Graham Hancock: Beyond Ancient Apocalypse | Presentation @ Logan Hall, London

Graham Hancock: Beyond Ancient Apocalypse | Presentation @ Logan Hall, London

Graham Hancock Official Channel

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@user-ix1je3sp4k - 02.02.2024 03:49

IF anything, Graham Hancock has a great point. " if we were lied too since the start, then we must Question everything."

@THE.GYPSY.PRINCE - 02.02.2024 02:23

it's fascinating but many things he is saying has been debunked.
his pyramide theory is off.

@takenserious4554 - 02.02.2024 00:46

Goes scuba diving in the tropics. "We've been doing some underwater research all over the world...for science"

@soniaellis163 - 01.02.2024 09:02

Its obvious the Giza plateau and north africa in general was a lot more fertile then it is today, so it would have had a lot more rainfall.

@kai6xx - 01.02.2024 07:10

Awesome person and fool of knowledge.

@CourtneyK87 - 01.02.2024 03:54

There's another theory. I believe in God and science. I always thought the flood broke up the land mass, but maybe not. May God did it after the tower of Babel when he changed everyone's language. Or gave them boats, its not improbable. I believe our ancestors knew and had more than we realize.

@davegrisoff6359 - 01.02.2024 01:42

Very brave of Graham! Thank you for the blessing of truth on a journey we all are a part of. Inspiration all the way!

@STAYTRUETOYOURSELF_9 - 31.01.2024 05:07

"As above, so below"

@maxplanck9055 - 30.01.2024 23:55

The big piece of granite under the central Atlantic Ocean has a good chance of being atlantis, a big granite island between Africa and south America is a good candidate for study ✌️❤️🇬🇧

@maxplanck9055 - 30.01.2024 22:12

It’s not Graham fault science discoveries are behind intuition and investigative journalism when it comes to human civilisation between the ice ages, pyramids and genetic data is proving this. Science needs to catch up with common sense observations ✌️❤️🇬🇧

@lorieprice9479 - 30.01.2024 22:02

i can't wait for the day that your theories are confirmed. i hope i live to see it

@pietskiet42-_ - 30.01.2024 16:44

We are being treated like mushrooms by the societies...kept in the dark and fed manure....😢😢😢

@squoblat - 30.01.2024 11:09

I was at this event, Graham spent absolutely ages with the fans at the end. Not just signing books, but actually taking the time to have a chat with every single person. And Graham - F*** the dinosaurs :D

@andersweydahl267 - 30.01.2024 10:48

Anybody appreciate the irony in Hancock having a go at wikipedia for not being "trustworthy" ?

@GraemeWight-wx3xz - 29.01.2024 22:13

I do love a good yarn and granham hincack rips a good un.
Ib watched all his stuff. The best gear around.
Top notch stuff and not diked in any way. You get the full dunt.

@BALLzDeep1986 - 29.01.2024 17:38

Have you considered Racism as a root cause of dogmatic archeology?

@JoSie-fh8jo - 29.01.2024 17:19


@jackiehill2427 - 29.01.2024 16:51

Hey Graham,

I thought that you might like to hear my theory of why the pyramids have been water logged...

If you go back to the time of Lord Krishna and the great battle that took place according to the Bagagadvita.

I theorise that a great explosion of some kind happened that separated the south pole from India.

If you look on Google Earth you can see that if that was the case then there would have been a massive tidal surge which would explain the water around the pyramids.

Today there are children born in India who are deformed and this points to radiation?

I wonder if India was to take a deep sample from the Ganges River whether my theory would prove to be correct?

I could pin point the part on the south pole where the separation took place and if you examine the rocks in both places there does seem to be a match

69°57'20"S 73°02'33"E

Over to you Graham...

@timkdiamond - 29.01.2024 14:02

I was following this until we got into the ayahuasca bullshit. Subjective experiences on drugs have no place when trying to objectively understand the history of the human race. Dick move.

@zigavojska1672 - 29.01.2024 12:12

he is all over the place, should give some new info also. should study something in detail

@soniaellis163 - 29.01.2024 08:05

When ever they come across evidence of a global flooding they ignore it , i don't like that kind of thing, thats ignoring an event to manufacture a false history.

