Awesome content well done 🌟
ОтветитьI’ve used Cricut Design Space, but never Silhouette. I design using illustrator. Can I use the Silhouette software for free so that I can test my images? Once a simple image is ready to go, how do I prepare them for my Etsy shop. Do you have a video that shows that process?
ОтветитьDid i miss the part where she showed how to upload to sell on Etsy?
ОтветитьSo I created a file on ink scape what are the differences between inscape SVG, plain SVG, compress ink scape SVG and so forth. Which one would I choose to upload on Etsy as a digital file
ОтветитьI use Illustrator to make mine.
ОтветитьSo do you want to have each different line cut out separately? I have been trying to make sure all of my lines and everything goes into Cricut so that it cuts out on one mat. Should I not be doing that?
Ответитьlove your video I am just starting to use esty for svg files tied of working in a factory :) tried the t shirt did not sell one
ОтветитьDoes this happen with text svg that we create on Canva? If so, how do I "weld" the text so cricut properly cuts? Tyia
ОтветитьCan you just do all of this in Silhouette Studio without having to go into Inkscape?
Ответитьhelp why cant i open inkscape svgs in silhoughette? and for that matter i do need to use convertio to get cricut to open them too often... help, for two hours i have been working on this with you and im only at the 3 minute time stamp. you saved it real quick but i didnt see your file path or extension. which svg or extensions offered by inkspace are the right ones?
ОтветитьWhat do I do if my image wont go onto design space.
It says "The uploaded SVG contained the following items that are not supported: Unsupported image type"
thank you I'm learning to create svg file for sell on etsy
ОтветитьDo we have to pay for using the font?
Ответитьbeautiful tutorial
ОтветитьSo if I buy commercial use fonts. I can use them to create svg files to sell on Etsy?
ОтветитьThank you I was wanting to know how to start selling SVGS because I love designing things so I am truly greateful!
ОтветитьI did NOT like inkscape at all
ОтветитьHow do you save design space svgs
ОтветитьI am a little confused. Are you doing these as a dxf file would be done? I am trying to learn about these different files and how to create them. I am using Inkscape to create these files.
ОтветитьCompetition is really tough :)
ОтветитьI have just come across your channel, I only have a critcut joy, but I wanted to make my own files, so fingers crossed, make wax melts, hoover disks etc, and want to add something more...X
ОтветитьThank you so much for making that so simple! 😍
ОтветитьWhat a great video! Thank you very much! I want to use this method to sell stuff as well as import to my CNC!
ОтветитьFor some reason it’s not working when I’m trying to do the stripes. The stars worked well. Any suggestions please?
Ответитьim not sure if you made a video already about the files to put in Etsy to ready to download thank you this is great great..
ОтветитьIs there a way to make the size smaller in Inkscape beforehand so there aren’t issues once in design space?
Ответитьmine align like that it puts everything on top of each other what could be wrong and also what do we do to make it a file to sell in etsy like the svg and png and how do we watermark our work
ОтветитьLove the tutorial! I am having trouble uploading to Cricut design space. It keeps telling me there are unsupported text elements. I have made the text a path, ungrouped, and unionized the text. I’ve tried multiple different times and ways it still does not work. The text looks like a path on Inkscape with nodes and all. But design space is still giving me the error
ОтветитьThis was so helpful! Thank you. And thank you for leaving your problem-solving section (where you were getting error messages) in the video. It's helpful to see how to worked through the issue.
ОтветитьHow do you determine what fonts go well together?
ОтветитьThanks for sharing. I found the "snafu" very helpful and it was smart to include keep that in the video! If I run into that problem, which I'm sure I will at some point, I'll know what to do! Thank you so much!
ОтветитьCool thank you so much
ОтветитьThank you!
ОтветитьWow 😎 thanks a million 👍🏽
ОтветитьCan you just convert from png to svg and to sell to Etsy?
Ответитьwhat category listing product for sell svg file im confused
ОтветитьThanks! I'm really a noob at this but really excited to start. I have existing artwork that I want to make into printable wall art. I'm wondering if AI is better to use than PS since it's vector-based? I am more familiar with PS but have used AI here and there. I know that numbers are the lifeblood for an Engineer but they tend to shut my brain off LOL!
ОтветитьWhat is the font name please?
ОтветитьWhere do you get your fonts from?
ОтветитьHi, I am new to this and just trying to get some knowledge and this video is great!! Thank You!
Ответитьhow can we add fons...
ОтветитьWhy does your inkscape look so much different than mine?
ОтветитьHi! Thank you for this video :) Svg dosyasının çalışıp çalışmadığını kontrol edebileceğim ücretsiz bir yazılım var mı? Silhoutte business edition yazılımını kullanarak bazı hataları fark ettiniz ve düzelttiniz. Fakat o yazılım için maddi imkanlara sahip değilim :(
ОтветитьHow do you know what fonts you are legally allowed to use to to make svgs without breaking a copywrite? I don't want to have things for sale on the internet and open myself up to being used.
ОтветитьWe have to create a zipfolder of which files? mean
(svg,Png,Dxf,Eps ,Pdf) i have create a zipfolder of all these files but after that in eps and dxf files probelm is coming of that there no file to preview can tell me please why i am facing this problem??
Where do you buy the fonts? Are you buying as a bundle? How can you be sure that the place where you bought the fonts is not stealing the fonts from somewhere? For example, let's say you bought a font bundle on Etsy. The seller stole the fonts from other places and put them on Etsy. How can you be sure that this is not the case?
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ОтветитьTell me what programs you use to create SVGs below!