Dr. Shashi Tharoor Demands Britain Apologise For Colonial Exploitation @ ABC News

Dr. Shashi Tharoor Demands Britain Apologise For Colonial Exploitation @ ABC News

Dr. Shashi Tharoor Official

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@thelastleef - 22.01.2024 19:10

Please make him the indian prime minister at the earliest... I urge..

@user-dn1sk7vl3g - 22.01.2024 11:45

Not only the British and the katolico but others too need to apologise to Indians and others too. Shashi talks only about brits bcz it's safe.

@kangleipak_pride - 17.01.2024 19:46

**British abolished slavery in India**

**Britain introduced waged labour instead of serf/peasent obliged labour in India**
Eg: after a road construction in princely state of Travencore in India, there was unavailability of rice in market because the unseeables(untouchability was worst in there) bought rice with the wage.

***Britain academically studied India: its flaura and fauna, geography was survayed, History was compiled, Archeology was conducted

**Untouchable mahars who couldn't even spit in public roads and tie a broom on their back when walking in peshwa brahmin ruled maratha state was liberated to fight alongside brits against the oppressing upperclass.... Current Hindu regime in India opposes untouchablea war victory celebration against Hindu supermecists***

**Christian law influenced English common law is the basis of legality in most countries, because the humanism was a concept lacking in most tribal animist and pagan religions***

**Evil practices like human sacrifices, temple prostitution were opposed by Christian missionaries as well as the British raj**

* Hindu kings used to fight each other and just because Englishmen were more skilled, technologically advanced, better organized etc doesn't mean there is one such special thing as colonialism needs to be coined which didn't apply when a mongolian pillager or afghani warlord attack India.***

**India was introduced to modern medicine instead of many superstition as such as applying cow dung to wound(mentioned in medical missionary Ida scudders biography)**

**Administrative system unheard for India came into existence**

**for first time modern engineering principles was put to use to create massive road network, rail, dam, administrative centres, plantations, ports, airports, military etc**

**British didn't force convert Indians like the portugese catholics who failed.. If britain did, the whole India would be a christian nation now, because they could do that way before any organized anti british struggles arose in India**

**Anti british sentiment was amongst the uppercaste feudals of India and people outside of upper caste levels. The Dalit(lowercaste) leaders like Ambedkar or Sri Narayana Guru of Kerala didn't see British as much as an oppressor as the Indian ruling uppercaste. Actually British were seen as liberators** Yes there are odd instance of adivasi british fights too

**Indian nationalist movement was initially a Hindu uppercaste movement headed by people like Tilak who was a maharashtrian Brahmin, who successors became hindumahasabha and RSS who even alligned with Hitler and later accused in murder of Gandhi**

**India as we see today never existed, Britain created and instilled this sense of India just for the administrative ease of the region**

***Thereby such a country without British rule would have been a different set of warring pricely states***..

@mauricebuckmaster9368 - 05.01.2024 04:25

Tharoor is a hypocrite, a demagogue, and a liar.

. . . .

@razraza3183 - 30.12.2023 14:10

British implemented Final Solution on India, just like Hitler implemented Final Solution on Jews.

@user-eg1kt9ts6p - 17.12.2023 20:14

She sounds like she has something in her mouth

@Itz__prash_003 - 17.12.2023 10:22

Sir aap ha to 😅

@KAVESO2023 - 06.12.2023 16:37

Great sir...true n sweet with perfection of those lines

@JesusCHrist-qz1xj - 26.11.2023 03:46

This guy also demand israel has the right to defend for achieving his worst colonial objective. He is a anothor hypocrate like mr. Godi Ji 😂

@sureshdevi4390 - 16.11.2023 15:52

They have also say sorry for S.Ramanujam because its not Goddess Namagiri who have acknowledge the clerk' s talent but Professor G.H.Hardy.

@nalenilambourdiere9620 - 16.10.2023 02:29

An apology that is demanded can't possibly be sincere. Does it make sense to apologise if you don't accept that you wronged millions of people, throughout the world? That sums up the entitlement mentality.

@gvijaychandu8720 - 07.10.2023 13:07

The biggest.. the greatest criminals are the British but they are a shameless lot ... JAI BHARAT🕉️🎉

@user-rz6ok5ys1l - 30.09.2023 09:30

@ashishthakur8378 - 26.09.2023 06:56

No difference what Natzi did to Europe same British did with their Colonies however their path may be different 🙏

@user-qk7dc4cn5b - 24.09.2023 16:55

Do not blame the British for your caste system and racialist policies.

@Insaneartist5678 - 23.09.2023 10:59

Your speaking always inspire me 🎉🎉🎉😊😊

@birensin - 17.09.2023 20:37

Britishers would beg on their knees for the the tortures they exercised in Bharat. Mark my word.

