Is my vertigo "BPPV"? (Top 3 signs for BPPV)

Is my vertigo "BPPV"? (Top 3 signs for BPPV)

Gordon Physical Therapy

3 года назад

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Joan Fednard
Joan Fednard - 01.10.2023 18:07

After suffering with Ménière's disease for four years, I made up my mind to order Dr Liam ogbebor treatment ,I was under his treatments for three weeks and the results was absolutely amazing. My tinnitus is gone 100% ,The pressure in my ear is just a fraction of what it used to be, and it’s getting better every day. Best of all, I have not suffered a vertigo attack, drop attack or an anxiety attack since the day I started using his treatment. he has literally changed my world. Thank you Dr Liam ogbebor herbal centre you tube channel for everything you do!

The Great Adventure with Mrs and Mr Bradley
The Great Adventure with Mrs and Mr Bradley - 01.10.2023 10:34

Mine started with a root canal drilling at the dentist

Jay Mendoza
Jay Mendoza - 22.09.2023 03:54

My condition is nystagmus , blurry vision sensitive to light,
A feeling of nausea and off balance. Going on 2 years now . I never feel normal. And clear mri scan. Mine started with a bacterial infection of diverticulitis. I feel horrible most of the time .

nbaylor1 - 22.09.2023 01:36

I can’t get audio on any of your videos. Other YT videos are fine. Any ideas?

Nick - 15.09.2023 15:31

I have the roll over in bed one. It doesn’t get triggered any other time. Any moves to clear it?

TeyoniaJaneace - 15.09.2023 06:52

I’ve experienced similar symptoms while driving but I’ve been experiencing them more frequently when laying down on my back at night with my head tilted as if I’m looking at my phone while laying down. Seems like it’s been getting worse. Use to happen every now and then now it’s about every night🤦🏽‍♀️

Gina Johansen
Gina Johansen - 13.09.2023 02:10

The last 2 visits at the dentist I've experienced nausea as I'm in the chair laying back. After it happened the first time, I took motion sickness medication before I went back in. It didn't help. It takes a few minutes lying back and then the nausea comes on. It lasts for a long time afterwards, almost the rest of the day. I've always avoided lying flat without elevating my head at all because it will bring up nausea. But the dental chair thing is new. Does that sound like BPPV? Thanks for any help

Nicholas Tomalia
Nicholas Tomalia - 13.09.2023 00:17

I rode a very intense roller coaster 5 times within an hour. That night I had a lot of uncontrollable twitching and 4 days later I started spinning while switching sides in bed. It hasn't stopped and it's been a week now. Some days are worse than others. I tried the epley maneuver and I'm guessing I did it wrong? Or should I keep it up for a couple days?

Gerald Huck
Gerald Huck - 13.09.2023 00:00

I need your help with knowing what I can do because I can not do the maneuvers because it will definitively make the dizziness start again

Kei Kei
Kei Kei - 11.09.2023 07:03

I guess I have something else then.. Lasts a lot longer, even a full day, also in certain position I am ok (when lying on my back and looking at a 45 degree angle to the right, but if I turn my head to the left it starts spinning like absolute crazy. What could it be ?

nova - 09.09.2023 15:31

hi pls hear me out :((

my case is i ALWAYS wear my 1 pair (left ear) of earphones because the other half are broken and i always laying down watching anime is it possible that i have BPPV? it's been 2 days i feel like im spinning even when im sitting infront of my laptop so i have no choice to lay my head on my bed headboard with 2 pillows since i feel dizzy when i'm sitting T-T should i stop wearing my 1 pair of earphones? what should i do? :((

and when i say "always" like everyday i will lay on my bed watch anime/movies > eat > watch again > sleep and then watch again in the morning so im basically rotten in bed because i just finished my school last august so i think i deserved it lol but joke aside please help me out because i can't do what i need to do :((

T S - 02.09.2023 18:01

Is this the same as labyrinthitus please?

Lauren Wasinger
Lauren Wasinger - 02.09.2023 02:57

I think so accidentally gave myself BPPV when I tried to do a stretch to release tension in my back. I saw it in a video and it was this thing of putting a pillow on the bed and hanging over it. Tried it and ever since I keep getting bouts of vertigo. It’s only been a few days, but it’s so tiring.

rowee btzr
rowee btzr - 01.09.2023 09:55

I have both dizziness the vertical and horizontal position with headache. Ringing of ears. Is this vertigo? What treatment should i do?

