Why do people use macOS?

Why do people use macOS?

Chris Titus Tech

3 года назад

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Slob - 18.09.2023 16:09

It’s a good focus os because there’s not a lot of fluff and the top level stuff is really easy

Hiking Feral
Hiking Feral - 17.09.2023 00:13

When it comes to natural scrolling I actually need it on laptop touchpad but hate it on a mouse. On laptop I m thinking of moving the window up but using a mouse I'm thinking of moving the content down. I don't know why, maybe the first touchpad I ever used had that and now I need it or it feels weird.

Gagan Gurung
Gagan Gurung - 13.09.2023 06:53

Linux > Mac > windows

Catoflado - 06.09.2023 07:32

MacOS is paying for having a worse Linux

Phan Plan
Phan Plan - 05.09.2023 22:16

I know the exact reason...
They are rich idiots

Eddie O'Connor
Eddie O'Connor - 05.09.2023 10:05

Because they don't know any better?
Because they're "simple"?....
Because it all they know?.....
Because that's what they used in college?....
Because they don't know why?....

Take your pick.......I was once a Windows user...until Fedora showed me "The Enlightened Path"...LoL!

Bill - 02.09.2023 09:55

Max OS is the best 😊

yanasitta - 05.08.2023 03:50

Because they like being forced to buy new hardware after updates have crippled their OS and have little backward compatibility.

Nguyen Dan
Nguyen Dan - 04.08.2023 22:22

The only reason I use macOS is that I can't develop macOS/iOS applications using the other OS

WayNKG - 04.08.2023 07:12

because genie minimize animation

Carsten - 02.08.2023 00:10

The "natural" mouse was an idea by Steve Job if I remember right. If you scroll up it goes up and down if you scroll down. It is more logical I think but weird for users of Windows and Linux. How you said right you can change this in the settings. The best thing is the hardware not the software. Apple hardware was always ahead. It was like a dream to run Linux on silicon Macs because they are so fast and reliable these days.

DigitalRanger - 15.07.2023 03:10

Seems more of a Why Linux Users Like Macs video.

Darth Negative Hunter
Darth Negative Hunter - 12.06.2023 00:06

from a developer perspective, i can't find the answer WHY developers don't fight it.

RIDHO TECH - 08.06.2023 16:26

For me has windows user i don't care if people said which one is better between windows or mac and someone said mac is good than windows. or windows is good than mac. But to be honest for me, windows and mac always amazing. Because both company between microsoft and apple they have pros and cons. For example, microsoft maybe good in software but they aren't good on hardware or the ecosystem just like apple. And apple maybe good on ecosystem, software and maybe not good just like windows have like pricing, software, gaming or something. But between apple and microsoft are amazing. And they're great company and always change our productivity and our life. Love apple and microsoft

Vlad Artiomav
Vlad Artiomav - 05.06.2023 19:53

I started on Win XP back in 2005. Was doing some web design and bit of coding. Then music, since 2007.

Quickly I was interested by Linux, I tried various distros like Ubuntu, Suse, Mandriva etc. But something was always missing. The big point was music creation tools.
So I heard of Mac OS and how it was great and blablabla. Was skeptical. I didn't have enough money at that time to buy a Mac. But I saw it was possible to install Mac OS on an Intel PC Hardware. My Hackintosh journey begun 😄

I loved the overall feel and graphical cleanness and experience of the OS (for that time it was honestly the best and the most fluid), with the terminal and the Unix. Then I bought a white MacBook (2008 model I think). Then I got the aluminum unibody one. I loved I!. I had my Unix like tools and my design and music creation apps.

Then in 2014 I started my photography and videography journey. After a quick experience on Adobe Premiere I quickly started to use Final Cut Pro X. The question to go back to Windows or Linux as a daily driver was not even in the air 😄 I got my MacBook Air as a secondary computer and a Hackintosh Intel PC as my main machine.

With the arrival of Apple Silicon, I sold the Hackintosh PC and gone full M1 Pro 16" Macbook. It's silent, sleek, the battery works for hours, the HDR monitor is phenomenal for video and design work! And bla-bla-bla, everything you probably already know about these devices. In short, to unlock the full potential of Mac OS you really need to use an Apple device. Cause like you mentioned in the video, the "natural scrolling", with a traditional PC mouse is just a joke.

