We need to talk about the Minecraft community.

We need to talk about the Minecraft community.


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@everyblu - 25.12.2023 05:57

As a redditor, I can confirm we are a danger to Minecraft's community.

@ryting653 - 25.12.2023 05:37

I’m not too invested in the minecraft community, I play the game quite a bit though. As I was watching the video, I was thinking about how I just enjoy the game. I don’t keep up with updates, I don’t watch Live streams, I don’t do the mob votes. Whenever an update comes out, I might take a peek at the patch notes or something like that, might say “oh that’s cool” or “oh i’ll probably never use that” (shoutout spyglass thingys). Thanks for bringing attention to this negativity bias. Minecraft is a great game.

@WardenIsAngry - 25.12.2023 05:23

This channel's videos hit hard

@ignaciorequena9182 - 25.12.2023 05:15

This man drops pure meth in each video. Out of his fucking line, but absolutely correct. High quality. Amazing vids

@zacharytrosch3406 - 25.12.2023 04:45

100%, I can't stand all the complaining lately.

@nerdofgallant8165 - 25.12.2023 04:37

Yes. Rage will only cause problems.

No. Microsoft and Mojang cannot buy a popular game and just rest on their laurels. Minecraft is too good for that. Minecraft needs to be a labor of love, not a money printer.

@tuttosansbazuko - 25.12.2023 04:04

To me the biggest disappointment was how they didn't aknowledge the end the mob vote trend AT ALL. they either record this "lives" way in advance or they just don't care about what the community says 😔😔😔

@swordy_poke_poke6934 - 25.12.2023 04:01

Also, the community was ungrateful for what they voted for in every mob vote because of their unwise decisions. The people who participate in the mob vote should be more wise and have better opinions, and be more casual. I never participated in any mob votes, I just did not care which mob won.

@stoplight2554 - 25.12.2023 04:00

it seems like a common root of upset in the community- weather it be fireflies removal or 'why there are no sharks'- an inexplicable commitment to a level of ecological realism that does not make much sense in a game where monsters randomly spawn into reality at night. i feel like this started with parrots, when they originally ate cookies but that was altered due to them being poisonous irl

(also, gotta say the community has some weird sinophobia in the community regarding the sharks thing, always claiming they were not added because 'the chinese goverment' ect)

i suspect the real reason that fireflies never came to fruition is performance. it looks good in a demo running on good hardware, but MC is so big largely for being accessible to those with low end, cheap hardware. i dont know if a lot of lower end hardware could actually handle that many entities.

the mob vote has also been increasingly a toxicity mill. i feel like its just conceptually bad, because since every idea is workshopped knowing it has a 2/3 chance of getting the axe, its always a bit... half baked, or not in step with what the game can actually do. Take the ever hated phantom. its just bad game design- the player is most likely to encounter it early game before they obtain a bed, and it gives a drop with a late game only use. This is the kind of issue that would normally be caught, but when the team is spitballing ideas to the community, it goes unnoticed until they cant walk it back.

with both fireflies and glowsquids, you can see a communication issue between the marketing/design people. glowsquids were pitched as a 'glowing' mob, when the lighting issue just could not do that.

i think its also notable that the rise of a lot of this negativity corresponds with the death of mine-con, and more hands on in person community events

@3twibles4sweetrevenge - 25.12.2023 03:54

Agnes always looks like she's about to collapse into tears

@brandyross3912 - 25.12.2023 03:49


@SpeksYT - 25.12.2023 03:21

I hated seeing the “boycott the mob vote” thing and all the people saying it was rigged. It honestly seemed kinda entitled 🤷. There are so many game companies that don’t listen to their communities at all and I think the Minecraft community is very lucky that Mojang does (for the most part). I do think that Mojang has some issues (like not keeping promises and chat reporting), but I don’t think that’s makes them horrible. Net positive, I guess.

@isaacbrawls - 25.12.2023 02:37

Minecraft for many of us is our childhood, some of our most fond memories are us playing the game. Sometimes it’s good to go back and remember those simple times, get away from the anger and the hate, and remember why we love this game.

