Create React App is Bloated, use Parcel Instead...

Create React App is Bloated, use Parcel Instead...

Eric Murphy

3 года назад

1,771 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Av - 10.11.2023 21:39

React itself is an overkill. CRA is overkill*2

Bishwajeet Pandey
Bishwajeet Pandey - 27.03.2023 21:40

Hellow guys as beginner to parcel facing an issue please try to help me out ,
According to documentation
Parcel automatically generates sourcemaps by default ,

Fine, it is generating .map files in dist folder but when in i write console.log in my source code or any error thrown from my source file . These message display in the browser console but they still pointing to build files like index.abcderf.js rather than my source file index.js :disappointed:.

So please tell me Is there any way so that console statment or errors maps to my source code file not to build file present in dist folder of parcel?

Tim Jack
Tim Jack - 07.04.2022 02:23

im confused, parcel tells me: "Browser scripts cannot have imports or exports."
am i missing something important or are there some requirements missing?

Md Shahbaz Ali
Md Shahbaz Ali - 09.01.2022 07:38

Love all these videos sharing master tips

dd - 29.10.2020 04:54

This is really a gem. Thanks

Jeremiah Blessing
Jeremiah Blessing - 12.09.2020 11:55

Is @babel/preset-react package required for browsers backward compatibility or Parcel automatically installs them?