A N - 30.08.2023 13:01

no mention of cervicogenic vertigo anywhere in the vid or comments. it would be good to explain the differences in symptoms as I'm not convinced I have BPPV...

Vickie - 27.08.2023 02:55

Vertigo is the worst thing to go thru..My left ear hurts off and on ..I can't look down and turn around..

Jen Reid
Jen Reid - 25.08.2023 08:40

I started getting vertigo a few days before coming down with covid. Got over covid okay, but vertigo is back.

John Sullivan
John Sullivan - 19.08.2023 02:48

I have all these symptoms, but the dizziness is constant, it worsens moving head up and down, side to side, have had this feeling almost a week, I had every test imaginable, all were negative, this is a horrible condition, I'm afraid to drive

Sandra Ayers
Sandra Ayers - 18.08.2023 22:46

I feel dizzy and lightheaed sitting still or moving. It feels like I had a mixed alcoholic drink.

Liza Szőnyi
Liza Szőnyi - 13.08.2023 17:03

A long video saying nothing.😴

Yvonne Attard
Yvonne Attard - 11.08.2023 23:48

If its Meniere disease which i was diagnosed with, besides vertigo you will be feeling dizziness, ringing in the ear and tinnitus all time. Feeling you are on a boat and always careful how you move your head.

Luke Aladeen
Luke Aladeen - 11.08.2023 18:51

How to cure this condition

Charlotte - 09.08.2023 23:45

Hi I first got vertigo when I was lying in my bed and it was very intense like you explained in the video. After about 1 week the constant vertigo feeling went away. A month later I got the symptoms again. This time it went away for a week but unfortunately came back and I’ve had constant vertigo symptoms for about 2 months now. Sometimes when I am lying down on my phone I get a really intense wave of it for about 10 seconds. But I constantly am having vertigo symptoms (which oddly seem to get worse around meal times). Does this sound like it could be BPPV? Any advice would be really appreciated whilst I am waiting to see an ENT specialist

Stephen Treadwell
Stephen Treadwell - 08.08.2023 19:34

Vertigo or stroke find out had what I thought was Vertigo told me I had a stroke, ❤

eastfork artstudio
eastfork artstudio - 07.08.2023 18:52

How about running/marathon training? Would that jar a particle loose?

Henry Franz
Henry Franz - 03.08.2023 08:13

Where would you FO for professional assistence,ear doctors????

kimtaeprincess - 01.08.2023 21:16

One day i was sitting in chair in school and suddenly electricity' like something apear in my head and then the world around me started to spinning it was worst experience...isit normal??

Tami Cooper
Tami Cooper - 29.07.2023 18:11

Good morning. In the last 6 weeks, I’ve had several falls (left side), nausea, fullness in my left ear (no pain), headaches(not normal)and tingling (left arm). My vision is slightly blurry at a distance (not normal). I stayed in emergency last week, getting an MRI. It showed no stroke damage. Would the MRI show if any crystals have been dislodged? None of the physicians mentioned BPPV. Should I ask my primary care giver to check the MRI and refer me to both an ENT and PT? Thank you. Tami

Roberta Silvian
Roberta Silvian - 29.07.2023 01:18

I feel often dizzy and lightheaded. Even more when I move my head side to side. I’ve done the exercises for the crystals but still same. No change. Went to an ENT, he said he doesn’t see anything in the ear or nose. No fluid buildup. Not sure what to do next

Tina Wilstrup
Tina Wilstrup - 25.07.2023 01:53

I had my right ear drum punctured due to an infection back in 2018. Since have suffered twice with vertigo. This time much worse than the first.
Symptoms are like you described, dizziness particularly when leaning back or bending over. However, also if I turn over in bed.
Epley maneuvers make me insanely dizzy and the nausea stays with me for 6-8 hours after. It's been 2 weeks now and I'm going out of my mind 😫 what can I do 🙏

Awesome Life
Awesome Life - 24.07.2023 00:31

Listen up everyone. Anyone with this issue needs to do get a MRI with die on the brain, sinuses and skull by a dam good ENT IMMEDIATELY!

Your looking for tumors tiny or large, blockages of spinal fluid drainage, swelling of the brain, structual shapes and breaks. Also ask to scan your legs for small calcium deposits ( pork tapeworms are sneaky devastating bastards)
Ignorance by doctors and patients have been causing a lot of deaths and permanent epilepsy worldwide. Vertigo symptoms are the first most important warning sign of a possible major problem!