@NKP723 - 25.12.2023 02:32

Nothing can fix C418 being betrayed and I think that should speak for itself.

@Henrydude1 - 25.12.2023 02:27

Not gonna lie the “Minecraft is dead” statement Kina reminds me of “Forthnite is dead” huh I guess the table have turned

@christopherrodriguez7836 - 25.12.2023 02:24

Merry Christmas everyone.

@skylarkblue1 - 25.12.2023 02:15

Birch forest thing is more understandable if you know game dev. That part feels like a disconnect between players and devs. Should Mojang have made things more clear? Yeah. But concept art doesn't just get drawn up out of the blue with nothing around it, they likely did plan on focusing on it and designed that out - getting to a concept stage means a decent bit of time went into it. I wonder if they took the "be more transparent" or "I love the transparency" (about the caves and cliffs update split) and took that to mean people wanted to see more behind the scenes and more about how their design process goes - but again didn't think to clarify things that players might assume are concrete announcements.

@user-dp7pz6vc4j - 25.12.2023 02:13

I would say I'm part of those people who just enjoy minecraft as it is. I don't ask a lot from the developers as I think they have done a lot to make this game popular and enjoyable. I'm having fun with the new updates and learning how to use new stuff. Sure, it's annoying when your inventory is full but I think it's part of Minecraft. I don't want to finish the game as quick as I wan, finish a build as quick as possible and start a new world, a new build. I want to take my time, a slow time. Sure, some things are questionable, like the fireflies. But, people can make mods to add them. If the developers made everything people would want, mods wouldn't be a thing anymore and I think it's an important part of Minecraft community

@anbon4985 - 25.12.2023 02:07

but also like the mob vote got botted so idk

@killeroblivin - 25.12.2023 02:04

This is a great video, and im definitely not just saying that because it reflects my preexisting beliefs

@moobley_269 - 25.12.2023 01:57

This video is just perfect. Good job RGN!

@teslafistforge8716 - 25.12.2023 01:57

Something I want to note is that new research has shown echo chambers don't actually exist for most people on the internet, some platforms have more than others but IIRC at worst it was 10%.

@funnydotyes - 25.12.2023 01:55

Maybe when mojang announces a end update everyone will be more positive to the game
(unless they botch it)

@ariabritton9669 - 25.12.2023 01:47

one of the things that i hate that mojang does is the censorship they force nowadays. minecraft was never strictly a child's game before notch left. christ, it can trace it's origins back to the /v/ board of 4chan, if that's not proof enough. but ever since notch's departure, it seems as if they treat it like a game mainly for kids. this is not what minecraft is/was. minecraft was something for EVERYBODY. from the most depraved to the most innocent, from the old to the young. one of the whole aspects about it was the freedom to create what you wanted. the censorship of skins, chat, builds, and even mods now, along with the addition of politically-charged splashtexts, while simultaneously removing the splashtexts referencing /v/ and notch for being "too controversial" while simultaneously telling me to support PoCs for the sole reason that they're PoCs, and not based on merit, it's just disgusting. this is just ONE of my grievances with the company. and people can say "oh it's not their fault, it's microsoft!" all they want, but dammit, even if that is true, doing the evil of your superiors does not mean you do no evil. the bad guys from ww2 followed the orders of adolf, but that doesn't excuse the evil they did.
Also "it was keeping people safe from the dangers of online gaming"? are you serious right now? if you need to be "kept safe" from online game chats, then maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be online in the first place.
"people acted as if mojang removed the creeper". dude it's not an overreaction to be very concerned about a big company controlling what you say. it happens constantly. and just look at the platform we are on for example, and look at the eggshells we have to walk on here. imagine that type of censorship in MC. because if you don't fight it, that's what it will be.
"for most people, mc is just a fun relaxing game" Yeah that's what i'm saying. and having to walk on eggshells for using the chat, building, your skin, your mods, etc isn't what I, or anyone else would deem "relaxing". knowing that big brother mojang can snipe you from existence in minecraft in a millisecond just because you acted a wee bit too spicy for them is not a fun concept.
And yes, i do believe that veteran players votes should matter more than newbie player's, for the exact same reason that children don't vote; the veterans have more experience as to what would be a better feature to add to the game, far more so than the newbie players would. that is not to say that their votes should not count, but to imply that a person who just started playing MC yesterday has just as valid a reason to add a possibly game-changing feature as a decade-plus veteran does is beyond absurd.