@soniaellis163 - 29.01.2024 07:53

To me dating the ancient world is a bit of a lottery , i cant say i am convinced by their dating methods. I think their dating is way out.

@TwatisMcCracken - 28.01.2024 18:02

This guy is so full of shit. Hes a discredited joke, and a wannabe academic!

@utubeballbag - 28.01.2024 11:23

Love Graham, an incredible story teller.

@mr.k1611 - 28.01.2024 05:35

Search the coastlines of those ancient sunken land masses. Surely the sea can't be that deep.

@eoachan9304 - 27.01.2024 21:30

Your detractors state that the 'sudden" flood of meltwater from the end of the last ice age was really not sudden, but gradual. I see the biggest one would have been noticed over a lifetime, but a sudden catastrophe. Do you have any evidence of a sudden global flood??

@neosannyasin8022 - 27.01.2024 18:53

Unbelievable amount of stupidity that Graham Hancock and all people of common sense have to push back against in this day and age.

@GaryIddings - 27.01.2024 17:57

I was saying all of this in the mid 90’s and since I’m just an idiot with an opinion and not a book taught archeologist, I was laughed at. The land bridge nonsense is extremely small minded. Open your eyes. South American sculpture’s with African American facial feature’s and Asian facial feature’s meant to me then that they weren’t fantasy and were in fact evidence of oceanic transcontinental travel long before being given credit for being able to accomplish these tasks. Open your eyes and understand that the educated amongst us are stupid to the facts that exist in this world. South America is the only place cocaine and tobacco exists and when found in the Egyptian mummies in the mid 90s, I thought finally, they will reevaluate things. No, it was determined to be contaminated samples studied in the laboratory. GTFOH! I stopped trying to educate people, decided everyone would catch up sooner or later, and three decades later people still believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old and that some dude that lives in the sky created everything. Cool story Bro!

@buaidhnobas1ify - 26.01.2024 23:10

So the phrase "Burying the Truth" has a different meaning to me now.

@LBshAnk370 - 26.01.2024 18:37

Wow would have loved to have been here in the flesh

@pcoppleman - 26.01.2024 06:19

It's interesting that if the circumstantial evidence shown was used in a law court, it would be enough to convict or prove innocence, but archaeologists deny it.

@atarimetalhead - 25.01.2024 13:48

I would LOVE to attend one of these! I hope theres another book in the works!

@GabOlson-bi5pj - 25.01.2024 12:07

Hey man I'm on my girlfriends account but I wanted to let you know you've inspired me so much the stories about you and your wife are amazing and I hope one day me and my girl can adventure as well

@lisawilson105 - 25.01.2024 08:36

My Indian (Native American) DNA is not “picked up” on a test. Like what happens with some blacks. Leaves the area open for further investigation.

@Happyfuryou - 25.01.2024 07:37

Look at where the Laurentide ice sheet ends in Ohio. Serpent mound. It’s the mound depicting a serpent eating the sun. Or maybe the forbidden fruit. Garden of Eden! 😊

@wilfredv1930 - 24.01.2024 23:53

Any link to the final part of the talk. ??

@Jasmine1991forever - 24.01.2024 23:01

These books take us on a journey to worlds we wouldn't otherwise see. GH marbles a trip to Ankor Watt with melting ice sheets in North America and I for one enjoy the travel adventure in time and space. But his actual theory is an insult to human intelligence. It's predicated on absolute ignorance not only of history, but the human condition. Let me sum it up.
1. An ancient but technically advanced civilisation that left no forensic evidence. Not even a single bolt or a piece of technology.
2. If this civilisation originated in the Americas, why didn't they export tomatoes, tobacco, lamas, and potatoes?
3. GH uses whatever he can to spin his ideas whether that's Atlantis, the Piri Reis Map, Gobekle Tepi, or a comet. But each one of these things has a historical explanation that has nothing to do with some ancient civilisation that just vanished.
4. Of course, there are commonalities in different cultures regarding such things as flood myths. That's because we live on a planet that's mostly water where flooding is a common local experience that gets weaved into culture.
5. GH often uses bogus calculations to read whatever he wants into the layout of ancient temples and the like. It's an old 19th century gimmick first used to claim that the pyramids contained hidden esoteric messages in their design measurements.
6. GH claims that the "establishment" is against him. The truth is that he has never had any difficulty publishing his books yet GH continues to play the sympathy card.