Zein - 23.07.2023 17:38

it so scary when the spinning starts😭

William - 22.07.2023 00:05

Hi Gordon
Since I was 17 I’ve had strong onsets of dizzyness yearly which have lasted for around 2 weeks at a time. It’s like you said, sudden violent onset of the world spinning around me. Sometimes caused by small head movements, sometimes by nothing. Took about 2 weeks before I could function properly again. Went to the doctors and an ENT and said nothing was wrong. Problem is, the last few years it’s happened more often and it never fully “goes away” anymore. It’s a huge pain and has been causing stress and difficulty for the last 5 years. It often comes in times of stress too, so it’s a mean circle.
I tried going to the doctors again and even got an MRI scan.
I’ve been looking into it being caused by tight upper back and neck muscles with a physio and now I’m reconsidering it being BPPV. (Especially after reading about other’s bad experiences with ENT’s)
I’ve tried all the classics of head movement exercises. Sometimes they help, but they can also make it worse.
Never hit my head badly, I suffer from migraines (with aura) sometimes and I might be a bit low on B12.
Do you have any suggestion as to what might be causing the vertigo and motion sickness? I’m tired of not knowing what it is.

Na-Ra - 21.07.2023 21:41

I'm feeling little bit dizziness in back of my head when turn around my head or look down. It's almost for two days now. I'm so scared. I'm just 19. Will it go away naturally ?
I have to study for my final exams too. I'm so stressed and feel like crying.. If you can please reply 🥺

josiah harder
josiah harder - 21.07.2023 03:49

This seems to describe my symptoms except im unsure if the symptoms are supposed to be persistent. I have been getting this experience where its sometimes feels like im spinning violently. Or maybe like im in free fall like the sensation you get going down a rollercoaster. Or like im losing consciousness like the feeling you get when you're nodding off to sleep and your head falls and you wake up suddenly. All these things could sort of describe my experience except they only last for a fraction of a second and then pass. Though within an hour I could have these transient symptoms many times. When I think of vertigo I think of persistent feelings of spinning but mine are very brief. I will feel good for weeks and then I will have consecutive days where this occurs at different times throughout the day.

Hajira Aga
Hajira Aga - 19.07.2023 19:22

hello Gordon, thank you for explaining BPPV in detail. I am having this dizziness and left ear block but my dizziness just doesn't stop it is just continuous and started a week ago. everytime I walk I stand I sit I get dizzy.. did consult my doctor he did say it was BPPV though. Please help

Ruth Carter
Ruth Carter - 15.07.2023 19:26

Yep! That’s me!

bill grewe
bill grewe - 14.07.2023 07:05

Gordon, I hesitate to write this as i might jinx myself. I was haunted by vertigo. It would put me on the floor with no thought of place or time. Terrible. My GP referred me to a TP. He was moving my head and neck about. I asked why and he said that there was a school of thought that blood flow to the brain could be a factor. I accepted that as true and that day began running. Not to far but i always finished with a kick so my head would turn red from the effort. I had one vertigo episode thereafter but it has now been about 5 yrs of no vertigo....but i continue to run modest, but with effort, distances. I'm knocking wood, and maybe, just maybe, someone else will benefit from my experiment. Thanks for recognizing how debilitating vertigo is.

Vicky Carden
Vicky Carden - 12.07.2023 12:13

I think I have the first one. My attacks comes out out of no where. Everything to me moves up and down and my balance is off. However, I know it lasts for hours. I do have tinnitus with moderate hearing lost

Melody Szadkowski
Melody Szadkowski - 12.07.2023 02:35

I fell backwards off a curb and slammed the back of my head on the pavement. CAT scan negative. Look forward to following your videos.

Victoria C. Attorney at Law
Victoria C. Attorney at Law - 09.07.2023 23:39

Definitely have all three, last Friday I thought the floor was going to hit my face. Luckily, I was standing next to a cabinet and could grab on for dear life.

Suthais - 08.07.2023 10:39

is there anyone with my problem??
I have head spinning nearly once a month all of a doesn't depend on my position or movement.
i get the vision of whole world spinning suddenly no matter what i am doing(sitting/playing/reading/lying down).after some minutes of head spinning vomiting comes and i feel better.this happens within 5 minutes.but i have to sleep for complete feeling of relief.

Sshhh Trouble
Sshhh Trouble - 07.07.2023 23:14

Can you get this from being at a loud concert
