaya - 17.05.2017 07:44

can u please confirm if "WILD HUNT RIDER" is broken or not please i need to get a siege master if thats the case

Thomas Grinnan
Thomas Grinnan - 16.05.2017 00:48

How do you reinforce your gear?

Karen Tayza
Karen Tayza - 15.05.2017 03:39

Could someone point me a link to the layout of the boons? plsssss

Michele Leckner
Michele Leckner - 13.05.2017 07:50

do the power/ crit stat bonus apply to any class or only sw?

Cortez Sullivan
Cortez Sullivan - 10.05.2017 00:11

would I see a massive increase in damage from switching to a lightning?

thomastxt - 09.05.2017 18:44

hey Garlaanx good guide :)

keep up the good work

DatMoses Play
DatMoses Play - 09.05.2017 17:31

Hi Garl, What do you think about 2 feat points on offering to the prisoner and only 3 feat points in Power of the Nine Hells? I'm trying this for some time and it seems the mobs are melting faster, i know that the group buff will be lowered, but what about the personal dps? You think it will be Lowered by any reason? Thx

Dalton Burns
Dalton Burns - 09.05.2017 13:10

Garlaanx, New to Neverwinter (I know, a little late to the party), and i'm loving warlock so far, I was curious if you had or could recommend a leveling build to minimize any chance of respeccing later. Also, is fury still the best route to go for solo play while leveling?

Thank You

Jrdd - 09.05.2017 00:52

What are the best drops you can get from Shores of Tuern because it is very fast and is good for the first two skirmishes. Are there any artifact drops or mounts etc or should I just do the first two Shores and farm EtoS for the chance of a lantern or grazilax companion