@kooolainebulger8117 - 25.12.2023 01:40

my only gripe is with the demotion of java edition from being the primary version to a secondary edition

@draugnaustaunikunhymnphoo6978 - 25.12.2023 01:32

it's always been like this

@MrBelles104 - 25.12.2023 01:31

I feel like it's the duty of the hardcore Minecraft players to speak for everyone else because dare I say it, we truly do know everything that goes on and we need to course correct the game when bad changes are made. I'll never grow out of my disliking of the chat reporting system, but I'm thankful that the criticism we had of it made lessened the flaws it had even if it was only marginal.

@alienant501 - 25.12.2023 01:04

It's because mojang is starting to make themselves look like baby sitters for parents. Lets be honest children are toxic and when mojang adds chat reporting and more "player safety features" 🤮 then that drives the older people away, leaving only the toxic kids

@HumanoidDerpling - 25.12.2023 01:01

Is the hate completely justified? No, but it mostly is. Is the way the community at large voice their displeasure good? Mostly not.

First, 1.17. You'd think Mojang would know not to announce so many things, considering the relatively slow rate at which they (choose to or can, it's unclear which) update the game. And they can't say they didn't expect the pandemic to slow things down the way it did, because it was 2020 when Minecraft Live happened. If I were them, I would simply have announced the new cave and mountain generation, the new ore distribution, and the couple cave biomes. After all, the reason 1.16 was so loved was that it exceeded what was promised, and it was able to do that because it left things out of the announcement. Mojang isn't stupid, at least a couple employees had to realize this. So announcing that the update would be released uncompleted understandably made people mad.

Have updates released in two parts before? Yes, but not since the Adventure Update, which spanned both Beta 1.8 and the full release. But that was basically 2 updates with the same basic theme. In 1.17 several features had placeholder obtainment, or were outright unobtainable, since the generation was planned for 1.18. I remember when I was watching Hermitcraft at the time, the server actually had datapacks that added placeholder recipes for the many unavailable items. That just isn't a good look. If I were Mojang, I would simply, you know... delay the update rather than releasing it half-baked? In my opinion that's just as bad as releasing everything, but in a buggy or low quality state. It's not like the community wouldn't be able to test the features as they were being added: that's what snapshots are for.

Minecon Live 2021 would be when I would announce the Warden, as a massive cherry on top to 1.17, which in this theoretical alternate universe still isn't released. I would also announce that 1.18 would be a smaller update, containing mangrove swamps, frogs, chest boats, and fireflies. As for the firefly debacle, I would avoid it altogether by not taking an over-the-top animal preservation position that interfered with gameplay in this... game.

As for the Birch Forest, I would make it very clear that it would only come to 1.18 if the team was feeling generous. Considering how long they worked on 1.17 in this AU, 1.18 could be compared to the Buzzy Bees update, 1.15.

At the next Minecon Live, 1.19 would be announced as the inventory update. Item stacks would be increased to 256, the inventory rows (not the hotbar) would be expanded by 3 squares on both sides, adding 18 more slots to the inventory. All chests and shulker boxes would be effected as well. Sort, empty, fill, and quick stack buttons would be added to all containers, and shulker boxes would become openable in the inventory. This would also come with the birch forest update if it was not included in 1.18.

And of course, I would not add the chat reporting system. If Microsoft was the one behind it, and they were forcing me to do so, I would make that very clear, and while I might add it if the force was sufficient, I would make it clear I didn't want such a disgusting thing in the game, and would endorse any method of bypassing it. I would of course also add an appeal system, so at least if people got banned falsely they can get unbanned.

