i'm still in love with you and i hate myself for it | sad multifandom

i'm still in love with you and i hate myself for it | sad multifandom


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Top Gunn
Top Gunn - 29.09.2023 12:32

It’s over

SPAM118PEBS - 20.09.2023 01:40

Courtney cox has literally no idea how stunning she was throughout friends. And in the scene in this video..... Wow. She's painfully attractive.


The saddest part with all these clips is that these people are 10’s and have all this pain. People like me who don’t even make it on the scale, how the hell are we suppose to make it. I am no Prince Charming, no dream boat, not even a 1. Hell Quasimoto was able to find love. I found a beautiful funny charming woman did everything and was told take it back when I propose. Told she doesn’t love me that it fade away. Basically 4 years of my life was nothing but a lie

Bryson Sappington
Bryson Sappington - 30.08.2023 07:29

Im still in love with her and i hate it. I know i wont ever lose all the feelings, no matter how much i try. I hate it bc im with the most amazing girl in the world rn and i want to be hers alone. I dont want to be torn like this

hades legion12
hades legion12 - 24.08.2023 06:56

I fell like I can’t keep going my heart and soul broke beyond repair because I wanted to go out with a girl but she was moving so all I had asked for was to go out to prom with her but she said no because she didn’t want to hurt my ex’s feelings but when the time came she went to prom with her

Kiwi_leader - 20.08.2023 01:04

is it only me or are all the boys getting hurt?

Hamid Ismat
Hamid Ismat - 20.08.2023 00:36

Fight for your love.

Pepega Gameplay Channel
Pepega Gameplay Channel - 14.08.2023 23:35

Love enters and totally fucks up life. Bahahahahahahahaha.

Moonfizz - 10.08.2023 05:56

you can't fix a broke heart...you can only make it float...

jen jen
jen jen - 02.08.2023 23:12

It's dumb luck

Mac D
Mac D - 12.07.2023 05:44

The very last one…….f**kkkkkkk!

Dexterity - 20.06.2023 10:42

big sad :(

Ri Ya
Ri Ya - 11.06.2023 10:17

Forgive and forget.

Alastair - 02.06.2023 18:04

A few years ago I made a friend, it was at a time when I really needed a friend. She was kind, caring and ALL i ever wanted was to be friends, however my heart had different ideas. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and I had to say goodbye to her because I knew she did not feel the same, I explained why I had to leave, I was at least brave enough for that.

Alexa Evans
Alexa Evans - 15.05.2023 08:58

falling in love with ur brothers friend you’ve known ur whole life, watching him get his first girlfriend and treating her like you always wished he’d treat u is heartbreaking.

Light - 07.05.2023 13:08

Just venting, don't mind me lol

I fell for one of my friends and he told me he liked me back. Straight after he said he didn't think it would work out and that we should just get over our feelings and move on. He didn't want to even try and of course my first thought was 'Why won't you try for me? Why won't you fight with me? Am I not good enough for you?' I had so many questions, but yes I understand that he doesn't have to be with me if he doesn't want to, but why the hell did he get to decide that all by himself? Why even bother telling me about his feelings if he was going to throw them away anyway?
I watched him meet another girl, invite her to things we used to always do alone and then they started doing them alone. I was no longer invited. I watched him grow distant, spending more time with this girl he had only known for a month than with me. Of course I was jealous. I was angry. I was upset. I wanted him to reach out just so I could tell him to piss off. I wanted him to prove to me that he didn't like her even though whether he did or didn't was none of my business, nor would it change anything. The last thing I wanted to do was burden him with my feelings. I didn't want to cause him trouble. He could tell I was hurting and would reach out to me again and again. The part of me that was his friend before I fell for him appreciated it, but the majority of my being, the part that was in love with him, just couldn't bear it. I pretended for weeks to not care, took my distance in small amounts so I could try to get over him. Then he'd reach out and I would hang out with him so he didn't think anything was wrong, but the entire time I was sat there with lead in my stomach.

Every time I heard his voice it sent me back into this spiral of loving him and wanting him to tell me there was no one else in the world for him and then I would get sad, knowing that he never would and he was probably thinking the same things about her that he once did about me.
I felt so guilty.
I hated this girl who did nothing wrong. I'm sure she's lovely. I'm sure she's smart and kind and beautiful. I bet she makes him laugh, makes him happy. If I were selfless, I would wish them well and hope he finds happiness with her, but i'm selfish.
I wanted so badly for him to choose me.

I think i'm starting to get over him. Slowly.
I still think about him but not as much as I used to. I'm taking some time now and if he messages me I will not answer.

I've deconstructed the false version of him I had created in my head. I see his flaws and now I don't want him. I still love him, of course I do. I know that if I were to be with him, I wouldn't be comfortable. I spend so much time guessing what he's thinking. He refuses to clarify things when I ask or tell me his opinion. I'm always the one coming up with things to do. He expects me to be so forthcoming with my feelings and to tell him everything when i'm feeling bad, but he tells me nothing in return.
I need more openness in a partner. I am too anxious to be left to guess how my partner is feeling or what he meant by something. I need honesty. I need fairness. I need someone with patience and understanding. He's a good friend, but as a boyfriend? I think I would lose my mind.

