Why Diversity Is More Important Than Meritocracy: Quotas, Talent, Wall Street | Sallie Krawcheck

Why Diversity Is More Important Than Meritocracy: Quotas, Talent, Wall Street | Sallie Krawcheck

Big Think

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@rhpicayune - 14.01.2024 01:18

The hell with qualifications.

I want equity and diversity!

I want blind, quadriplegic, bisexual Chinese monks to fly my airlines when I travel.

@farhanahmed9526 - 02.01.2024 10:53


@DJ-js7sk - 04.12.2023 20:34

Lady, you are an idiot! You keep talking about research, but never cite your sources! You talk about testosterone being harmful, but you’ve never had it! Go hold hands with a crying twit, and observe the world around you! Good god you’re a moron!

@FactsOverFeelingz - 30.11.2023 05:12

This whole video is garbage. Diversity is done as long as the people looked at as diverse bring with them the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out the job.

@FactsOverFeelingz - 30.11.2023 05:10

Meritocracy is the reason why people aren't dying on planes left and right. Prioritizing diversity over performance and merit will only bring death and destruction.

@markfcoble - 24.11.2023 18:02

Sure.... Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, for how diversity is working out! YOU can hire based on race! Let us know how that works out.

@markfcoble - 24.11.2023 18:00

Yeah. Hire obese African American low IQ folks for diversity over merit? Yes!

@justinm1200 - 07.11.2023 04:30

Meritocracy failed? Such propaganda and lies.

@justinm1200 - 07.11.2023 04:28

This video is BS.

@Mr.Coffee576 - 06.11.2023 12:18

Is she joking ? How is a person's race, ethncity or gender gonna help me over competence ?

@bugsephbunnin4576 - 23.10.2023 19:29

Pink capitalism

@chetp8423 - 15.09.2023 05:45

Why do they hate the word “quota”? She should embrace it. Why screen applicants when you only need to see their race or gender?
Thank God for the Trump judges on the Supreme Court that are now pushing back against this pernicious bullshit. Quotas in furtherance of DEI? Meet the 14th Amendment! Meet Title VI! There’s a new sheriff in town, and the Constitution means something again.

@sempercompellis - 08.09.2023 01:59

"We tried meritocracy, it failed"... I think the millions of people crawling over themselves clawing at each other trying to get into this society, i think they would disagree. This is so stupid a diversity hire must have come up with it..

@762459 - 22.08.2023 07:21

Diversity Over Competence, just worked fine for the folks over at OceanGate.

@vanessamapel - 03.08.2023 21:58

This is so wrong! She can’t be serious😮

@geneticallymodifiedtheolog9991 - 31.07.2023 16:22

Meritocracy all the way.

@assaghoff9187 - 29.06.2023 13:14

A great example of NothingTalk™

@clc2432 - 21.06.2023 20:14

Merit should be the first stage of narrowing candidates enabling the selection of diverse candidates of high merit (education, experience, accomplishment). The problem is when diversity hiring becomes the first stage, excluding higher merit white and asian candidates. "Positive discrimination" awarded to one minority group become "negative discrimination " imposed on others. This is what the current affirmative action Supreme Court case regarding the legality of discriminatory race-based admissions (equity quotas) is about.

@mbownight215 - 16.06.2023 05:00

She doesn't know anything.

@carlospomares3225 - 08.06.2023 18:04

When the thumbnail say "It failed" what they really mean is "it didn't give the result I wanted of having representation of minority groups in all levels if society"

@tenzinnamsay7597 - 06.06.2023 07:15

Helo wht every u say , meritocracy will never change , wht ever u talk equality or diversity at the end its dream , truth to be told , we live in meritocracy, we cannot change that , we human born as equal , we change the choice u made ,

@Blueblackngold - 02.06.2023 07:35


@matthewgaulke8094 - 01.06.2023 06:06

Ummmmm....this sounds more like a faith based belief than a reason based pitch for diversity. She keeps talking about feelings the way a person talks about their relationship with God. It feels right and it's fair is what she's going off of. I'll bet Hitler felt like it was the right thing to do to kill Jews. 😅

@ty_vorhies - 01.06.2023 05:33

Hahahaha. No. Our country was not built upon fairness. It’s fantastic to watch the palaver she’s spewing.

@xycap8351 - 21.05.2023 03:43

Incompetent deiven by envy and resentment who belong to a victim group ALWAYS want " equity" (injustice/ cheating /stealing)

@xycap8351 - 21.05.2023 03:39

I not surprised THAT LADY FAILED in a meritocracy....

