How to Make SVG Files to Sell on Etsy - Etsy Passive Income [Selling SVG Files Made Easy]

How to Make SVG Files to Sell on Etsy - Etsy Passive Income [Selling SVG Files Made Easy]


4 года назад

69,094 Просмотров

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@InvestWithQueenie - 19.07.2020 11:24

Awesome content well done 🌟

@denawebster7287 - 14.08.2020 18:01

I’ve used Cricut Design Space, but never Silhouette. I design using illustrator. Can I use the Silhouette software for free so that I can test my images? Once a simple image is ready to go, how do I prepare them for my Etsy shop. Do you have a video that shows that process?

@HisWifey0507 - 22.09.2020 22:28

Did i miss the part where she showed how to upload to sell on Etsy?

@glamourknicks3965 - 23.09.2020 23:17

So I created a file on ink scape what are the differences between inscape SVG, plain SVG, compress ink scape SVG and so forth. Which one would I choose to upload on Etsy as a digital file

@monicab28 - 25.09.2020 21:51

I use Illustrator to make mine.

@monicab28 - 25.09.2020 23:11

So do you want to have each different line cut out separately? I have been trying to make sure all of my lines and everything goes into Cricut so that it cuts out on one mat. Should I not be doing that?

@louisebastard2091 - 27.09.2020 13:09

love your video I am just starting to use esty for svg files tied of working in a factory :) tried the t shirt did not sell one

@ema8909 - 05.10.2020 05:24

Does this happen with text svg that we create on Canva? If so, how do I "weld" the text so cricut properly cuts? Tyia

@Shadowstorm612 - 19.10.2020 07:18

Can you just do all of this in Silhouette Studio without having to go into Inkscape?

@erinrcross - 19.02.2021 00:34

help why cant i open inkscape svgs in silhoughette? and for that matter i do need to use convertio to get cricut to open them too often... help, for two hours i have been working on this with you and im only at the 3 minute time stamp. you saved it real quick but i didnt see your file path or extension. which svg or extensions offered by inkspace are the right ones?

@kikibassett-farrell4957 - 29.03.2021 15:21

What do I do if my image wont go onto design space.
It says "The uploaded SVG contained the following items that are not supported: Unsupported image type"

@phongsakornphongsuwan7220 - 10.05.2021 17:54

thank you I'm learning to create svg file for sell on etsy

@Lololalolita - 15.06.2021 01:33

Do we have to pay for using the font?

@mohammadgiasuddin5966 - 19.07.2021 08:18

beautiful tutorial

@SaraiRivka - 19.07.2021 20:48

So if I buy commercial use fonts. I can use them to create svg files to sell on Etsy?

@nohemiguerrero9807 - 20.07.2021 03:57

Thank you I was wanting to know how to start selling SVGS because I love designing things so I am truly greateful!

@vampiregoat69 - 19.08.2021 00:57

I did NOT like inkscape at all

@JelscreationsNmore - 06.09.2021 05:31

How do you save design space svgs

@jenniferjames9428 - 07.09.2021 01:12

I am a little confused. Are you doing these as a dxf file would be done? I am trying to learn about these different files and how to create them. I am using Inkscape to create these files.

@kabirsingh3959 - 07.09.2021 15:36

Competition is really tough :)

@Vonnie01223 - 15.09.2021 16:21

I have just come across your channel, I only have a critcut joy, but I wanted to make my own files, so fingers crossed, make wax melts, hoover disks etc, and want to add something more...X

@theresakidd - 13.10.2021 04:55

Thank you so much for making that so simple! 😍

@joeyleerobbins - 22.10.2021 21:06

What a great video! Thank you very much! I want to use this method to sell stuff as well as import to my CNC!

@evagonzalez7459 - 05.11.2021 01:31

For some reason it’s not working when I’m trying to do the stripes. The stars worked well. Any suggestions please?

@printswearshopbyjinky9533 - 21.12.2021 21:24

im not sure if you made a video already about the files to put in Etsy to ready to download thank you this is great great..

