iPad Email App Showdown: Unveiling the Best Email App for Productivity! | iPad Tips and Tricks

iPad Email App Showdown: Unveiling the Best Email App for Productivity! | iPad Tips and Tricks

Matt Keil

11 месяцев назад

5,540 Просмотров

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@faustus67 - 01.10.2023 13:55

Good video! I keep trying Spark then going back to Apple Mail. The generative AI though might finally get me to switch. I hate Outlook - my work forces me to use it, but it’s clunky and cluttered at best. I work in a PC environment as a Mac / iPAd user so they don’t understand how important integrating everything is. The calendar side is ok (though I have ended up copying my work calendar into my Apple calendar). Looking forward to watching more of your videos!

@justinbradley2363 - 17.07.2023 02:08

Great video. The outlook signature complaint is wrong - that was one of my gripes for a long time because my work forced me to use the app, but I can insert photos and full rich text customization. They also allow html support. Worth checking back on that point. 😊