At the beginning of the last year (2022) I started another journey! Yes I will never stop I think 😂
I started my 3D animation/design journey. I tried to use my Macbook with Cinema 4D. It was a nice experience, GUI wise, but for now the rendering (the process which consists of exporting a photorealistic image) speed is really far away from what NVIDIA can do with their Ray Tracing cores.
So I made a pretty well spect PC workstation with a 16 core Ryzen CPU, 64GB of RAM and an RTX 3090.
I used Windows 11 for one year now. As a Mac user, I actually kinda loved the new taskbar with the icons in the middle, cause it really reminds me of Mac OS 😄

I tried some 3D creation apps, like Cinema 4D, Houdini and Blender. And then I saw that Houdini and (obviously) Blender was available on Linux. As I was never really a Windows guy, I decided to try the new Linux world that I leaved for about a decade now (as a desktop daily driver). I Installed Fedora 38, and now I successfully use Blender and Houdini as a 3D artist. I like this new journey on my PC and think of ditching Windows completely. But I thinks I still need to have it, mainly because of SolidWorks and Cinema 4D, the 2 programs I can't have on Linux, even if I found some alternatives.
Linux has made a long way, to the point where many professional apps are now available, like Davinci Resolve, Blender, SideFX Houdini, Autodesk Maya, Bitwig Studio and so on. You even have Adobe Substance Painter/Designer. The only thing that is missing is Photoshop and Illustrator for me. Or Affinity suite.

But definitely for a laptop use, until now, I can't find a more comfortable machine than a Macbook.

What I realize now after all these years is that:
- With Linux, you get the freedom, but only if you're willing to put in some work and time.
- With Apple and Mac OS, you get the convenience, fluid user experience and optimized performance and all of that out of the box! It's really important for a mobile device. Especially the software + hardware optimization part.

Joel A.K.A.B
Joel A.K.A.B - 31.05.2023 10:27

Chris T, do you have a link to download the libiomp5 library?

Boki Boki
Boki Boki - 23.05.2023 08:22

A mac can do anything Linux can do and better. Homebrew is so much more stable than any linux package manager. Plus it can run photoshop and XCode. I have used FreeBSD and Debian for development, after switching to MacOS, literally no more installation related issues.

Azeri Ultranationalist
Azeri Ultranationalist - 07.05.2023 20:44

7,000th like :)

KangoV - 06.05.2023 23:33

I'm forced to use MacOSX for work. It sucks balls.

bob smith
bob smith - 28.04.2023 21:10

Looking at it now as someone who has been in linux over 20 years and Mac for the last 5 year Windows looks like the kids toy

kdato - 26.04.2023 12:38

My computer journey is DOS --> Windows --> Linux + Macbook (curiosity, M1 chip). Macs are definitely WEIRD! It's all about looks and style IMO, and getting the M1 was an expensive mistake. Am waiting for the Asahi Linux project to get ready.

DanielPasten - 25.04.2023 00:18

It’s just better

Homer Jones
Homer Jones - 22.04.2023 10:52

Been a Mac user since '86 and frankly you reviewed a snapshot in time of the Mac and don't come close to understanding what it's about. For IT managers, a MBA beats the pants off of everything else and in addition you can run all the major Linux distros even on ARM in a low resource VMs. You get the benefit of yrs of developer experience in many GUI mgmt apps while also being able to run all the CLI and TUI stuff. For $15/month I can get a SetApp account and run tens of different mgmt apps and IOS apps on 4 Macs and 4 IOS devices.

Homer Jones
Homer Jones - 22.04.2023 10:45

In a GUI, Command been around longer than Control

Simon Riley
Simon Riley - 21.04.2023 14:19

Can't go through all 14 mins of the video. Can anyone confirm if it's because they're rich?

Shadwell72 - 12.04.2023 14:26

Because it's the only version of Linux that has a standard binary model. Jobs took everything bad about Linux, and did what the Linux tinkerers didn't want to do: FIX IT. It really is that simple. If developers have no way of reliably packaging their apps - other than releasing the source - then it's dead in the water.

Mr. Moto
Mr. Moto - 10.04.2023 18:16

Lifetime windows user, got into Linux when my brother gave me his old Ivy Bridge computer around 2020. After Windows 7 went EOL I went to Linux Lite, to Linux Mint, to Manajro and now Arco Linux on my main desktop. I recently bought my first Macbook about 2 weeks ago and so far ive fallen in love with the stability and tight integration of the apple ecosystem. My only windows machine now is my old thinkpad x260 on Windows 7 and thats only to run a diagnostic program for my truck that wont run on Linux. Ill never leave Linux but ill never go back to Windows!