1.20 would promise a couple more biome overhauls from past votes, like the desert, and include a couple more that were not advertised. The other features from 1.20, like cherry blossoms, would be added.

And by now, we've reached 1.21, which I think Mojang has done a great job with (apart from the copper bulb change, which would not happen in this AU). I think this is a good place to end this comment, which is already extremely long. If you genuinely read to the end, thank you, and please tell me if you agree or disagree.

@ianmorr222 - 25.12.2023 00:57

I also feel like a huge problem with the community right now is thinking that only big updates can bring good content to Minecraft. When people complain and say “what happened to updates like 1.16?” They mean “what happened to updates that don’t clutter the sandbox but instead expand it?” Was 1.16 a big update? Sure! It made the tech tree larger by adding netherite and added awesome new mobs like piglins, hoglins, and striders. But why all of a sudden does there need to be a ‘big update’ in order to bring good content like 1.16? You don’t have to update a whole dimension to create useful, worthwhile additions to Minecraft.
Now by contrast, look at 1.20. Not a big update, we can all agree. But a small update can still totally bring great content.
But here’s the problem… because you cannot tell me the sniffer is a useful addition💀 Like dude. Come on. It only added literally two plants. Two plants that are decorative. Oh yeah and they craft dyes I guess. Like- okay… if Mojang wanted to give us more ways to craft dyes then why not give us a plant besides cactus to give us green dye? Nah they’ll just craft orange and cyan for no reason lol. Like- compare that to the piglin. It’s genuinely appalling these two mobs were created by the same devs. Cause piglins are EXTREMELY multi-layered: they have their own dedicated structure, they barter with the player, they have complex interactions with other mobs AND blocks, and they come in variants as well. But the camel is just horse code copy and pasted but look it can jump 5 blocks I guess!
Good updates =\= big updates. The problem with recent updates adding useless mob vote mobs is that they’ll give one feature to that mob for advertisement’s sake and then nothing else. I guarantee you they’re not gonna update the armadillo or the sniffer any more after their introductions lol. These mobs just become functions to fulfill a singular mechanic. And the proof is there because very recently they added a fucking command to give us more reach💀 like, come on man. Just. Add. The. Crab. You are already halfway there at this point.
So now the question is: are these recently added mobs worthwhile additions to the sandbox or just a function meant to house one mechanic? It’s lazy, honestly. It’s really really lazy. They have proven in the past that they can add uniquely interesting, complex mobs. It’s just so frustrating because the mob vote has gotten so much freaking traction.
That’s why people want updates like 1.16, 1.13, and 1.14 back. That’s why people have been upset about fucking mob votes and 1.19/1.20

@imnotindangerskylariamthed193 - 25.12.2023 00:51

5 words why i think its ruined: Game pass required for online play. (unless on switch or other platforms then xbox)

@stealthytank69 - 25.12.2023 00:49

welcome to the internet isn't it just so wonderful 🙂

@anitaremenarova6662 - 25.12.2023 00:45

Mob votes are such a joke. I've never had my favorite win ever and it's a terrible system where most people will walk away unhappy since the winner always has barely more than a third of all votes. Just add all of them but the winner gets an extra feature? It's that simple.

@ElliottBurton-iu7ud - 25.12.2023 00:45

I can understand that some people are so toxic about the game now but I still think that Mojang needs to step up their game. Another game I play has a smaller team of developers and is much more complicated but they release at least four updates a year crammed with amazing content. With a multibillion company and large development team I think the updates should be a lot better that the past four. We need more things like the Nether Update. That's just my opinion tho

@vulpzin - 25.12.2023 00:36

This video is amazing and kinda enlightening however the sad truth is that it won't change at all.

The community will only get worse from there considering Mojang's efforts until this gets way more mainstream or they change their behavior. Which neither will happen.