@fatman9196 - 19.05.2023 22:23

I’m black n proud …young men need to b raised to compete based on merit in every aspect of life… merit > diversity/inclusion

@Therealgordongekko - 19.05.2023 12:26

So why is the Alabama football team 90% black? Doesn’t that enrage you? You should be furious based on your presentation

@AlexanderGranin - 11.05.2023 03:58

A voice from 2023: your diversity fails to deliver. Everything is ruined: movies, games, media, the very truth itself. Your pro-diversity and anti-meritocracy agenda is such a big delusion leading to corruption, lies, anti-rational propaganda, censorship, fear, and finally tyrannical totalitarianism.

@objectivemillennial2117 - 01.05.2023 05:51

i swear to god everytime i google something anti woke those fucking fags at google show me the most woke thing they have, if they legalized murder you would go first.

@carpo719 - 25.04.2023 19:37

If I hire somebody to work for me as a carpenter, I want the best person for the job. I don't care what color or gender they are.

But I will always hire based on Merit, not diversity. Because diversity is not defined by color only. We have diversity and religious opinions, political opinions, and a host of other things.

In my opinion hiring based on color is often just another form of racism

@VrakDock - 18.04.2023 18:50

There is no big think in This video just nonsense

@macdeluxe733 - 02.03.2023 04:28

Is this real? No, really, is this real or satire? It's getting to the point where I can't tell if this is a satirist or an idiot.

@scottdavis4439 - 28.02.2023 09:58


@peterpan1435 - 22.02.2023 04:08

Meritocracy is the way of the natural world, as it was for human beings, before the cancer of wokeness took hold.
Distort, manipulate, or attempt to negate this for some ideological pursuit and chaos will prevail in the long run.

In the natural world:
- Life is not fair
- There are winners and losers
- There is hierarchy.

@qinshihuang4966 - 24.01.2023 12:43

we get the diversity, she will get the best doctors, lawyers....

@seventhcompactor1505 - 04.01.2023 09:17

A meritocracy with no concern of race and ethnicity, will lead to a very diverse end.

@seventhcompactor1505 - 04.01.2023 09:16

There is no such thing as 'diversity'. It's a meaningless term.

@quhawks48 - 14.12.2022 23:23

Country is built on racism not diversity according to todays libs.

Diversity-based hiring is NOT fair.
Merit-based hiring is fair.

@coolbeans6148 - 06.11.2022 13:30

Diversity on skin and gender or diversity in skill set? Big difference.
She seems to be blending these two as the same.

@coolbeans6148 - 06.11.2022 13:29

So judging someone on the color of their skin rather than merit? (Best person for the job)
...This womans a racist moron.

@adamyasingh3713 - 01.11.2022 15:11

Diversity/ Reservations are basically Reverse-Engineered Racism & Sexism

@AthenaSaints - 16.09.2022 21:09

Chinese and Russian soldiers don't care about Americans' diversity on the battlefield. They are only scared by American soldiers who can fight. If this push for diversity goes extreme, be prepared to be annihilated. This is the same with American economy against other countries' economy.

@artzreal - 09.09.2022 22:31

yeah, right. you're being fact checked by real life, and the verdict says "this is liberal left propaganda"

@7DYNAMIN - 05.09.2022 08:56


@letsgoBrandon204 - 09.08.2022 22:54

I'm guessing this video is why YT removed the dislike counter 😂

@nimbledick9869 - 22.06.2022 01:27

Is this idiot actually arguing for employers hiring by racial profile over capability?

@akash_goel - 02.06.2022 06:55

This is a load of crap.
Wall street is not a company. Its a marketplace. And like every marketplace, some succeed while others fail.
The reason why wall street is still a problem (something that could cause instant recession) is not because we have "homogeneous geniuses", but instead a system that helps amplify complete dependence of individuals (aka, the people of the country) on the financial acumen of a few, most of them not smart enough to judge the entire economy.

We need to stop the government from bailing out these people consistently. They are not gods, they don't run the country. They just trade on price-changes and margins, and make speculative bets. Some of them work, some of them don't. For those who fail, don't let the entire livelihood of people depend on such people.

What we do need, is market literacy, and every man understanding the implication of what a stock market is, before blindly jumping head-first into making potentially life-ruining financial decisions. If you are someone with bad credit, accept that fact and take out a smaller loan, not just the same as every average joe who's making multiples above you is doing. Maybe fix your credit first? Move to a good neighborhood and start renting. No, those questions will never occur to a would-be houseowner, because look - the mortgage rates are at an all time low! Its a bonanza! Get your loans, free and insured by taxpayer money.

This is a ridiculous state of affairs, only exacerbated by people pretending to "care for the poor" and fashionable terms like "equity" and "inclusion". Society was always inclusive (bar slavery and apartheid). Even immigrants integrate within a generation and produce terrific results (the Asian education phenomenon is not an outlier, its how immigrants behave).

So yeah, hire the best person for the job, and let person decide what is it they want to be the best at.