Paweł H.
Paweł H. - 31.03.2023 20:17

challange good but I can't really get it why you say miocrosoft store is not used. I using it relly well I adore it. Every day.. How did you install mac is first case. We can't do it actually any device beside MAC. Or Virtual machine.Still good work thank nice

Frosch Freak
Frosch Freak - 27.03.2023 17:28

Apple eco system helps me a lot to concentrate on work and not compatibility issues, update issues and so on. Tried windows and it was a horrible experience.

Romeo Mariano
Romeo Mariano - 27.03.2023 04:10

Creating macros in MacOS is so much easier than on Windows.

Allan Nyholm Nielsen
Allan Nyholm Nielsen - 26.03.2023 20:30

Good thing these are all your own experiences with macOS - then the rest of us can enjoy it and not complain. It's hard to take anything you say seriously when you're out of your element such as with macOS.
Seems to me you're having a much harder time adapting than you probably tell yourself each night before you go to sleep.

Ray The Video Guy - Video Marketing For All
Ray The Video Guy - Video Marketing For All - 25.03.2023 19:28

Hmmmm.... let's see. Maybe 8 billion virus, spyware, adware and ransomware infections, decades of buggy Windows releases, crashes, hardware incompatibilities, and blue screens of death have something to do with it. Fortunately for MS, they have Stockholm Syndrome that helps keep their business running.

Neclar - 23.03.2023 18:24

Why do russians not get involved in politics and let Putin do all the work?
Same reason

crackpotfox - 19.03.2023 16:17

There's only two reasons people use macOS: As a status symbol, or because they're brutally unintelligent.

SoM1 - 03.03.2023 18:07

b o r i n g

Disnaut - 01.03.2023 21:46

With regards to gaming, Mac's will eventually be able to be gaming machines since a lot of game dev's have expressed how hard it is to optimize for PC's that have various different configurations. IIRC that is what they did with Elden Ring, which was make it for consoles, then port it over to PC. Granted that had issues at launch, but it reduced development time from what I can remember. I'm not defending their appstore by any means, but they will have their own boosts in terms of gaming in the future.

Jonas Keep Author
Jonas Keep Author - 10.02.2023 17:03

There seem to be two opinions on MacOS in the comments, people who just want stuff to work without having to do anything to tweak their system for their preferences, and people who heavily tweak it to make it basically linux.

Jonas Keep Author
Jonas Keep Author - 10.02.2023 16:59

I've found that gnome software is much better made than the apple app store, but, the software selection in linux seems to be pretty poor.

David - 01.02.2023 07:51

Having used Mac OS for 15+ years, I found switching to Linux, much much easier, than switching to Windows. A lot of the Unix conventions are very similar to Linux.

redgt - 28.01.2023 04:57

coming to macos from linux, was pleasantly surprised to find all of my linux software ran natively on macos
i gave it a bad rap over the years because i never owned a mac, and hackintosh has always been kinda wonky with support.
but now that i'm using an older macbook, i already have to use tools like opencore legacy patcher to run the latest macos, so this will likely become a linux machine in the next few years.

Christian Hansson
Christian Hansson - 25.01.2023 20:50

"And photoshop works in macOS" 🙂

TubeAuthority - 15.01.2023 15:49

Why people do not use mac os?

Vladislav Karas'
Vladislav Karas' - 30.12.2022 21:19

Thanks for the video!

Sillybits - 13.12.2022 21:32

Mac has always been and stil is very strong for music production. Very popular programs like Logic (now for Mac only) and Ableton (Windows and Mac) are not available for Linux, if they would, I had no problem leaving Mac behind like Windows long before.

SlabAllStarz™️ Chopped And Screwed
SlabAllStarz™️ Chopped And Screwed - 11.12.2022 22:30

Ive always wondered WHY. Because it seems everything is made for Windows, Also GAMING just isnt a Thing on Mac it seems also!

bri-ish man
bri-ish man - 10.12.2022 13:54

nice i would like to see what is like to use the shitty OS

DislikeButton - 06.12.2022 17:42

It’s kinda like Linux but so simple the average person can use it. Also, it has a tone of apps that you can’t get in Linux. Like photoshop. Windows is so fragile and I only use it for gaming.

☠  Shaheed
☠ Shaheed - 01.12.2022 12:08

what a load of rubbish.