@SultanSyedIbrahim-nn2pk - 15.09.2023 22:26

A brilliant speaker

@noorjehanosman3086 - 30.08.2023 22:12

Don't hold your breath it is not happening

@amreshyadav2758 - 28.08.2023 10:09

Britain has given India 250 million pounds between to 2016 to 2021 there are 80 million Indians living under poverty line who have no access to clean drinking water and Medical Services...
and you guys firring rocket on moon. Set your priorities right..

@prakash8853 - 25.08.2023 19:40

How many fellow humans in the subcontinent our Rajas and feudal lords tortured and massacred before the British brought rule of law , Mr Tharoor ,?

@prakash8853 - 25.08.2023 19:36

BTW , Shashi Tharoor, notice him, he is top to bottom an 'Engiish man', in refinement he benefitted immensely from Britain , including his education and the English language skills he is carrying around for tremendous mileage .

What he says bla bla to the contrary is hypocrisy ..

Why didnt India industrialise along with Europe ????

The typical Indian answer is far from reality and stupid . The fact is that India's Princely kingdoms and Rajas practiced feudalism , forbid the majority who were dalits from acquiring knowledge , while Europe had undergone reformation , and they embraced scientific temper and subsequent industrial revolution .

Please particularly note the word 'revolution' which india was reluctant to embrace and continued to dwell in medieval beliefs ...

@Rambobambo007 - 25.08.2023 12:00

Modi should apologise to the Christians and muslims they are killing in India

@Andrew-tx9jy - 24.08.2023 15:07

I wasn't born when this happened 200 years ago. Let's get this straight I will not apologise or pay for something I DID NOT DO.
As for the partition he mad the totally false statement about Britain doing it to 'divide and rule' when in fact the partition was necessary because both the Pakistani's and Indians wanted Britain out immediately in 1947 but couldn't agree amongst themselves what part of the country should be Muslim and what part Indu, this is where the Kashmir trouble today stems from and the easy solution this man takes is to blame it all on Britain instead of post war Indian and Pakistani politicians and their apologists such as this man manning up and admitting they were mainly responsible.
India is landing billion pound rockets on the moon as I write whilst millions of her people are poor and hungry and people like this are demanding reparations from people in Britain for something which happened 200 years before they were born. Britain hasn't ruled India in almost 80 years now, it's high time they took responsibility for the problems they have created themselves instead of blaming the usual scapegoat, Britain.

@thomsboys77 - 23.08.2023 02:33

🇮🇳= 💩

@SinCosTan1by0 - 21.08.2023 08:37

well i wanna add something.when the missionaries(M) reached Africa,they met the Natives(N).the M said lets pray.before the prayer started,the M had the bible while the N had the land.after the prayers ended.the M had the land while the N had the bible.

@lalitharavindran - 04.08.2023 19:21

What a wonderful thinker and writer who can make his point so articulately.

@user-qo5qu4wn8k - 04.08.2023 06:53

This man has a different karisma👍🏻👍🏻 and charm

@darkzeus28 - 30.07.2023 20:48

Andy Murray listen up

@pulinparekh5149 - 11.07.2023 00:28

I don’t think UK has to apologize.

200-250yrs ago our kings surrendered them self to British Govt
Britishers came India to Rule the Country and thats what they did
How you can expect favours from those people who are ruling you just to loot you.

@owaiskhan1017 - 09.07.2023 11:22

What does it mean to be strategic partner of usa in south asia , while you face china ?

@SeeLight222 - 01.06.2023 16:25

Apology means nothing to mere talkers. They will dish out any number. Ask for things that hurt them plenty. The return of the looted and lifted stuff, or cash in equivalent weight/value. Lol!!!

@Anonymous-pb9kq - 22.05.2023 21:03

Their is no benefit of demanding apologies, it's like a boy slapped you and you are demanding apologies.
But I respect you Shashi sir, you are a gem ❤

@Anonymous-pb9kq - 22.05.2023 21:02

Still they haven't apologized....

@User786_SG - 27.04.2023 10:51

Please also ask Mughal lovers from your party to apologise as well.
Please also ask your muslim politicians you bow to ..to apologise for depriving Hindus of their right to Hindu Rashtra..

@ck-wt7ug - 04.04.2023 01:01

That's why I have great respect for Germans. They acknowledge their wrong. But not all countries do it like...

@banana8884 - 24.03.2023 03:39

Holy ShiT this guy can speak !