A - 14.04.2023 20:53

most people aren't afraid of saying the phrase 'i love you' to someone, they're afraid they might not be loved back💔

Funny SNAIL - 08.04.2023 01:57


TaehyungAsMyClassmate - 17.03.2023 10:49

I don't want to waste my time on one sided love

No hope no reciprocation nothing

I don't wanna hate
But don't wanna love anymore
one sided love
Sounds selfish huh
Though it's the most beautiful feeling to cheer up but at the same time it's also the most painful feeling to kill you inside

I don't wanna die everyday

Bcz I have this one freaking life to enjoy and so I don't wanna ruin my life with despair

I need to be selfish to forget what I feeling for the person I used to love and just move on .

Work with consistency and hardship to deal with daily struggles and reach goals
Someday my one sided love feelings will fade away and turn into a distant blurry memory !

NeverSuicidalRefusingtoclosethebook - 06.03.2023 17:54

People are fuckin' assholes.

Robyn - 03.03.2023 01:30


julie montego
julie montego - 01.03.2023 06:37

I told him I loved him and he said I wish I felt the same but I don't my heart feels like it's been ripped out and brun black

AJ Cockrell
AJ Cockrell - 13.02.2023 07:17

I told a girl I’ve liked for a bout a year that I love her. And I told her how beautiful and sweet and perfect she was. She told me she doesn’t know how she feels . And I feel broken . It hurts so bad to tell someone you love them and they don’t love you back . Throwing your heart out there and getting it shattered . And getting the pieces grinded up. I don’t know what to do. So if anyone has advice for me . Please tell me.

Kimberley - 16.01.2023 05:33

It’s just dumb luck indeed.

Sosomra - 14.01.2023 22:30

"I'm still in love to you and I hate myself for it"
Jeez It's exactly same what i say inside when i see my friend who is taken...

Dhope yinyang
Dhope yinyang - 14.01.2023 21:22

"Just dumb luck" finally some truth in this wacky experience 😤

JustinChristoph - 20.12.2022 07:25

There is a reason why there are so many romance novels around. Love is considered so special because love doesn't happen to everyone... or at least it isn't always returned. But we still want to believe. We spend our lives hoping that it will happen like that. But lasting love is two people who have compromised enough to become something both can live with without thinking that they compromised everything to make it work and received little in return.

Tony Neto
Tony Neto - 11.12.2022 08:07

We do not forget... Just Go on with all that pain inside us...

Dipit chaudri Bengalu
Dipit chaudri Bengalu - 01.12.2022 13:08

When you are in love u can't help yourself
And when she leaves from ur life u can't help yourself being pessimistic even if u know that's wrong

Maria Koutretsi
Maria Koutretsi - 27.11.2022 14:14

what is the name of the last couple and from what show are they?

Versa Holubec FBI nt into human traffick Frm KC MO
Versa Holubec FBI nt into human traffick Frm KC MO - 26.11.2022 10:07

I feel like I've been made into a fool. He could have sent me a message on WhatsApp or phone number to let me know. Just someone that has so much in common with me also everything else. The only thing is I can't keep feeding into something that doesn't exist are believing in something that's not in reality.

abstract - 24.11.2022 11:31

Love really is just dumb luck.

SAVAD - 22.11.2022 18:40

One scene from this video hit my heart and make me cry that lady kissing infront of his ex lover. Unbearable pain, i wish no one have situation like like. Guys i would like to know which movie scene is that ?

OoctboO - 22.11.2022 10:45

that Otis speech is priceless

Gonourakuto alma
Gonourakuto alma - 21.11.2022 20:15

the vid is sad and good but the gray screen that appears whenever something tragic happens makes me laugh really hard cause it remind me of gta death screen lol

Raj HarsH
Raj HarsH - 21.11.2022 19:30

when the HANNAH - CLAY scene came :::: GOOSEBUMPS !!

cheeese chilly
cheeese chilly - 21.11.2022 00:10

It's not about the grand gestures , it's just pure dumb luck. Love was supposed to be this awesome thing and now it's just killing me.

LAUNDA🗿 - 19.11.2022 15:19

Anyone? 🥺

Abhay Upadhyay
Abhay Upadhyay - 17.11.2022 17:53

Funny how in most of the scenes guys are the one that end up getting broken

Fashion of JSR
Fashion of JSR - 15.11.2022 13:29

How does the maker of this video went through putting these scenes together!!?? Hats off !!

boss - 13.11.2022 04:18

I m sorry guys we are never treated well.

baby carrot
baby carrot - 13.11.2022 04:17

Yes. ... I Do .
But icant keep chasing after u

baby carrot
baby carrot - 13.11.2022 04:16


Великий дипти࿐★
Великий дипти࿐★ - 11.11.2022 21:14

Never fall in love it's so hard seriously please don't fall in love with anyone