Conclusion: GH is a likeable and intriguing person and his books are great fun but none of it should ever be taken seriously.

@user-tx4pm2xq3g - 24.01.2024 01:46

Tangata Whenua (people of the land / world) oral history speaks of how life began here in Hawaiki Nui, Hawaiki Roa, Hawaiki Paomao etc. (NZ) and had to leave here as a nation of people the Waitaha which roamed the world in canoes (all people have boats) there were the Urukehu (Aborigine / red hair) Uruhu (aires rock) and other navigators went the other way to South America. Other tribes were Patupaiahere (blue eyes, blonde hair, many Maori know as fairies), Kiritea (Asian people), Morioriori (black people), Mareo (Middle eastern people) 2 or 3 more but I'm 57 and haven't shared for so long time as get rubbished a lot to because of this and colonisers history doctrine. All the canoes were a mixture of the human life forms.

@josephraymorgan - 24.01.2024 00:11

Humanoids copied nature…sails like leaves in the wind! Sails are older than the wheel. All secrets of nature were revealed to aboriginals

@daved4547 - 23.01.2024 16:49

As has been said many a time and still stands true today; 97% of Scientists will always agree with those who provide the funding, and NOT actually 'follow' the science

@jfhdragonfly - 23.01.2024 11:17

I wanted to see Part Two!!!!!!!!!!

@homosapienze - 23.01.2024 10:45

There are so many gaps, so many assumptions, so many books

@jfhdragonfly - 23.01.2024 09:55

Reaally eye-opening, thank you for continuing to push! ❤

@bugman299 - 23.01.2024 08:59

If I was building and shaping these stones, I’d rig a short of ban saw type construction using a tar and crushed hard stone and crystal regolith. Then run it across the strata continuously.

@cadillacjack2652 - 23.01.2024 06:55

I bet the Vatican has some evidence of ancient civilizations, but they keep it locked in their vault because it would topple the catholic empire

@allaboutthebclicksinnit1148 - 23.01.2024 01:20

What is assumed here is that the 'old people' in 'ancient times' where right about their ideas and belief. The 'weighing of the soul' and the rest of it, might be nonsense and invented to manage the flock of people of that time. Just like religion and state is used. Also, the importance of Ahyuasca etc, is another human thing, humans placing meaning and significance on things they do not really understand and you can build a society out of that - but so what ? The assumption that just because ancient people built amazing buildings means they were all wise, is the same fallacy in talking about modern times. In fact there is plenty of evidence to say that nothing is different in death whether you are Stalin or a charity worker. It is all experiences.
The brain smasher etc, is just a heaven and hell idea or karma and making a WOW. It is maybe romanticising ancient despotic societies, that used fear of judgement , to make sure the people were in line. Sound familiar ??

@glengravel - 23.01.2024 00:34

Can i say this to You here?
As You were among the first to explain to me, a different, believable version of history.
Something BIG happens regularly. Something that scatters whatever is in on the planet's surface, around like cars and houses in a dam break. Making it impossible for successive generations to remember eachother.
I think. Because of it's construction The earth, like a gyroscope with more weight on one end flips. In a way the Earth can achieve a stable rotation again.
It's just a theory. But the north pole is an ocean. While the south pole is a continent. Snow, in however small quantities fall in an arctic desert year, It builds up.
After a hundred and ten thousand years or so? The south pole peak could be two miles (or more) higher than the north pole's peak. With a far larger solid mass of available inertia.

@naturalcreature6317 - 22.01.2024 07:54

Archeologist are dirt diggers thats it not ever IST is something high standard lol

@travisharrington6290 - 22.01.2024 05:25

Knowledge has been suppressed for over thousands of years to meet the agenda of those with perceived power. Im so thankful that there are people out there with the sheer grit and determination to share that undeniable proof of what we are being taught and told is incorrect. Proving over and over that we as a modern society really have no idea yet to the origins of our history. Psudo scientist my arse. Thank you Graham Hancock for your unwavering drive for the truth.