@Dragon0fDeath - 25.12.2023 00:30

My friend came to me and said lets play Minecraft! He hasn't played in over a year. We played for 20 minutes because he died 5 times to basic issues and complained that the game was too complicated. He left soon after, I just kept playing. Minecraft has always been an escape and this isn't as bad as what happened to the Sims 3

@proto_arkbit3100 - 25.12.2023 00:29

The ammount of people getting toxic and salty in the comment section about a video concerned about how toxic the community is, is pretty concerning lmao

I just play modded versions of Beta 1.7.3 and Forge 1.12.2 with my buddies and stay seperate from the rest of the community and have a cozy chill time :p

@DracoFroggo - 25.12.2023 00:27

Community can definitely be pretty shitty, but that also doesn't necessarily invalidate some of the problems. For example, Mob Vote is fucked, I hate it. If they have ideas then just put them in the game. Use the vote as a "which should we work on first" kind of thing instead of just trashing the other two with "maybe later" stuck to them.

@ethan44866 - 25.12.2023 00:16

honestly I think people online take minecraft too seriously, just enjoy the game people.

@Ray_da_real_one - 25.12.2023 00:15

Peta ruining minecraft none of these new mobs drop notin

@redactedredacted1860 - 25.12.2023 00:08

They bite the hand that feeds them. Plain and simple. Players have become too greedy. Maybe they need to just shut off those critical thinking neurons and enjoy shit for once in their miserable lives.

@motzog_ice - 25.12.2023 00:02

i accually think microsoft is doing a better job than stand-alone mojang.
that is an absolutly briliant moral way to think about this. i am hardcore, but not so much so that i go tolisten to bulcrap about mojang.
genius way to consider all of this.

@DMmeForTWWtrades - 25.12.2023 00:02

I'll go first. I kinda feel like we've become spoiled, ever since 1.16 the fandom has felt off to me I don't know how to explain it, it's just that the fandoms kind of ungrateful. Let me explain, the fandom to me has become unnecessarily critical of everything Mojang does even when its good, it's become a sort of trend to hate every new edition that's not exactly what they want and it's frustrating for someone like me who actually really enjoyed the past few updates. It seems like they one thing they don't like and spam it over and over and over again just so they can find any reason to call Mojang uncreative and trash. "SnIfFEr USeleSs" over and over again I don't know why these people ever thought a mob from the mob vote would be useful none of them have ever been particularly useful why would it change then they get mad about mobs they voted in and that's just so annoying to me. But the main thing I dislike about them is that there huge drama queens, "MiNcrAfT iS DyiNg" "miNCrafT Is uNplAyaBLe" "MOjaNG iS A terrible cOmPAnY" "miNCrafT Is RuInED" and it's all the biggest sorbet of this (sorry to curse). I could go on and on but this is starting to turning into a chaos to put it simple I don't agree with alot of the criticisms the community makes and it's made me dislike a some of the community.

Simple version here: I I I V I don't like them because I think their criticisms are bad.

@Stryker1732 - 24.12.2023 23:57

You cant stop the negativity some people out there are just gonna be unhappy about something. I have found the best thing to do is just step back from the community. Get away from all of it and experience minecraft for what it truly is. No worrying about mob votes or chat reporting or non existent. Just you and an open world free to explore, create, destroy to your hearts content.

@claireh4756 - 24.12.2023 23:47

I play on hypixel skyblock pretty casually, and there are so many high level players dissing the "nons" in chat. I've never asked what that means, because these people are toxic af. But from context it seems a non is a player that just isn't "as good" as the high level players see themselves, and is just a way to other newer players and bully them for... being new? Not having an entire wiki memorized?? It's a stark contrast to early skyblock, where players constantly helped each other and supported each other through progression. It's a bit sad

@kodeytheneko - 24.12.2023 23:41

I really think you are missing the point and generalizing a lot... chat reporting was and still is unacceptable, and I refuse to play the game on any server that doesn't use the no chat reporting plug-in (I have a mod that warns me) and I've only run into two ever.

Additionally, I find it upsetting that they release one update a year with like, maybe a biome and two mobs, when back in the day they released massive updates that were really interesting, and single dev teams making mods can create their updates in like, three days.

The mob votes also need to stop. All of the options don't feel like they fit in vanilla, especially the sniffer, and they cause everyone to argue and fight when realistically they should just release whatever they think is good.