@ingrid3291 - 28.12.2021 10:38

Is there a way to make the size smaller in Inkscape beforehand so there aren’t issues once in design space?

@JelscreationsNmore - 26.01.2022 03:16

mine align like that it puts everything on top of each other what could be wrong and also what do we do to make it a file to sell in etsy like the svg and png and how do we watermark our work

@aliyahmitchell7536 - 03.02.2022 22:46

Love the tutorial! I am having trouble uploading to Cricut design space. It keeps telling me there are unsupported text elements. I have made the text a path, ungrouped, and unionized the text. I’ve tried multiple different times and ways it still does not work. The text looks like a path on Inkscape with nodes and all. But design space is still giving me the error

@dtwaite1 - 13.02.2022 19:37

This was so helpful! Thank you. And thank you for leaving your problem-solving section (where you were getting error messages) in the video. It's helpful to see how to worked through the issue.

@staciesimms5243 - 24.02.2022 05:00

How do you determine what fonts go well together?

@OrbWatcherCam - 04.03.2022 16:07

Thanks for sharing. I found the "snafu" very helpful and it was smart to include keep that in the video! If I run into that problem, which I'm sure I will at some point, I'll know what to do! Thank you so much!

@maygunhance882 - 14.03.2022 15:51

Cool thank you so much

@LaJoyaRachelle - 23.03.2022 17:46

Thank you!

@dwightgoodman1973 - 25.03.2022 13:41

Wow 😎 thanks a million 👍🏽

@habumohamed - 27.03.2022 16:04

Can you just convert from png to svg and to sell to Etsy?

@kudew3138 - 03.04.2022 20:12

what category listing product for sell svg file im confused

@paranormaloracle-notyourmo9221 - 07.04.2022 23:12

Thanks! I'm really a noob at this but really excited to start. I have existing artwork that I want to make into printable wall art. I'm wondering if AI is better to use than PS since it's vector-based? I am more familiar with PS but have used AI here and there. I know that numbers are the lifeblood for an Engineer but they tend to shut my brain off LOL!

@nasircli - 02.06.2022 15:59

What is the font name please?

@bertussteenberg8923 - 06.06.2022 21:44

Where do you get your fonts from?

@oxxclusiivexo - 28.06.2022 17:24

Hi, I am new to this and just trying to get some knowledge and this video is great!! Thank You!

@asl8876 - 18.07.2022 15:25

how can we add fons...

@steveblanchard7800 - 21.01.2023 00:51

Why does your inkscape look so much different than mine?

@ssddddddddddddddd7310 - 06.02.2023 02:52

Hi! Thank you for this video :) Svg dosyasının çalışıp çalışmadığını kontrol edebileceğim ücretsiz bir yazılım var mı? Silhoutte business edition yazılımını kullanarak bazı hataları fark ettiniz ve düzelttiniz. Fakat o yazılım için maddi imkanlara sahip değilim :(

@michelle2534 - 21.02.2023 22:38

How do you know what fonts you are legally allowed to use to to make svgs without breaking a copywrite? I don't want to have things for sale on the internet and open myself up to being used.

@kidscartoons2166 - 18.04.2023 20:27

We have to create a zipfolder of which files? mean
(svg,Png,Dxf,Eps ,Pdf) i have create a zipfolder of all these files but after that in eps and dxf files probelm is coming of that there no file to preview can tell me please why i am facing this problem??

@ssddddddddddddddd7310 - 27.04.2023 12:02

Where do you buy the fonts? Are you buying as a bundle? How can you be sure that the place where you bought the fonts is not stealing the fonts from somewhere? For example, let's say you bought a font bundle on Etsy. The seller stole the fonts from other places and put them on Etsy. How can you be sure that this is not the case?

@MohitSharma-nj6vc - 18.05.2023 01:04

Liked and Subscribed

@ShootingStarSVG - 19.07.2020 02:54

Tell me what programs you use to create SVGs below!