@davidatkinson5858 - 20.03.2023 12:33

Lol I take it this Muppet is a descendent of the parasitic grifter ruling class worms that benefited from the three hundred thousand years old brutal despotic racially motivated apartheid caste system that British colonialism destroyed?. Karen😂😂

@mukeshkadkol4759 - 08.03.2023 10:20

He did not say anything against current rule of BJP/ Modi beside being in the opposition ,very professional stand ,patriotic 🙏🙏🙏🙏

@jlcdrivewayramps7343 - 07.03.2023 01:28

The quintessence of being eloquent....

@bobk480 - 05.03.2023 08:32

Brits are losers so are Indians

@thirushaun1096 - 05.03.2023 07:44

Brits will pay soon for their greediness

@Av-xp1lx - 13.02.2023 00:42

Genocidal, warmongering Britain is arguably the most evil nation/union/kingdom in the history of the world. BRITAIN HAS COMMITTED GENOCIDES ACROSS FIVE CONTINENTS (from neighbouring Ireland in Europe to North America to Africa to Asia to Oceania), a fact they shamelessly continue to deny.

Britain has committed so many crimes against humanity (and crimes against the planet), it would take several volumes of books to explain their countless acts of cruelty.

Britain (and it's predecessor state) has committed multiple genocides in neighbouring Ireland, from the Cromwellian conquest of Ireland to the Great Irish famine/genocide to the murdering and torturing of Irish Republicans by the Black and Tans to murdering innocent civilians in the Dublin Monaghan bombings and the civilians gunned down in two Bloody Sundays in Ireland (google all of it).

Britain was the second largest enslaver in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, a trade which resulted in the deaths of millions of African slaves as they were treated like cattle and worked to near death. Britain abolished slavery after paying reparations not to the slaves but to the slave owners!!!. Britain continued with slavery in another name with indentured labour, where the plight of the labourers was no better than that of the slaves. Britain maintained concentration camps in the Boer War where tens of thousands of men, women and children perished (google 'Boer war concentration camp'). Britain committed genocide in the 1950s in Kenya (google 'Caroline Elkins Imperial Reckoning'). In addition to committing slavery and genocide in Africa, Britain looted the resources of several African countries and stole away countless valuable artefacts, artefacts which the British Museum shamelessly continues to possess.

During their rule in India, Britain siphoned off 45 trillions dollars in today's money (watch the VICE video on it). Hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Indian rebels were tortured and murdered in the aftermath of the 1857 war of independence (entire rebel towns were 'cleansed'). Tens of millions of Indians starved to death during the dozens of famines as the inhumane British rulers looked away. In modern day Sri Lanka, in the aftermath of the Uva rebellion, the entire male population was put to death (google 'Uva rebellion'). The Bengal Famine of 1943 was genocide committed by a genocidal racist bastard called Winston Churchill (google 'Madhushree Mukherjee Churchill's Secret War'). The British murdered countless innocent civilians in massacres like Jallianwala Bagh massacre, Quissa Khwani Bazaar massacre, Pathorughat Massacre (google them all; these are the ones we know of, imagine the countless massacres Britain destroyed all records of). British forces murdered tens of thousands of Indians during the Quit India movement. In China, Britain fought the Opium Wars. Britain also used 'divide and rule' to turn different groups against each other. Btw, all the railways, ports, infrastructure Britain built in India were to help them transport the resources it stole.

Britain committed genocide in North America (google 'small pox infected blanket).

Britain committed genocide in Oceania (google 'British genocide in Australia').

If you thought that was all in the distant past, think of the Iraq War in 2003 twenty years ago where the UK illegally invaded and killed thousands of Iraqis. Also think of the bombing of Libya by British warplanes, the funding of Al Nusra by Britain (google 'Britain Al Nusra').

Britain is a shameless, genocidal, warmongering nation that continues to deny, deflect and obfuscate it's countless crimes against humanity.

@Meenapehelwaan - 26.01.2023 14:16

Why only Hitle** ...Churchill far more evil...TGSNT ..The greatest story never told!!!

@Meenapehelwaan - 26.01.2023 14:15

The respected PM material of India... Proud of you Sir.. @Shashitharoor

@hs-pj8ho - 23.01.2023 23:21

Why dont the british teach this history at school in the Uk its a important part of history.

@balsonnaoshekpam6240 - 18.01.2023 18:27

Great man

@howardmotley2104 - 09.01.2023 14:26

Every Continent the British have left a footprint, it devastated the original indigenous people of America and India, Australia, North Africa, Canada, I could go on with other countries but its evident where they've been, when they preach and practice hate and racism, it ends up destroying the host in time, this is why Africa does business with China today, because of the colonial disregard and disrespect, this is why the Anglo people will loose their evil grip from the world, but we can be sure that the Anglo people will sacrifice us all to continue to control, these words I speak are self evident and true.
